

姓名 张月云 性别 张月云
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 人文社科学部
学位 张月云 学历 张月云
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科研成果 研究课题 Updates 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 张月云,男,河北张家口人。现为哈尔滨工业大学人文社科与法学学院社会学系教授。先后在哈尔滨工业大学社会学系、北京大学社会学系、香港中文大学社会学系学习,并分别获得学士、硕士和博士学位。主要从事量化的社会科学研究;研究领域涉及教育社会学和人口社会学;具体研究主题侧重青少年发展、婚姻与家庭、残障与失能等。在Chinese Sociological Review、Chinese Journal of Sociology、《人口研究》、《青年研究》等中英文期刊发表论文20余篇。目前主持一项国家社科青年基金项目:中国学生课外辅导热的成因及后果研究。 讲授课程 名称 2022-2023-2 人口社会学(选修) 2023-2024-1 数据分析技术 2023-2024-1 人口社会学 教育经历 名称 2012-2015 香港中文大学 哲学博士(社会学) 2009-2012 北京大学 法学硕士(社会学) 2004-2009 哈尔滨工业大学 法学学士(社会学)、文学学士(英语) 工作经历 名称 2022- 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2017-2022 山东大学 副教授 2015-2017 山东大学 助理研究员 Personal Bio 名称 I am a Professor of Sociology at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). I obtained my PhD in Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2015. Before my formal affiliation with HIT, I worked at Shandong University from September 2015 to June 2022, first as an Assistant Professor and then as an Associate Professor. My research interests, in the past ten years, fall into the broad categories of social demography, sociology of education, and quantitative methods. I have paid attention to the phenomenon of shadow education, or private supplementary tutoring, for quite a while. Some of my thoughts on the relationship between private tutoring and educational stratification can be found in the paper titled “Family Background, Private Tutoring, and Children’s Educational Performance in Contemporary China.” (Zhang and Xie 2016) and the paper titled “Private Tutoring, Students’ Cognitive Ability and School Engagement, and the Formal Schooling Context” (Zhang 2018). I am still following this line of research. I have been highly concerned about the psychological well-being of college students in recent years, motivated mainly by my teaching experience. Quite a proportion of college students nowadays are overwhelmed by their pursuit of satisfying academic performance and satisfying body image. Some get involved in credit consumption, which sometimes carries financial risks. Some of my thoughts on the relationship between subjective body image and the psychological well-being of youth and adolescents can be found in the paper titled “Weight in the Mind: Weight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents” (Zhang et al. 2021) and the paper titled” Body Weight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese College Students” (Zhang and Liu 2021). I am still following this line of research. I have kept a longstanding interest in marriage and family. Some publications I coauthored have discussed the entry into first marriage and transition to parenthood in Chinese adults (Pitrowski et al. 2016; Tong et al. 2017). Two papers discussed the educational and psychological consequences of the sibship structure of Chinese children in the low-fertility context, and they were published in the Chinese journal Population Research (人口研究) and the Chinese journal Youth Studies (青年研究). My two recent publications have focused on the sex practices of Chinese adults occurring between marital partners (Zhang et al. 2022) and outside of exclusive marital relationships (Zhang et al. 2021). I am still following this line of research. In addition to the directions listed above, I am also concerned with the healthy aging of Chinese older adults. Some works appeared in the Chinese journal Academia Bimestrics (学海) (Zhang and Li 2018) and the Chinese journal Population and Society (人口与社会) (Zhang and Ge 2017). I am currently extending this line of research, with new topics emerging or new data generated in the digital age. I sincerely look forward to collaborations in this respect. 发表成果 名称 2023 Zhang, Yueyun. 2023. "Time Spent on Private Tutoring and Sleep Patterns of Chinese Adolescents: Evidence from a National Panel Survey" Children 10, no. 7: 1231. [IF=2.4, ranked 58/130, in category "PEDIATRICS - SCIE", in 2022] 张月云、李奇、朱凤霞. 2023. 数字“疗郁”:数字融入对老年人抑郁状况的影响[J]. 智能社会研究 (3): *-*. 2022 Zhu, F., Zhang, Y.*, Li, Q., Xu, Y., & Liu, B. (2022). Families, Schools, and the Longitudinal Changes in Psychological Distress among College Students during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a National Panel Survey in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12882. [IF=4.614, Ranked 45/182 in SSCI-category "PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH", in 2021] Zhang, Y., Wang, X.* and Pan, S. 2022. "Social class differentials in marital sex (2000-2015)" Chinese Journal of Sociology, 8(3):855-373. [SOCIOLOGY - ESCI; JIF in 2022: 0.9] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2057150X221107958 刘保中、张月云. 2022. 高等教育分流与大学生就业机会差异[J]. 青年研究(2): 41-51. 2021 Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Liu, B. and Sun, L*. 2021. "Weight in the Mind: Weight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents." Journal of Affective Disorders 278:506-14. [IF=6.533, Ranked 29/143, in category "PSYCHIATRY - SSCI", in 2021] Zhang, Y.* and Liu, B. 2021. "Body Weight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese College Students." Children and Youth Services Review 124:105969. [IF=2.519, Ranked 11/44 in category "SOCIAL WORK - SSCI", in 2021] Zhang, Y., Wang, X.* and Pan, S. 2021. "Prevalence and Patterns of Extramarital Sex among Chinese Men and Women: 2000-2015." The Journal of Sex Research 58(1):41-50. [IF=4.453, Ranked 13/112 in category "SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY - SSCI", in 2021] Zhang, Y.* and Liu, B. 2021. "Psychological Distress among Chinese College Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Does Attitude Toward Online Courses Matter?". Frontiers in Psychology 12:665525. [IF=4.342, Ranked 35/148 in category "PSYCHOLOGY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY - SSCI", in 2021] Zhang, Y., Liu, B. and Sun, L. "Association between Subjective Body Image, Body Mass Index and Psychological Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents." Healthcare, 9(10):1299. [IF=3.160, ranked 35/88 in category "HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES - SSCI", in 2021] 2019 Ge, Z and Zhang, Y.*. 2019. "Disability Status and Student Outcomes over Time in Regular Classrooms: A National Panel Survey." Children and Youth Services Review 105:104460. [IF=1.521, ranked 11/44 in category "SOCIAL WORK - SSCI", in 2019] 赵克斌、刘保中、张月云、李忠路. 2019.《社会转型中的青少年教育与发展》,北京:社会科学文献出版社。 张月云. 2019. “第9章 课外辅导”, 谢宇、张晓波、涂平、任强、黄国英《中国民生发展报告 2018-2019》,北京:北京大学出版社。 2018 Zhang, Y.*. 2018. "Private Tutoring, Students’ Cognitive Ability and School Engagement, and the Formal Schooling Context" Chinese Journal of Sociology 4(2):277-98. 张月云、李建新. 2018. 老年人失能水平与心理健康:年龄差异及社区资源的调节作用[J]. 学海(4): 65-72. 张天舒、李广、张月云、秦浩. 2018. 政治态度的异质性及其影响因素[J]. 当代世界社会主义问题(2): 154-160. 2017 Tong, Y, Piotrowski, M and Zhang, Y. 2017. "Resistant to Change? The Transition to Parenthood among Married Adults in China." Journal of Family Therapy 39(2):193-216. 张月云、同钰莹、刘保中. 2017. 独生与非独生青少年社交能力比较研究[J]. 青年研究(3): 12-20. 张月云、葛忠明. 2017. 不同残疾状况对中国老年人生活质量的影响[J]. 人口与社会(4): 33-42. 2016 Zhang, Y.* and Xie, Y. 2016. "Family Background, Private Tutoring, and Children’s Educational Performance in Contemporary China." Chinese Sociological Review 48(1):64-82. Piotrowski, M., Tong, Y., Zhang, Y. and Chao, L. 2016. "The Transition to First Marriage in China, 1966–2008: An Examination of Gender Differences in Education and Hukou Status." European Journal of Population 32(1):129-54. 2015 Xu, H, Liu, A. and Zhang, Y. 2015. "Inequality in Children’s Well-Being and Development: Evidence from a National Panel Study." Chinese Journal of Sociology 1(1):88-107. 张月云、谢宇. 2015. 低生育率背景下儿童的兄弟姐妹数, 教育资源获得与学业成绩[J]. 人口研究(4): 19-34. 刘保中、张月云、李建新. 2015. 家庭社会经济地位与青少年教育期望:父母参与的中介作用[J]. 北京大学教育评论(3): 158-176. 2014 刘保中、张月云、李建新. 2014. 社会经济地位,文化观念与家庭教育期望[J]. 青年研究(6): 46-55. 2013 张月云、黄国英、谢宇. 2013. “第4章 教育”,谢宇、张晓波、李建新、于学军、任强《中国民生发展报告 2013》,北京:北京大学出版社。 2011 李建新、苏文勇、张月云. 2011. 中国当代育龄妇女生育意愿分析——以江苏6县市调查为例[J]. 人口与社会(2):21-26. 工作论文 名称 主持项目 名称 2019. 国家社科基金青年项目:中国学生“课外辅导热”的成因及后果研究 2019. 山东省社科规划项目:全面两孩政策下中国家庭生育行为和子女教育 2019. 山东大学教学改革研究项目:大学生课堂冷漠现象调查研究 2018. 社科院重大社会调查项目委托项目:中国大学生追踪研究 2017. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:留守经历与农村儿童发展状况研究 2016. 山东大学基本科研业务经费资助项目:中国农村留守儿童发展研究 参与课题 名称 2022. 国家部委纵向课题“新业态下灵活就业对低收入家庭学生的就业影响研究 ”(负责人:林聚任) 2019. 山东大学校校合作项目“2019-2020年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)”(负责人:林聚任) 2018. 国家社科青年基金项目“新时代中国的收入分配与城乡居民的获得感和幸福感研究”(负责人:吴菲) 2018. 山东大学校政合作项目“山东省残疾人事业发展“十三五”规划中期评估 “(负责人:葛忠明) 2018. 山东大学校校合作项目“2018年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)” (负责人:谢玉喜) 2017. 山东大学校校合作项目“2017年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)” (负责人:马广海) 名称 2022-10-09 Zhu, F., Zhang, Y.*, Li, Q., Xu, Y., & Liu, B. (2022). Families, Schools, and the Longitudinal Changes in Psychological Distress among College Students during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a National Panel Survey in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12882. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/19/12882 Background: The psychological well-being of students in higher education has become an increasingly important concern in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of prior studies were cross-sectional and thereby failed to capture the individual changes in mental health over time. Moreover, few studies have explored whether and how socioeconomic and education backgrounds could be related to college students’ mental health changes. This study aimed to fill these gaps. Methods: Data were from a nationwide, two-wave panel survey of college students in China. Baseline information was collected in November 2019, i.e., before the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. A follow-up survey was conducted in November and December 2020, when the epidemic was effectively contained in mainland China. In both waves, mental health was assessed with the 10-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). The between-wave changes in psychological distress were measured and categorized. Results: Overall, 13.5% of students experienced at least a one-standard-deviation increase in psychological distress over the one-year follow-up. Results from both bivariate and multivariable analysis showed that this marked distress increase was more pronounced among vocational college students (vs. academic undergraduate and postgraduate students) and those with lower levels of academic performance. In contrast, family socioeconomic status (as measured by parental education, family economic condition, and current residence) was not associated with distress changes over time. Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of the educational disparities within the higher education system in understanding the mental health dynamics of college students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. -------------- 2022-8-5 Zhang, Y., Wang, X., & Pan, S. (2022). Social class differentials in marital sex in China (2000–2015). Chinese Journal of Sociology, 8(3), 355–373. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057150X221107958. This study examines whether and how social class matters for marital sex in China since the beginning of the 21st century. We utilize data from a national sexuality survey that has been administered at four time points: 2000, 2006, 2010, and 2015. We use a composite socioeconomic status score deriving from education, occupation, and income to distinguish between the lower class (the bottom 25%), the middle class (the middle 50%), and the upper class (the top 25%). Marital sex aspects include sexual frequency, orgasm frequency, engagement in the woman-on-top and rear-entrance coital positions, and experience with oral and anal sex. Regression results with year-fixed effects reveal significant class differentials in all aspects but anal sex. Whereas the reported sexual frequency is highest in the middle class, the engagement in various coital positions and oral sex is characterized by a positive class gradient. Temporally, we observe an upward trend in all aspects but orgasm frequency. Results from the class–year interaction effects further show that most class differentials have remained stable over the period 2000–2015. The temporal increase in sexual frequency, however, has been the greatest in the lower class but relatively negligible in the upper class. ---------------- 2022年中国人口学年会“人口与教育发展”论坛成功举办 “人口与教育发展”论坛于2022年7月22日上午举办线上腾讯会议,并同步开通线上直播。本次会议分两个单元:第一单元侧重教育,具体涉及校外学科培训、教育期望、职业教育等议题。第二单元侧重人口,具体涉及生育意愿与行为、预期寿命、行业与职业健康等议题。在会议第一单元,深圳大学政府管理学院社会学系助理教授黄国英、深圳大学政府管理学院社会学系本科毕业生刘月红和助理教授舒玢玢、广西民族大学经济学院金融系副教授李春华依次探讨了:(1)校外学科培训与学业成绩的因果效应识别;(2)出生次序对青少年教育期望的影响;(3)职业教育政策的出台对贫困县收入水平的提升作用。社科院社会学所助理研究员刘保中对教育单元的全部报告作了细致全面的小结评议。在会议第二单元,哈尔滨工程大学人文社会科学学院社会学系副教授张浩、北京大学社会学系博士生秋丽雅、北京大学人口所博士后张新辉、山东大学哲学与社会发展学院社会学系本科毕业生潘卉晴依次探讨了:(1)雇主性质对育龄人群二孩生育意愿的影响;(2)教育水平对二孩生育行为的影响机制;(3)中国省域平均预期寿命与经济社会协调发展关系的时空演化;(4)非正规就业的心理健康后果。复旦大学人口所副教授骆为祥对人口单元的全部报告作了细致全面的小结评议。论坛报告和评议都展现了较高的学术水平。会议吸引了来自腾讯会议平台和线上直播平台约75名参与者。 “人口与教育发展”自主论坛由北京大学社会学系李建新教授倡议发起,并于2021年中国人口学年会(贵阳)成功举办第一届会议。本次会议由哈尔滨工业大学社会学系教授张月云、复旦大学人口所副教授骆为祥和中国社会科学院社会学所助理研究员刘保中联合主办。 ------- 高等教育分流与大学生就业机会差异(刘保中、张月云,2022):基于2019年、2020年“中国大学生追踪调查”数据,分析高等教育分流对大学生就业机会的影响。研究发现,高等教育分流给大学生就业机会带来“好上加好、差上加差”的叠加效应。具体来说,相比于高职院校和层级较低院校,本科院校和层级较高院校大学生更可能进入体制内单位工作、收入更高;相比于理工类专业,社科类专业大学生进入体制内单位工作的可能性更低,人文类专业大学生收入更低;家庭背景对不同类型学校和专业大学生就业机会的影响存在差异,非重点院校、人文类专业大学生在获得更高收入的工作机会时更容易受家庭背景的影响。这些研究发现为中国高等教育的招生、人才培养、就业指导等现实议题提供了重要的政策启示。(《青年研究》2022年第2期)
