

姓名 刘超铭 性别 刘超铭
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 刘超铭 学历 刘超铭
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 科学研究 招生信息 Publications 论文发表 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘超铭,副教授,博士生导师,1986年2月生人,黑龙江省五常市人,2013年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,获工学博士学位,同年留校工作,2016年晋升为副教授,2017.9-2018.9 德国亥姆霍兹联合会罗森多夫研究中心访问学者,归国后参与建设国家大科学工程“空间环境地面模拟装置”器件离子辐照系统。 紧密围绕国家需求,针对电子材料和器件空间环境效应科学与技术研究方向,先后承担国家部委专项、国家自然科学基金、国家重点实验室基金、国家博士后基金等多项国家级与省部级科研项目。科研成果于2017年获得省部级科技发明奖二等奖,于2018年获得中国专利优秀奖。 发表SCI论文50余篇,引用次数超过300次,获得授权发明专利20余项,出版学术专著2部。国家自然基金委函评专家,《现代应用物理》期刊青年编委,IEEE核与等离子学会会员,中国核学会辐射物理分会会员,多家本领域顶级期刊审稿人。 工作经历 标题 研究领域 起讫时间 职位/职称 副教授,博士生导师 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 哈尔滨工业大学学习经历 起讫时间 2003.09-2007.07 所学专业 材料科学与工程 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 学士学位 简单介绍 标题 哈尔滨工业大学学习经历 起讫时间 2007.09-2009.07 所学专业 材料科学与工程 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 硕士学位 简单介绍 标题 哈尔滨工业大学学习经历 起讫时间 2009.09-2013.04 所学专业 材料科学与工程 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 博士学位 简单介绍 标题 访问学者 起讫时间 2017.09-2018.09 所学专业 半导体材料离子束改性与缺陷研究 学习机构 德国亥姆霍兹联合会罗森多夫研究中心,离子束物理与材料研究所 学历 访问学者 简单介绍 荣誉称号 主要任职 名称 研究领域 名称 科研团队依托国家大科学平台,聚焦我国在核心元器件领域的关键技术瓶颈问题,创新空间极端环境电子元器件研制与评价新路径; 形成了“机理-器件-电路-评测”技术体系,系统开展环境模拟、机理模型、产品耐受性加固、评价与验证、系统防护等空间极端环境新质效元器件研究;引领学科方向发展,为我国关键核心元器件的能力全面提升提供重要技术保障。 团队研究方向: 研究方向1 电子元器件空间环境效应与机理 研究方向2 抗辐照电路设计与加固技术 研究方向3 空间辐射效应地面模拟与评估技术 研究方向4 电子元器件可靠性预计与优化 依托团队 名称 研究团队依托于哈尔滨工业大学大科学工程“空间环境地面模拟装置”-器件离子辐照系统 奖项成果 招生信息 名称 目前招生的主要研究方向包括: 研究方向1 半导体器件空间环境效应及可靠性 研究方向2 宽禁带半导体器件辐射效应及加固设计 研究方向3 航天电子系统智能故障诊断与寿命预计 研究方向4 航天电源系统辐射效应与可靠性 本人招生专业为:1. 材料科学与工程学院,材料与器件空间环境效应科学与技术专业 2. 航天学院,集成电路科学与工程专业 团队其他成员可在航天学院微电子专业、物理学院凝聚态物理专业、卓越工程师学院集成电路专项等方向招生。 招生学科方向主要面向电子、材料、物理等学科,熟悉辐射效应、有半导体器件测试及仿真基础者可优先考虑。 团队每年可招收博士生5-10人,硕士生10-15人,招生正在进行中!!!欢迎对以上研究领域感兴趣的同学报考!!! 团队学生毕业去向 名称 魏轶聃,博士,2021年毕业,中国电子科技集团第58研究所 舒 磊,博士,2021年毕业,中国航天科技集团第772研究所 李何依,博士,2022年毕业,中国工程物理研究院 ---------------------------------------------- 花正勇,硕士,2018年毕业,中国电子科技集团第58研究所 冯 缘,硕士,2019年毕业,深圳市普联科技有限公司 马建宁,硕士,2019年毕业,华为技术有限公司 朴英珲,硕士,2019年毕业,华为技术有限公司 张庆豪,硕士,2020年毕业,华为技术有限公司 刘子靖,硕士,2020年毕业,华为技术有限公司 郭凯瑞,硕士,2020年毕业,北京奕斯伟信息技术有限公司 秦丹丹,硕士,2020年毕业,昇辉控股有限公司 赵紫薇,硕士,2021年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,博士在读 张正良,硕士,2021年毕业,中兴通讯股份有限公司 李静鑫,硕士,2021年毕业,华为技术有限公司 蒋礼达,硕士,2021年毕业,北京集创北方科技股份有限公司 王雅宁,硕士,2022年毕业,北京集创北方科技股份有限公司 王 良,硕士,2022年毕业,圣邦微电子有限公司 王圣环,硕士,2022年毕业,武汉芯动科技有限公司 蒋轶男,硕士,2023年毕业,荣耀终端有限公司 李相叡,硕士,2023年毕业,中兴通讯股份有限公司 王铭铮,硕士,2023年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,博士在读 史雨涵,硕士,2023年毕业,北京集创北方科技股份有限公司 ------------------------------------------------ 孟凡玉,学士,2016年毕业,深圳比亚迪股份有限公司 杜镇爽,学士,2017年毕业,中航工业贵州华烽电器有限公司 杜 鹏,学士,2018年毕业,北京邮电大学,升学(硕士) 周佳明,学士,2019年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,升学(直博) 王雅宁,学士,2020年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,升学(硕士) 肖一平,学士,2020年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,升学(直博) 蒋轶男,学士,2021年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,升学(硕士) 王铭铮,学士,2021年毕业,哈尔滨工业大学,升学(硕士) Publications 论文著作 名称 2022 [1] Hsu-Sheng Tsai, You Wang, Chaoming Liu, Tianqi Wang, Mingxue Huo. The elemental 2D materials beyond graphene potentially used as hazardous gas sensors for environmental protection. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 423, 127148. [2] Yanqing Zhang, Jiaming Zhou, Chaoming Liu, Chunhua Qi, Tianqi Wang, Guoliang Ma, Bin Zhou, Liyi Xiao, Mingxue Huo. Electron Irradiation Effects and Defects Analysis of the Upright Metamorphic Four-Junction (UMM4J) Solar Cells. Physica Status Solidi A. 2022, 2100704. [3] Bi Wang, Min Wang, Hongchao Zhang, Zhaohao Wang, Yudong Zhuo, Xiangyue Ma, Kaihua Cao, Liang Wang, Yuanfu Zhao, Tianqi Wang, Chaoming Liu, Hongqiang Zhang, Yougang Zhang, Jun Wang, Weisheng Zhao. Ionization and Displacement Damage on Nanostructure of Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction. IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science. 2022, 69(1), 43-49 2021 [1] Heyi Li, Chaoming Liu, Yanqing Zhang, Chunhua Qi, Guoliang Ma, Tianqi Wang, Shangli Dong, Mingxue Huo. Modulation of 1 MeV electron irradiation on ultraviolet response in MoS2 FET. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(47) 475205. [2] Heyi Li, Chaoming Liu, Yanqing Zhang, Tianqi Wang, Hongqiang Zhang, Pengfei Li, Chunhua Qi, Mingxue Huo, Shangli Dong. Effects of N-Ion Implantation on the Electrical and Photoelectronic Properties of MoS2 Field Effect Transistors. Physica Status Solidi A. 2021, 219(1), 2100551. [3] Chunhua Qi, Yanqing Zhang, Guoliang Ma, Chaoming Liu, Tianqi Wang, Liyi Xiao, Mingxue Huo, Fuofu Zhai. Design of a high-performance 12T SRAM cell for single event upset tolerance. Science China - Information Sciences, 2021, 64(11), 219401. [4] Tianqi Wang, Shenghuan Wang, Bin Zhou, Yun Tang, Lei Wang, Bo Li, Chaoming Liu, Zhenping Wu, Yongtao Yang, Bo Mei, Chunhua Qi, Yanqing Zhang, Ming Liu. Effects of 1 MeV Electron Irradiation on beta-Ga2O3 Photodetectors. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2021, 10(11), 115001. [5] Xiaotao Yang, Jianliang Wang, Rui Zhang, Zechang Shi, Keyi Li, Yidan Wei, Ao Guo, Guoshui Wang, Chenxi He, Jinhui Cui, Fengjun Tian, Chaoming Liu. Modification of spectrum and laser performance on a Tm3+ doped YAlO3 crystal by a specific electron beam radiation. Optik, 2021, 228, 166124. 2020 [1] Wei, Y., Wang, T., Zhang Y., Qi, C., Luan, J., Ma, G., Tsai, H., Liu, C., Huo, M., Effects of carbon related defects on opto-electronic properties of β-Ga2O3 : The first principle calculation[J]. Results in Physics. 2020, 103060. JCR Q1 [2] Wei, Y., Liu, C., Wang, T., Zhang Y., Qi, C., Li H., Ma, G., Liu Y., Dong S., Huo, M., Electronegativity regulation on opt-electronic properties of non Van der Waals two-dimensional material Ga2O3[J]. Computational Materials Science. 2020, 179, 109692 JCR Q1 [3] Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Zhou, J., Liu, C., Ma, G., Tsai, H., Wang, T., Huo, M., Thermal annealing effects of InGaAs (1.0eV) and InGaAs (0.7eV) sub-cells of inverted metamorphic four junction (IMM4J) solar cells under 1MeV electron irradiation [J]. Acta Phys. Sin. 2020, 69(22), 228802 JCR Q3 [4] Wei, Y., Liu, C., Tsai, HS., Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Ma, G., Wang, T., Huo, M., Prediction of the Abnormal Properties in Monolayer alpha-AlxGa2-xO3 [J]. Advanced Theory and Simulations. 2020, 3(11), 2000102. JCR Q2 [5] Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Wang, T., Ma, G., Tsai, H., Liu, C., Zhou, J., Wei, Y., Li, H., Xiao, L., Ma, Y., Wang, D., Tang, C., Li, J., Wu, Z., Huo, M., Electron Irradiation Effects and Defects Analysis of the Inverted Metamorphic Four-Junction Solar Cells [J]. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2020, 10(6), 1712-1720. JCR Q1 [6] Lei Shu, Liang Wang, Kai Zhao, Xin Zhou, Yuanfu Zhao, Kenneth Galloway, Chenglong Sui, Chaoming Liu, Weiyi Cao, Weiping Chen, Ming Qiao, Tianqi Wang. TID-Induced OFF-State Leakage Current in Partially Radiation-Hardened SOI LDMOS. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2020, 67(6), 1133-1138. [7] Lei Shu, Yuanfu Zhao, Kenneth Galloway, Liang Wang, Kai Zhao, Xin Zhou, Chaoming Liu, Weiyi Cao, Chenglong Sui, Weiping Chen, Liyi Xiao, Tianqi Wang. TID-Induced Breakdown Voltage Degradation in Uniform and Linear Variable Doping SOI p-LDMOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2020, 67(7), 1390-1394. 2019 [1] Li, H., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Wei, Y., Zhou, J., … Huo, M. Electron radiation effects on the structural and electrical properties of MoS2 field effect transistors[J]. Nanotechnology. 2019,30(48):485201. JCR Q1 [2] Li, H., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Wei, Y., Zhou, J., … Huo, M. Irradiation effect of primary knock-on atoms on conductivity compensation in N-type 4H-SiC Schottky diode under various irradiations[J]. Semiconductor Science and Technology.2019,34(9): 095010. JCR Q1 [3] Liu, C., Hübner, R., Xie, Y., Wang, M., Xu, C., Jiang, Z., … Zhou, S.. Ultra-fast annealing manipulated spinodal nano-decomposition in Mn-implanted Ge[J]. Nanotechnology. 2019,30(5). JCR Q1 [4] Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Li, H., Wei, Y., Wang, T., … Huo, M. Evolution of radiation defects in NPN bipolar junction transistors irradiated by 3?MeV protons[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2019 ,444(December 2018), 50–53. JCR Q2 [5] Wei, Y., Li, X., Liu, C., Liu, Y., Zhao, J., Dong, S., … Wang, Q. Atomic and electron analyzing of irradiation damage in Si/SiO2 interfaces caused by irradiation: First-principle calculation[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2019,451(11575049): 89–92. JCR Q2 [6] Tsai, H.-S., Liu, F.-W., Liou, J.-W., Chi, C.-C., Tang, S.-Y., Wang, C., Liu, C, … Woon, W.-Y. Direct Synthesis of Large-Scale Multilayer TaSe2 on SiO2 /Si Using Ion Beam Technology[J]. ACS Omega, 2019,1–6. [7] Wei, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Qi, C., Li, H., Wang, T., … Huo, M. Modulation of electronic and optical properties by surface vacancies in low-dimensional β-Ga2O3[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019,21(27):14745–14752. JCR Q1 2018 [1] Wei, Y., Li, X., Yang, J., Liu, C., Zhao, J., Liu, Y., & Dong, S. Interaction between hydrogen and gallium vacancies in β-Ga2O3[J]. Scientific Reports.2018,8(1):1–8. JCR Q1 [2] Liu, C., Berencén, Y., Yang, J., Wei, Y., Wang, M., Yuan, Y., … Zhou, S.. Irradiation effects on the structural and optical properties of single crystal β-Ga2O3[J]. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2018,33(9). JCR Q1 [3] Li, X., Yang, J., Liu, C., Bai, G., Luo, W., & Li, P.. Synergistic effects of NPN transistors caused by combined proton irradiations with different energies[J]. Microelectronics Reliability.2018,82(11575049): 130–135. JCR Q2 [4] Yang, J., Li, X., Liu, C., & Fleetwood, D. M.. The effect of ionization and displacement damage on minority carrier lifetime[J]. Microelectronics Reliability. 2018,82(October 2017):124–129. JCR Q2 [5] Li, X., Yang, J., & Liu, C.. A Technique for Characterizing Ionization and Displacement Defects in NPN Transistors Induced by 1-MeV Electron Irradiation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2018,65(1): 539–544. JCR Q2 top 2017 [1] Li, X., Yang, J., Liu, C., Li, P., Zhao, Y., & Liu, G.. Characteristic of Displacement Defects in n-p-n Transistors Caused by Various Heavy Ion Irradiations[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2017,64(3): 976–982. JCR Q2 top [2] Li, X., Yang, J., Barnaby, H. J., Galloway, K. F., Schrimpf, R. D., Fleetwood, D. M., & Liu, C.. Dependence of Ideality Factor in Lateral PNP Transistors on Surface Carrier Concentration[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2017,64(6): 1549–1553. JCR Q2 top [3] Li, X., Yang, J., & Liu, C.. Evolution of Activation Energy of Interface Traps in LPNP Transistors Characterized by Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2017,64(7):1905–1911. JCR Q2 top [4] Li, X., Dong, L., Yang, J., & Liu, C.. Impact of Passivation Layers on Irradiation Response of PNP Transistors under Different Dose Rates[J]. IEEE Access, 2017,5: 22194–22198. JCR Q1 [5] Yang, J., Zhang, X., Liu, C., Li, X., Li, H., Ma, G., & Tian, F.. Effects of 1 MeV electrons on the deformation mechanisms of polyethylene/carbon nanotube composites[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2017,409:2–8. JCR Q2 [6] Liu, C., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Li, X., & Ma, G.. Radiation damage and defects in NPN bipolar junction transistors irradiated by silicon ions with various energies[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2017,409: 246–250. JCR Q2 [7] Barnaby, H. J., Schrimpf, R. D., Galloway, K. F., Li, X., Yang, J., & Liu, C.. Displacement Damage in Bipolar Junction Transistors: Beyond Messenger-Spratt. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2017,64(1): 149–155. JCR Q2 top [8] Li, X., Li, P., Yang, J., & Liu, C.. Research on interaction between displacement defects and oxide charge in NPN transistors based on deep level transient spectroscopy[C]. Proceedings of the European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECS, 2016-Septe, 2017,1–4. 2016 [1] Li, X., Liu, C., & Yang, J.. Correction to: Synergistic effect of ionization and displacement damage in NPN transistors caused by protons with various energies[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2016,63(5):2747. 2015 [1] Liu, C., Li, X., Yang, J., Ma, G., Xiao, L., & Bollmann, J.. Radiation defects studies on silicon bipolar junction transistor irradiated by Br ions and electrons[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2015,365: 244–246. [2] Yang, J., Ma, G., Li, X., Liu, C., Yang, D., & He, S.2015. Effects of multilayer and multimaterial structures on space proton radiation protection. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2015,365(August 1972):352–356. [3] Yang, J., Li, X., Liu, C., Rui, E., & Wang, L.. Effects of electron irradiation on LDPE/MWCNT composites[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2015,365:55–60. [4] Liu, C., Yang, J., Li, X., Ma, G., Xiao, L., & Bollmann, J.. Radiation induced deep level defects in bipolar junction transistors under various bias conditions[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.2015,365:247–251. [5] Liu, C., Li, X., Yang, J., Ma, G., & Xiao, L.. Bias dependence of synergistic radiation effects induced by electrons and protons on silicon bipolar junction transistors[J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2015,111:36–39. [6] Yang, J., Li, X., Liu, C., & Ma, G.. Changes of structure and electrical conductivity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes film caused by 3 MeV proton irradiation[J]. Applied Surface Science.2015,325(C):235–241. [7] Li, X., Liu, C., Yang, J., Ma, G., Jiang, L., & Sun, Z.. Synergistic Effect of Ionization and Displacement Defects in NPN Transistors Induced by 40-MeV Si Ion Irradiation with Low Fluence[J]. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. 2015,15(4):511–518. [8] Liu, C., Li, X., Yang, J., Ma, G., & Sun, Z.. Radiation Defects and Annealing Study on PNP Bipolar Junction Transistors Irradiated by 3-MeV Protons[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2015,62(6):3381–3386. [9] Li, X., Liu, C., Yang, J., & Ma, G.. Research on the combined effects of ionization and displacement defects in NPN transistors based on deep level transient spectroscopy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2015,62(2):555–564. [10] Li, X., Liu, C., & Yang, J.. Separation of interface traps and oxide charge in ionization damaged silicon bipolar transistors based on experimental observation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. 2015,15(2):258–260. [11] Li, X., Liu, C., & Yang, J.. Synergistic Effect of Ionization and Displacement Damage in NPN Transistors Caused by Protons with Various Energies. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2015,62(3): 1375–1382. 2014 [1] Rui, E., Yang, J., Li, X., Liu, C., Tian, F., Gao, F., … Geng, H.. Structure evolution during uniaxial tensile deformation of high density polyethylene before and after irradiation by 1 MeV electrons[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2014,131(10):1–10. [2] Rui, E., Yang, J., Li, X., Liu, C., & Tian, F.. Effect of 110 keV electrons on the deformation mechanisms of low density polyethylene[J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability.2014,109:59–70. [3] Liu, C., Li, X., Yang, J., & Rui, E.. Annealing effects and DLTS study on NPN silicon bipolar junction transistors irradiated by heavy ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.2014, 735:198–201. [4] Liu, C., Li, X., Yang, J., & Bollmann, J.. Annealing effects and DLTS study on PNP silicon bipolar junction transistors irradiated by 20 MeV Br ions[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2014,735: 462–465. 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[4] Rui, E., Yang, J., Li, X., & Liu, C.. Change of surface morphology and structure of multi-walled carbon nanotubes film caused by proton irradiation with 170 keV[J]. Applied Surface Science. 2013,287:172–177. [5] Li, X., Liu, C., Yang, J., Zhao, Y., & Liu, G. Separation of ionization traps in NPN transistors irradiated by lower energy electrons. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.2013,60(5):3924–3931. [6] Ma, G., Li, X., Liu, H., Liu, C., Jiang, Z., Yang, J., & He, S. Study on energy loss of high-energy protons in nano crystalline Ni[J]. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids.2013,168(11–12):933–939. Before 2012 [1] Liu, C., Li, X., Geng, H., Yang, D., & He, S. Bias influence on ionizing radiation effects for 3CG130 PNP bipolar junction transistors[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2012,670:6–9. [2] Liu, C., Li, X., Geng, H., Rui, E., Guo, L., Yang, J., & Xiao, L. 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