

姓名 常晓丛 性别 常晓丛
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 机电工程学院
学位 常晓丛 学历 常晓丛
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基本信息 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 常晓丛 博士 机电工程学院 副教授/硕士生导师 女 汉族 中国共产党员 工作经历 名称 2022.01.01-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2019.10.29-2021.12.31 哈尔滨工业大学 师资博士后/讲师 教育经历 名称 2014.09-2019.10 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子 博士 2016.10-2017.11 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 纳米工程 联合培养博士 2012.09-2014.07 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子 硕士 2008.09-2012.07 燕山大学 机械设计 学士 获奖情况 名称 2020年 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 2015年 ASME “最佳论文奖” 讲授课程 名称 2022春季-至今 研究生课程 《有限元分析导论(留学生)》 2023秋季-至今 本课程课程 《误差理论与数据处理 》 Publications 名称 2023年 [1] Breaking through Barriers: Ultrafast Microbullet Based on Cavitation Bubble Y Feng#, D Jia#, H Yue, J Wang, W Song, L Li, AM Zhang, S Li, X Chang*, D. Zhou* Small 19 (18), 2370120 2022年 [1] Wheel-like Magnetic-Driven Microswarm with a Band-Aid Imitation for Patching Up Microscale Intestinal Perforation H. Yue#, X. Chang#, J. Liu, D. Zhou*, L. Li* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022 2021年 [1] Nature-Inspired Micro/Nanomotors X. Chang#, Y. Feng#, B. Guo. D. Zhou*, L. Li* Nanoscale, 2021, 14(2), 219-238 [2] Multi-response Biocompatible Janus Micromotor for Ultrasonic Imaging Contrast Enhancement Y. Feng#, X. Chang#, H. Liu, Y. Hu, T. Li*, L. Li* Applied Materials Today, 2021, 23, 101026 [3] Three-Dimensional Rock Core-Like Microstructure Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing for Petroleum Engineering Y. Mo#, X. Chang#, Z. Yu, D. Sun, D. Zhou, L. Li* 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2021 [4] Thermal Field Manipulation via a Two-phase Thermal Metamaterial Z. Xu, L. Li*, X. Chang, Y. Zhao, W. Wang Applied Materials Today, 2021, 22, 100911. [5] Alternating Current Electric Field Driven Topologically Defective Micro/nanomotors R. Zhuang#, D. Zhou#,*, X. Chang, Y. Mo, G. Zhang, L. Li* Applied Materials Today, 2021, 26, 101314. [6] Simulation of the Shape-directed AC Driven Defective Micromotors R. Zhuang, D. Zhou, X. Chang, L. Li* 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), 798-803. 2020年 [1] Enhanced Light-Harvesting Efficiency and Adaptation: A Review on Visible-Light-Driven Micro/Nanomotors D. Zhou#, R. Zhuang#, X. Chang, L. Li* Research, 2020, 2020, 6821595. 2019年 [1] Motile Micropump based on Synthetic Micromotor for Dynamic Micro-patterning X. Chang#, C. Chen#, J. Li#, X. Lu, Y. Liang, D. Zhou, H. Wang, G. Zhang, T. Li*, J. Wang*, L. Li* ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2019, 11(31): 28507-28514. [2] Coexisting Cooperative Cognitive Micro-/Nanorobots X. Chang#, W. Tang#, Y. Feng#, H. Yu#, Z. Wu, T. Xu, H. Dong*, T. Li* Chemistry an Asian Journal, 2019, 14(14), 2357-2368. [3] Self-propelled Janus Microdimer Swimmers under a Rotating Magnetic Field S. Yu#, N. Ma#, H. Yu#, H. Sun#, X. Chang, Z. Wu, J. Deng, S. Zhao, W. Wang*, Q. Zhao*, T. Li* Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(12), 1672. 2018年 [1] Bioinspired Chemical Communication Between Synthetic Nanomotors C. Chen#, X. Chang#, H. Teymourian, D. E Ramírez-Herrera, B. Esteban- Fernández de ávila, X. Lu, J. Li, S. He, C. Fang, Y. Liang, F. Mou, J. Guan, J. Wang* Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57(1), 241-245. [2] Chemotactic Guidance of Synthetic Organic/Inorganic Payloads Functionalized Sperm Micromotors C. Chen#, X. Chang#, P. Angsantikul#, J. Li, B. Esteban-Fernández de ávila, E. Karshalev, W. Liu, F. Mou, S. He, R. Castillo, Y. Liang, J. Guan*, L. Zhang*, J. Wang*. Advanced Biosystems, 2018, 2(1), 1700160. [3] Biomimetic Platelet-Camouflaged Nanorobots for Binding and Isolation of Biological Threats J. Li#, P. Angsantikul#, W. Liu#, B. Esteban-Fernández de ávila#, X. Chang, E. Sandraz, Y. Liang, S. Zhu, Y. Zhang, C. Chen, W. Gao, L. Zhang*, J. Wang* Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(2), 1704800. [4] Micro-/Nanorobots Propelled by Oscillating Magnetic Fields H. Yu#, W. Tang#, G. Mu#, H. Wang#, X. Chang, H. Dong, L. Qi, G. Zhang*, T. Li* Micromachines, 2018, 9(11): 540. 2017年 [1] Autonomous Collision-Free Navigation of Microvehicles in Complex and Dynamically Changing Environments T. Li#, X. Chang#, Z. Wu#, J. Li#, G. Shao, X. Deng, J. Qiu, B. Guo, G. Zhang, Q. He, L. Li*, J. Wang* ACS Nano, 2017, 11(9), 9268-9275. 2016年 [1] Accelerated Microrockets with a Biomimetic Hydrophobic Surface X. Chang, L. Li*, T. Li, D. Zhou, G. Zhang. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(90), 87213-87220. [2] Propulsion Mechanisms and Applications of Multiphysics-Driven Micro-and Nanomotors X. Chang, T. Li, D. Zhou, G. Zhang, L. Li* Chinese Science Bulletin, 2016, 62(2-3), 122-135. [3] Magnetically Propelled Fish-Like Nanoswimmers T. Li#, J. Li#, H. Zhang#, X. Chang, W. Song, Y. Hu, G. Shao, E. Sandraz, G. Zhang, L. Li*, J. Wang* Small, 2016, 12(44), 6098-6105. 2015年 [1] Drag Force Reduction at the Interface of Tubular Microrockets X. Chang, L. Li*, D. Zhou, T. Li, G. Zhang. ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015, 4. [2] The Effect of Geometry on the Velocity and Drag Force of Catalytic Micro/Nano-Rockets J. Wang, L. Li*, X. Chang, T. Li, W. Song, G. Zhang. ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015, 4.
