姓名 | 杭春进 | 性别 | 杭春进 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 杭春进 | 学历 | 杭春进 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 教学/Teaching 科研/Research 论著/Publication 学生/Students English Version ...en English Version 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 杭春进,男,汉族,1978年生,中共党员,教授/博士生导师,材料学院焊接系电子封装专业/先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室。 重点开展了电子封装及组装技术开发及应用、工业制造专用设备的研制、工业自动化生产线的研制及实施等方面的工作。解决了精密电子部件组装瓶颈问题,实现了航天领域重点产品制造装备的国产化,并实现了电子智能终端产品智能制造生产过程。围绕上述研究领域主持及参与国家自然科学基金、国家智能制造专项、国家科技重大专项、国家863计划等纵向及横向课题30余项,科研经费累积超过3000万元,发表科技论文110篇,授权国家发明专利21项。 教育经历 名称 1997.09-2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学 机械制造及其自动化 本科 2001.09-2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 机械制造及其自动化 硕士 2003.09-2008.12 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程 博士 2006.03-2008.12 加拿大滑铁卢大学 机械工程系 访问学者 工作履历 名称 时间 工作履历 2009.10-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师 2013.03-2015.12 借调工信部装备司 2014.12-2022.12 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2022.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2019.05-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 获奖情况 名称 2022年 作为指导老师获美国大学生数学建模大赛特等奖提名(Finalist)1项、一等奖(Meritorious Winner)3项。 2021年 获黑龙江省自然科学技术奖一等奖(排名第一)(获奖项目名称:极端温度环境电子器件组装互连界面组织调控及可靠性研究) 2015年 获黑龙江省自然科学技术奖二等奖(排名第三)(获奖项目名称:电子封装中的微连接基础问题研究) 2014年 获中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖(排名第四)(获奖项目名称:面向MEMS立体封装和组装微锡球激光键合工艺及设备) 2013年 获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖(排名第四)(获奖项目名称:电子封装技术新专业建设的研究与实践) 2013年 获哈尔滨工业大学教学成果一等奖(排名第四)(获奖项目名称:电子封装技术专业课程体系建设的研究与实践) 2012年 获黑龙江省高等教育学会优秀教育科研论文一等奖(排名第一)(获奖论文名称:加拿大滑铁卢大学产学合作人才培养模式概况与启示) 主要社会兼职情况 名称 中国电子工业标准化技术协会创新成果产业化工作委员会 委员 国家科技重大专项 会评专家 国家智能制造专项 会评专家 国家重点研发计划 会评专家 工信部重点实验室 评审专家 工信部国家技术创新示范企业 评审专家 中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛 全国决赛评委 中国机械工程学会 高级会员 中国电子学会 会员 所在团队 名称 田艳红 教授 链接地址:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/tinatian 研究领域 名称 1.电子器件互连工艺、材料及装备 为适应电子器件的功能化、小型化以及轻量化的发展趋势,亟需新型电子互连工艺、电子材料以及相关专用制造装备的快速更新。 (1)电子互连工艺 研究铜丝球焊应用技术,探索铜丝球焊的连接机理,优化铜丝球焊焊接工艺,分析铜丝球焊焊点的可靠性;研究垂直互连工艺,探索复合绒毛纽扣垂直互连、板间凸点互连、柔性电路板间大跨度金属线互连等新工艺方法,系统性评估互连质量。 (2)低温连接高温服役的电子材料制备 面向现代电子器件结构三维化、功率高密度化的发展方向,针对功率芯片与基板间的焊接问题及散热问题,开发大面积基板互连材料,研制纳米Ag浆浆料、Sn包铜、Sn包银微米颗粒焊料等一系列产品。 (3)专用封装设备研制 针对于复杂结构中锡球焊点植入及互连的难题,研究MEMS部件自组装、自限位、激光-超声无钎剂钎焊、超细无铅焊点塌陷控制、锡球拾取-目标对准-激光加热-自对准等五大创新技术,研制面向MEMS封装和组装的激光锡球键合自动化设备。 2.极端环境中锡基钎料及焊点力学行为及组织演变 深入探索极端温度环境下深空电子产品常用钎料及焊点的力学行为,焊点组织演变规律及失效机理,分析深空电子产品的可靠性。研究Sn基钎料在极低温环境中的力学行为及组织演变:阐明极低温条件下SAC305及Sn-37Pb钎料的韧脆转变机理;揭示极低温存储过程中SAC305/Cu和Sn-37Pb/Cu BGA焊点界面IMC的生长规律,发现界面IMC厚度随存储时间的增长服从抛物线规律;发现极低温环境中界面IMC生长的主要驱动力为不同材料体系热失配导致的应力梯度;阐明极端温度热冲击条件下PBGA封装SAC305焊点和Sn-37Pb焊点的失效机理,系统性描述焊点内部的裂纹演变规律。 科研项目 名称 国家自然科学基金 极端温度环境中锡基钎料力学本构方程构建及焊点失效机制研究 2018/01-2021/12 国家自然科学基金 多周期异质结构纳米薄膜电制冷器制备及电性能影响机制 2012/01-2014/12 国家科技重大专项 传动支架自动钻铆系统设计与制造 2016/01-2018/12 国家重点研发计划 高精度高速电机性能测试仪性能测量与检定 2017/07/ -2021/06 国家重点研发计划 大型构件高效激光清洗工艺及装备技术 2017/07-2020/12 科技部”863”计划 脊柱微创手术机器人研究系统 2015/03–2018/03 国家智能制造专项 轮胎智能制造新模式应用 2016/01–2018/06 国家智能制造专项 海洋核动力平台中间产品智能制造新模式应用 2017/06–2020/12 国家智能制造专项 智能移动终端数字化车间应用项目 2017/06–2018/12 国家智能制造专项 航天器结构件智能制造新模式应用 2017/06–2018/12 国家智能制造专项 高效变频冰箱压缩机智能制造新模式应用项目 2018/01–2019/12 国家工业互联网专项 跨行业跨领域 Xrea 工业互联网平台试验测试 2018/07–2020/12 国家工业互联网专项 面向特定离散行业工业机理模型库 2019/07–2022/06 国际合作 铜覆铝喷涂工艺及铜铝快焊接工艺设计 2013/11–2014/07 SAST基金 基于纳米金属颗粒烧结的低温互连技术及其应用 2016/10–2018/06 高质量专项 建设关键零部件领域创新成果产业化的公共服务平台项目, 2021.6-2022.5 专利情况 名称 ZL201010600258.7 光学透镜的白光LED的封装工艺 ZL201218004390.1 立体组装垂直互连中的双面凸点转接板及其制作方法 ZL201010528022.7 含热敏元件的壳体封装的间接加热钎焊方法 ZL201010609741.1 单基板多芯片组大功率LED封装一次键合方法 ZL201110034354.4 LED多芯片吸嘴 ZL201410015761.4 一种大功率高显色性可调光的LED灯 ZL201210411100.4 纳米金属间化合物焊膏及其制备方法 ZL201210411136.2 一种采用纳米金属间化合物颗粒制备低温互连高温服役接头的方法 ZL201510939922.3 一种用于块状物体翻转的装置 ZL201110033883.2 检测电路板焊点可靠性的红外测温检测法 ZL201410275018.2 一种水下 LED 照明灯具防水密封装置 ZL201410274817.8 一种水下电器电线过孔防水密封装置 ZL201310530610.8 热-超声-电磁复合场调控金属间化合物生长实现芯片高可靠立体互连的方法 ZL201318007896.2 高频电磁感应加热重熔实现板级三维组装互连的方法 ZL201910860080.0 一种水系纳米墨水及配制方法 ZL202010635647.7 一种镍镀层辅助的高强度复合电刷的制备方法 ZL201910860066.0 一种金属纳米墨水的原位电还原反应连接方法及其在印刷电子器件中的应用 ZL201910101073.2 一种耐高温柔性透明电极的制备方法 ZL201811536699.8 一种金属纳米线自限制纳米钎焊方法及其应用 主要论文 名称 期刊论文: 89 Mao, XC; Duan, FC; Wang, FY; Hang, CJ*; Chen, HT*; Li, MY. Interfacial microstructure characterization and solderability of the low pressure cold sprayed Cu-Al2O3 coating on Al substrate. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 2022, 452: 129093. 88 Peng, F; Zhu, WB; Fang, Y; Fu, BC; Chen, HT ; Ji, HJ; Ma, X; Hang, CJ*; Li, MY*. Ultralight and Highly Conductive Silver Nanowire Aerogels for High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Applied Materials & Interface. DOI:10.1021/acsami.2c16940. 87 Peng Cui, Wenbo Zhu, Hongjun Ji, Hongtao Chen, Chunjin Hang,* Mingyu Li,* Analysis and optimization of induction heating processes by focusing the inner magnetism of the coil. Applied Energy 321 (2022) 119316. SCI. 86 李胜利; 任春雄;杭春进; 田艳红; 王晨曦; 崔宁; 蒋倩. 极端热冲击和电流密度耦合Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu焊点组织演变. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(2): 291-299. EI. 85 李胜利; 牛飘; 杭春进; 田艳红; 崔宁; 蒋倩. 极端温度环境Sn基焊点本构方程的研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(2): 236-245. EI. 84 Feng, Jiayun; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Sumei; Xiao, Ming; Hui, Zhuang; Hang, Chunjin; Duley, Walter W.; Zhou, Y. Norman. Femtosecond laser irradiation induced heterojunctions between carbon nanofibers and silver nanowires for a flexible strain sensor. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 84: 139-146. SCIE. 83 Liu, Jiahao; Liu, Hao; Yu, Fuwen; Wang, Xinjie; Wang, Jianqiang; Hang, Chunjin; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu. Cu@Sn@Ag core-shell particles preform for power device packaging under harsh environments. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32(11): 14703-14714. SCIE. 82 Zhang, He; Wang, Shang; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong. Joining of copper nanowires by electrodepositing silver layer for high-performance transparent electrode.Welding in the World, 2021, 65(6): 1021-1030. SCIE. 81 Sun, Qin; Sun, Guoji; Liu, Yihan; Li, Yufeng; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu; Hang, Chunjin; Zhu, Wenbo. Microstructure and properties of a vacuum-tempered glass with low-temperature-sintered silver paste. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32(12): 16230-16241. SCIE. 80 Fang, Hui; Wang, Chenxi; Li, Daoyuan; Zhou, Shicheng; Du, Yu; Zhang, He; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Suga, Tadatomo. Fabrication of Ag@Ag2O-MnOx composite nanowires for high-efficient room-temperature removal of formaldehyde. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 91: 5-16. SCIE. 79 王尚; 王凯枫; 张贺; 徐佳慧; 杨东升; 杭春进; 田艳红. 射频器件超细引线键合工艺及性能研究. 机械工程学报, 2021, 1-7. EI. 78 Wang, Shang; Zhang, He; Hang, Chunjin; Feng, Jiayun; Sa, Zicheng; Li, Yue; Zhang, Weiwei; Tian, Yanhong. Phase transformation behavior of Al-Au-Cu intermetallic compounds under ultra-fast micro resistance bonding process. Materials Characterization, 2021, 180: 0-111401. SCIE. 77 Zhang, He; Wang, Shang; Wu, Bingying; Zhang, Weiwei; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong. Ultrafast Parallel Micro-Gap Resistance Welding of an AuNi9 Microwire and Au Microlayer. Micromachines, 2021, 12(1): 0-51. SCIE . 76 Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Jiahao; Wang, Jianqiang; Fu, Xing; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu. A low-temperature bonding method for high power device packaging based on In-infiltrated nanoporous Cu. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(17): 14157-14164. SCIE. 75 Zhang, He; Wang, Shang; Tian, Yanhong; Liu, Yubin; Wen, Jiayue; Huang, Yilong; Hang, Chunjin; Zheng, Zhen; Wang, Chenxi. Electrodeposition fabrication of Cu@Ni core shell nanowire network for highly stable transparent conductive films. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390: 0-124495. SCIE. 74 Feng, Jiayun; Xiao, Ming; Hui, Zhuang; Shen, Daozhi; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Duley, Walter W.; Zhou, Norman Y.. High-Performance Magnesium-Carbon Nanofiber Hygroelectric Generator Based on Interface-Mediation-Enhanced Capacitive Discharging Effect. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(21): 24289-24297. SCIE. 73 Wang, Chenxi; Fang, Hui; Hang, Chunjin; Sun, Yaru; Peng, Zhibin; Wei, Wei; Wang, Yansong. Fabrication and characterization of silk fibroin coating on APTES pretreated Mg-Zn-Ca alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2020, 110: 0-110742. SCIE. 72 Liu, Jiahao; Wang, Kang; Yu, Fuwen; Hang, Chunjin; Fu, Xing; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu. A paste based on Cu@Sn@Ag particles for die attachment under ambient atmosphere in power device packaging. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(3): 1808-1816. SCIE. 71 Yang, Fan; Zhu, Wenbo; Wu, Weizhen; Ji, Hongjun; Hang, Chunjin; Li, Mingyu. Microstructural evolution and degradation mechanism of SiC-Cu chip attachment using sintered nano-Ag paste during high-temperature ageing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 846: 0-156442. SCIE. 70 Zhang, He; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Shang; Huang, Yilong; Wen, Jiayue; Hang, Chunjin; Zheng, Zhen; Wang, Chenxi. Highly stable flexible transparent electrode via rapid electrodeposition coating of Ag-Au alloy on copper nanowires for bifunctional electrochromic and supercapacitor device. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 399: 0-125075. SCIE. 69 Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Jiahao; Wang, Jianqiang; Fu, Xing; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu. A low-temperature Cu-to-Cu interconnection method by using nanoporous Cu fabricated by dealloying electroplated Cu-Zn. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(21): 18381-18388. SCIE. 68 Tian, Ruyu; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Wu, Bingying; Liu, Yubin; Zhao, Jie. Interfacial intermetallic compound growth in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints induced by stress gradient at cryogenic temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 800: 180-190. SCIE. 67 Yu, Fuwen; Liu, Hao; Hang, Chunjin; Chen, Hongtao; Li, Mingyu. Rapid Formation of Full Intermetallic Bondlines for Die Attachment in High-Temperature Power Devices Based on Micro-sized Sn-Coated Ag Particles. JOM, 2019, 71(9): 3049-3056. SCIE. 66 Wen, Jiayue; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Zheng, Zhen; Zhang, He; Mei, Zhipeng; Hu, Xuanyi; Tian, Yanqing. Fabrication of Novel Printable Electrically Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) with Excellent Conductivity and Stability Enhanced by the Addition of Polyaniline Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(7): 0-960. SCIE. 65 Huang, Yilong; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Yubin; Wang, Shang; Qi, Miaomiao; Zhang, He; Zhao, Jie. Self-Limited Nanosoldering of Silver Nanowires for High-Performance Flexible Transparent Heaters. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(24): 21850-21858. SCIE. 64 Su, Yue; Hang, Chunjin; Chen, Hongtao; Xie, Xingchi; Ma, Jie; Li, Mingyu. Interconnection method based on solder-filled nanoporous copper as interlayer for high-temperature applications. Microelectronic Engineering, 2019, 214: 60-67. SCIE. 63 Tian, Ruyu; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Xu, Jikai. Brittle fracture of Sn-37Pb solder joints induced by enhanced intermetallic compound growth under extreme temperature changes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 268: 1-9. SCIE. 62 Wang, Chenxi; Fang, Hui; Qi, Xiaoyun; Hang, Chunjin; Sun, Yaru; Peng, Zhibin; Wei, Wei; Wang, Yansong. Silk fibroin film-coated MgZnCa alloy with enhanced in vitro and in vivo performance prepared using surface activation.Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 91: 99-111. SCIE. 61 Wang, Shang; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Chenxi; Hang, Chunjin; Huang, Yilong; Liao, Chao. Chemical and thermal robust tri-layer rGO/Ag NWs/GO composite film for wearable heaters. Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 174: 76-83. SCIE. 60 Wang, Shang; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Chenxi; Hang, Chunjin; Zhang, He; Huang, Yuan; Zheng, Zhen. One-Step Fabrication of Copper Nanopillar Array-Filled AAO Films by Pulse Electrodeposition for Anisotropic Thermal Conductive Interconnectors. ACS Omega, 2019, 4(4): 6092-6096. SCIE. 59 Huang, Yilong; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Yubin; Wang, Shang; Qi, Miaomiao; Zhang, He; Peng, Qiqi. TiO2-Coated Core-Shell Ag Nanowire Networks for Robust and Washable Flexible Transparent Electrodes. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2(4): 2456-2466. SCIE. 58 Tian, Ruyu; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Feng, Jiayun。 Brittle fracture induced by phase transformation of Ni-Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu/Ni solder joints under extreme temperature environment。 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 463-471. SCIE. 57 Yang, Fan; Hu, Bo; Peng, Ye; Hang, Chunjin; Chen, Hongtao; Lee, Changwoo; Wei, Jun; Li, Mingyu。 Ag microflake-reinforced nano-Ag paste with high mechanical reliability for high-temperature applications。 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30(6): 5526-5535. SCIE. 56 Hu, Bo; Yang, Fan; Peng, Ye; Hang, Chunjin; Chen, Hongtao; Lee, Changwoo; Yang, Shihua; Li, Mingyu. Effect of SiC reinforcement on the reliability of Ag nanoparticle paste for high-temperature applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30(3): 2413-2418. SCIE. 55 Yu, Fuwen; Chen, Hongtao; Hang, Chunjin; Li, Mingyu. Fabrication of high-temperature-resistant bondline based on multilayer core-shell hybrid microspheres for power devices. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30(4): 3595-3603. SCIE. 54 Fuwen Yu; Chunjin Hang; Menghui Zhao; Hongtao Chen. An interconnection method based on Sn-coated Ni core-shell powder preforms for high-temperature applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 776: 791-797. SCIE. 53 Wang Shang; Tian Yanhong; Hang Chunjin; Wang Chenxi. Cohesively enhanced electrical conductivity and thermal stability of silver nanowire networks by nickel ion bridge joining. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 0-5260. SCIE. 52 Hang Chunjin; He Junjian; Zhang Zhihao; Chen Hongtao; Li Mingyu. Low Temperature Bonding by Infiltrating Sn3.5Ag Solder into Porous Ag Sheet for High Temperature Die Attachment in Power Device Packaging. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 0-17422. SCIE. 51 Hang Chunjin; Zhang He; Tian Yanhong; Wang Chenxi; Huang Yuan; Zheng Zhen; Wang Chunqing. A Modified Interposer Fabrication Process by Copper Nano-Pillars Filled in Anodic Aluminum Oxide Film for 3D Electronic Package. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2018, 8(11): 0-2188. SCIE. 50 Hang Chunjin; Tian Ruyu; Zhao Liyou; Tian Yanhong. Influence of Interfacial Intermetallic Growth on the Mechanical Properties of Sn-37Pb Solder Joints under Extreme Temperature Thermal Shock. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2018, 8(11): 0-2056. SCIE. 49 Ruyu Tian; Chunjin Hang; Yanhong Tian; Jiayun Feng. Brittle fracture induced by phase transformation of Ni-Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu/Ni solder joints under extreme temperature environment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 777: 463-471. SCIE. 48 Feng Jiayun; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Liu Baolei; Wang Chenxi. Growth kinetics of Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compound in Cu-liquid Sn interfacial reaction enhanced by electric current. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 0-1775. SCIE. 47 Xie Xingchi; Hang Chunjin; Wang Jianqiang; Su Yue; Ma Jie; Guo Qiang; Chen Hongtao; Li Mingyu. A low temperature die attach technique for high temperature applications based on indium infiltrating micro-porous Ag sheet. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29(21): 18302-18310. SCIE. 46 Wang Shang; Tian Yanhong; Wang Chenxi; Hang Chunjin. Communication—Ag NW networks enhanced by ni electroplating for flexible transparent electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(9): D328-D330. SCIE. 45 Feng Jiayun; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Wang Chenxi; Liu Baolei. Effect of electric current on grain orientation and mechanical properties of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds joints. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 753: 203-211. SCIE. 44 Tian Ruyu; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Zhao Liyou. Growth behavior of intermetallic compounds and early formation of cracks in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder joints under extreme temperature thermal shock. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2018, 709: 125-133. SCIE. 43 Ding Ying; Tian Ruyu; Wang Xiuli; Hang Chunjin; Yu Fang; Zhou Ling; Meng Xiangang; Tian Yanhong Coupling effects of mechanical vibrations and thermal cycling on reliability of CCGAsolder joints. Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, 55(11): 2396-2402. SCI. 42 Zeng Chao; Wang Chunqing; Tian Yanhong; Hang Chunjin; Liu Wei; An Rong. Characterization of the hot-cutting defect generated from shape machining of alumina green tape in the ceramic-package manufacturing process. Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, 2015, 12(1): 55-60. SCIE. 41 Zeng, Chao; Wang, Chunqing; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Wei; An, Rong. Fracture statistics dominated by hot-cutting defect and deviation from weibull distribution. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2015, 22(2): 41-48. EI. 40 Chen, Hongtao; Hang, Chunjin; Fu, Xing; Li, Mingyu. Microstructure and Grain Orientation Evolution in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder Interconnects Under Electrical Current Stressing. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2015, 44(10): 3880-3887. SCIE. 39 Li, Yujie; Tang, Xiaofu; Zhang, Yanteng; Li, Jin; Lv, Chengbin; Meng, Xinling; Huang, Yilong; Hang, Chunjin; Wang, Chunqing. Cu nanoparticles of low polydispersity synthesized by a double-template method and their stability. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2014, 292(3): 715-722. SCIE. 38 Tian, Yanhong; He, Xiaobin; Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Y.. Influence of the hybrid BGA residual stress after reflow on the thermal cycling reliability. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 50(2): 86-91. EI. 37 Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Zhao, Xin; Liu, Baolei; Wang, Ning; Wang, Chunqing. Phase transformation and fracture behavior of Cu/In/Cu joints formed by solid-liquid interdiffusion bonding. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2014, 25(9): 4170-4178. SCIE. 36 丁颖; 董芸松; 周岭; 杭春进; 飞景明. QFN焊点可靠性与服役寿命研究. 航天制造技术, 2014, (05): 49-55. 35 Tian Yanhong; Zhang Rui; Hang Chunjin; Niu Lina; Wang Chunqing. Relationship between morphologies and orientations of Cu6Sn5grains in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder joints on different Cu pads. Materials Characterization, 2014, 88: 58-68. SCIE. 34 丁颖; 董芸松; 周岭; 杭春进; 飞景明. 表贴元件与双列直插器件温循过程中焊点可靠性研究. 电子工艺技术, 2014, (06): 330-333. 33 田艳红; 贺晓斌; 杭春进. 残余应力对混合组装BGA热循环可靠性影响. 机械工程学报, 2014, (02): 86-91. EI. 32 Li, Bin; Wang, Chunqing; Zhang, Wei; Hang, Chunjin; Fei, Jingming; Wang, Hong. Fabrication of multiferroic Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3-Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4composite nanofibers by electrospinning. Materials Letters, 2013, 91: 55-58. SCIE. 31 Zhang, Rui; Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Liu, Baolei; Wang, Chunqing. Formation mechanism and orientation of Cu3Sn grains in Cu-Sn intermetallic compound joints. Materials Letters, 2013, 110: 137-140. SCIE. 30 Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Wang Chunqing; Zhao Jiupeng. High temperature strorage reability of Cu bonds by ultrasonic bonding with fine copper wire. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2013, 34(2): 13-16. EI. 29 Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Zhang, Rui; Yang, Dongsheng. Phase transformation and grain orientation of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds during low temperature bonding process. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2013, 24(10): 3905-3913. SCIE. 28 Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Zhao Xin; Wang Chunqing. Research on microstructure of Pb-free BGA solder joint assembled with Sn-Pb solder during isothermal aging. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2013, 49(7): 831-837. SCIE. 27 杭春进; 付明亮; 孙少鹏; 王树峰; 王春青. Sb2Te3热电薄膜磁控溅射制备工艺. 电子工艺技术, 2013, (02): 103-107. 其他 . 26 杭春进; 安荣; 飞景明; 王宏; 孙毅; 王春青. 大功率LED照明模块及高效散热结构优化设计. 焊接, 2013, (02): 41-45. 25 安荣; 杭春进; 刘威; 张威; 田艳红; 王春青. 电子封装与组装焊点钎料合金力学行为研究进展. 电子工艺技术, 2013, (02): 65-69. 其他 . 24 杭春进; 田艳红; 赵鑫; 王春青. 混装BGA器件高温老化实验焊点微观组织研究. 金属学报, 2013, (07): 831-837. SCIE. 23 杭春进; 安荣; 王宏; 飞景明; 王春青; 郑振. 铝制散热器翅片钎焊工艺研究. 焊接, 2013, (01): 22-24. 22 杭春进; 田艳红; 王春青; 赵九蓬. 细径铜丝超声键合焊点高温存储可靠性分析. 焊接学报, 2013, (02): 13-114. 其他 . 21 Hang, Chunjin; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Chunqing; Wang, Ning. Ultrasonic bondability and antioxidation property of Ti/Cu/TaN/Ag multi-layers on Si substrate. Thin Solid Films, 2012, 524: 224-228. SCIE. 20 Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Wang, Chunqing; Yang, Shihua; Lin, Pengrong. Effects of bump size on deformation and fracture behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu solder joints during shear testing. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2011, 529(1): 468-478. SCIE. 19 Tian, Y. H.; Hang, C. J.; Wang, C. Q.; Ouyang, G. Q.; Yang, D. S.; Zhao, J. P. Reliability and failure analysis of fine copper wire bonds encapsulated with commercial epoxy molding compound. Microelectronics Reliability, 2011, 51(1): 157-165. SCIE. 18 安荣; 刘威; 杭春进; 田艳红; 王春青; 安茂忠. 电子封装与组装焊点界面反应及微观组织研究进展. 电子工艺技术, 2011, (06): 321-325. 17 杨传超; 王春青; 杭春进. 功率LED多芯片模块水冷散热设计. 电子工艺技术, 2010, (05): 253-257. 16 何鹏; 林铁松; 杭春进. 电子封装技术的研究进展. 焊接, 2010, (01): 25-29 . 15 Pequegnat, A.; Hang, C. J.; Mayer, M.; Zhou, Y.; Moon, J. T.; Persic, J. Effect of EFO parameters on Cu FAB hardness and work hardening in thermosonic wire bonding. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2009, 20(11): 1144-1149. SCIE. 14 Hang, C. J.; Song, W. H.; Lum, I.; Mayer, M.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, C. Q.; Moon, J. T.; Persic, J. Effect of electronic flame off parameters on copper bonding wire: Free-air ball deformability, heat affected zone length, heat affected zone breaking force. Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86(10): 2094-2103. SCIE. 13 Tian, Dewen; Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Chunqing; Hang, Chunjin. Modeling of an oblique impact of solder droplet onto a groove with the impact point to be offset from the groove surfaces interface. Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(7): 1772-1779. SCIE. 12 Hang, C. J.; Lum, I.; Lee, J.; Mayer, M.; Wang, C. Q.; Zhou, Y.; Hong, S. J.; Lee, S. M. Bonding wire characterization using automatic deformability measurement. Microelectronic Engineering, 2008, 85(8): 1795-1803. SCIE. 11 Hang, C. J.; Wang, C. Q.; Mayer, M.; Tian, Y. H.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, H. H. Growth behavior of Cu/Al intermetallic compounds and cracks in copper ball bonds during isothermal aging. Microelectronics Reliability, 2008, 48(3): 416-424. SCIE. 10 Hang, C. J.; Wang, C. Q.; Tian, Y. H.; Mayer, M.; Zhou, Y. Microstructural study of copper free air balls in thermosonic wire bonding. Microelectronic Engineering, 2008, 85(8): 1815-1819. SCIE. 9 Tian, D. W.; Tian, Y. H.; Wang, C. Q.; Hang, C. J. Three-dimensional modelling of solder droplet impact onto a groove. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008, 41(24): 0-245503. SCIE, EI. 8 杭春进; 王春青; 田艳红; 张丞. 塑料封装铜丝内连电子元器件开封新工艺研究. 电子工艺技术, 2008, (01): 5-7. 7 Hang Chunjin; Wang Chunqing; Tian Yanhong. Effect of ultrasonic power and bonding force on the bonding strength of copper ball bonds. China Welding, 2007, 16(3): 46-50. EI. 6 Xu Hui; Wang Chunqing; Hang Chunjin. Growth behavior of intermetallic compound on bonding joint of Cu wire on Al alloy pad during thermal aging. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2007, 43(2): 125-130. SCIE, EI. 5 Hang Chun-Jin; Wang Chun-Qing; Hong Shou-Yu. Research progress in copper wire bonding technology. Materials Science and Technology, 2007, 15(5): 673-678. EI. 4 徐慧; 王春青; 杭春进. 老化过程中Cu/Al合金键合界面金属间化合物的生长行为. 金属学报, 2007, (02): 125-130. SCIE. 3 杭春进; 王春青; 洪守玉. 铜丝球焊技术研究进展. 材料科学与工艺, 2007, (05): 673-678. EI. 2 田艳红; 杭春进; 王春青. Cu丝超声球焊及楔焊焊点可靠性及失效机理研究. 电子工艺技术, 2006, (02): 63-69. 1 徐慧; 杭春进; 王春青; 田艳红. 金、铜丝球键合焊点的可靠性对比研究. 电子工业专用设备, 2006, (05): 23-27. 会议论文: 24 Wu Bingying; Hang Chunjin; Li Yue; Liu Yang; Tian Yanhong; Zhang Weiwei. Thermo-mechanical Modelling of Cu Wire Parallel Gap Micro-resistance Welding Process. 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2018, 2018-8-8至2018-8-11. 23 Li Yue; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Liu Wei; Wang Chunqing; Guo Xuguang. Interposer connection reliability using double-side solder bump for board-level vertical interconnection. 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2017, 2017-8-16至2017-8-19. 22 Tian Ruyu; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Zhao Liyou. Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of Sn-37Pb and Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu BGA solder joints under extreme temperature environment. 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2017, 2017-8-16至2017-8-19. 21 Huang Yuan; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Zhang He; Wang Chenxi; Wang Xiuli. Rapid sintering of copper nanopaste by pulse current for power electronics packaging. 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2017, 2017-8-16至2017-8-19. 20 Jia Yongheng; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Liu Wei; Wang Chunqing; Guo Xuguang; Wang Xiuli. Reliability prediction of different size solder bumps in thermal shock test using FEM. 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2017, 2017-8-16至2017-8-19. 19 Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong; Wang Chunqing; Wang Hong. Research on tensile property and creep resistance of electroplating nickel reinforced by A12O3nanoparticles. 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2014, 2014-8-12至2014-8-15. 18 Zeng Keming; Li Yujie; Chang Jin; Hang Chunjin; Wang Chunqing; Zeng Keming; Li Yujie; Chang Jin; Wang Chunqing. Secondary optical design of LED lamps with high CRI and adjustable CCT. 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2014, 2014-8-12至2014-8-15. 17 Ding Y.; Wu G. D.; Wang X. L.; Yan G. S.; Hang C. J. Tensile testing and microstructure analysis on Sn-Pb-Cd and Sn-Pb eutectic solder. 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2014, 2014-8-12至2014-8-15. 16 Zhang Rui; Tian Yanhong; Liu Baolei; Hang Chunjin. Growth mechanism of Cu-Sn full IMC joints on polycrystalline and single crystal Cu substrate. 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2013, 2013-8-11至2013-8-14. 15 Hang Chunjin; Sun Shaopeng; Lin Panpan; Wang Chunqing. Molecular Dynamics study of thermal conductivity in bismuth telluride thin films. 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2013, 2013-8-11至2013-8-14. 14 Hang Chunjing; Fei Jingming; Tian Yanhong; Zhang Wei; Wang Chunqing; Zhao Susan; Caers Jo. The effects of humidity and temperature aging test on flexible packaging LED modules. 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2013, 2013-8-11至2013-8-14. 13 Hang Chunjin; Wang Hong; Fei Jingming; Wang Chunqing. Development of a new die-attach process and related bonding tool for multi-chip LED module. 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2012, 2012-8-13至2012-8-16. 12 Zhu Jiandong; Wang Chunqing; Hang Chunjin; Tian Yanhong. Growth and shear strength of intermetallic compounds in Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints. 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2012, 2012-8-13至2012-8-16. 11 Tian, Yanhong; Liu, Wei; Hang, Chunjin; Wang, Xuelin; Liu, Ruiyang; Wang, Chunqing. Morphologies and grain orientations of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu solder joints. 5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference, IBSC 2012, 2012-4-22至2012-4-25. 10 Han Leilei; Wang Chunqing; Hang chunin. Theoretical study on power factor of Si/Ge multi-layer thermoelectric micro-cooler. 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2012, 2012-8-13至2012-8-16. 9 Hang Chunjin; Fei Jingming; Wang Hong; Wang Chunqing. Thermal characterization of high power LED array in aluminum base copper clad laminate package. 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2012, 2012-8-13至2012-8-16. 8 Zeng, Chao; Wang, Chunqing; Tian, Yanhong; Liu, Wei; An, Rong; Hang, Chunjing. Characterization of the hot-cutting defects produced by the processing of alumina green tape. 2011 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2011, 2011-8-8至2011-8-11. 7 Feng, J.C.; Li, L.Q.; Hang, C.J.; Chen, Y.B.; Qin, H.. Effects of welding positions on droplet transfer in CO2laser-MAG hybrid welding. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2011, MS and T'11, 2011-10-16至2011-10-20. 6 Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Niu, Lina; Wang, Chunqing. Size effect on deformation and fracture behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead free solder joints. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2011, MS and T'11, 2011-10-16至2011-10-20. 5 王春青; 杭春进; 张威. 大功率多芯片LED封装的结构及制造关键技术研究. 国家半导体照明工程协调领导小组办公室、广东省科学技术厅、广州市人民政府、中国照明学会(CIES)、中国照明电器协会(CALI)、国际半导体照明工程研发及产业联盟(CSA), 广东省广州市. 4 Tian, Yanhong; Hang, Chunjin; Wang, Chunqing; Zhou, Y. Evolution of Cu/Al intermet allic compounds in the copper bump bonds during aging process. 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 2007-8-14至2007-8-17. 3 Hang C.J.; Lum I.; Lee J.; Mayer M.; Zhou Y.; Wang C.Q.; Hong S.J.; Lee S.M. On-line hardness characterization of novel 2-mil copper bonding wires. ASME Electronic and Photonics Packaging Division, 2007-7-8至2007-7-12. 2 Shouyu Hong; Chunjing Hang; Chunqing Wang。 Experimental research of copper wire ball bonding. 2005 6th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, 2005-8-30至2005-9-2. 1 Hang Chunjin; Wang Chunqing; Shi Mingda; Wu Xiaochun; Wang Honghui. Study of copper free air ball in thermosonic copper ball bonding. 2005 6th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, 2005-8-30至2005-9-2.