

姓名 郭斌 性别 郭斌
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 郭斌 学历 郭斌
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 招聘信息 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 教授,博士生导师。现任哈尔滨工业大学校务委员会副主任、校友总会常务副会长,兼任“空间环境地面模拟装置”大科学工程总指挥、国家科技重大专项“高档数控机床与基础装备”总体组专家、微系统与微结构制造教育部重点实验室主任、中国塑性工程学会冲压委员会主任委员、中国微纳米技术学会理事等职务。 主要从事塑性微成形、激光清洗、纤维3D编织以及微纳制造方面的研究工作。 作为项目负责人先后承担和完成国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家“863”项目等项目30余项。发表论文200余篇,包括Advanced Materials、塑性加工领域TOP1期刊Int J Plastic论文等,获国家发明专利30余项,参编专著手册3本,培养研究生90余人。 获2012年国家技术发明二等奖1项,2018年、2021年获省部级技术发明一等奖2项,其他省部级奖励3项。 教育经历 名称 1979.9-1983.7: 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系锻压专业,获学士学位 1983.9-1985.7: 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系锻压专业,攻读硕士学位 1985.9-1991.9: 获哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位,期间在日本千叶工业大学博士生联合培养 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1988.12-1991.09 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系锻压专业,助教 1991.10-1992.07 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系锻压专业,讲师 1992.08-1997.06 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授 1997.07-至今 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,教授 2000.06 - 至今 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院材料加工工程学科 博士生导师 主要兼职 名称 中国塑性工程学会冲压委员会主任委员 中国微纳米技术学会理事 国家科技重大专项“高档数控机床与基础装备”总体组专家 国家自然科学基金委会评专家 国家科技奖励评审专家 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》(英文版)编委 《航天制造技术》编委会副主任 荣誉称号 称号名称 国务院政府特殊津贴 获奖时间 2020年 颁奖机构 国务院 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 (1)塑性微成形技术 (2)激光清洗技术 (3)纤维3D编织 (4)微纳制造技术 (5)空间环境效应 团队成员 名称 单德彬 教授、博士生导师、长江学者特聘教授 宗影影 教授、博士生导师、长江学者 徐 杰 教授、博士生导师、青年长江学者 徐文臣 教授、博士生导师 袁 林 教授、博士生导师 徐振海 副教授 招生信息 名称 每年招收材料科学与工程学科硕士生3人,博士生2人,全职博士后2-3名。研究方向包括:(1)介观尺度微成形新方法与尺度效应;(2)航天微型换热系统关键构件微纳制造技术;(3)大型复杂构件激光高效清洗技术与装备;(4)空间环境效应与防护技术;(5)高性能纤维3D编织 讲授课程 名称 本科生必修课 【专业导论】 本科生必修课【材料工程力学】 科研项目 项目名称 大型复杂构件激光高效清洗技术与装备 项目来源 国家重点研发计划 开始时间 2017.07 结束时间 2021.06 项目经费 2929 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 复杂构件激光清洗/抛光/刻蚀智能制造技术与装备 项目来源 广东省重点研发计划 开始时间 2019.01 结束时间 2021.12 项目经费 5200 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 机场跑道激光在线除胶工艺机理与关键技术研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金委民航联合基金重点项目 开始时间 2022.1 结束时间 2025.12 项目经费 225.75 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 代表性论文 名称 [1] Li, Zhichao; Zhang, Donghe; Su, Xuan; Yang, Shirui; Xu, Jie*; Ma, Rui; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*. Removal mechanism of surface cleaning on TA15 titanium alloy using nanosecond pulsed laser. Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 139: 106998. [2] Ding, Chaogang; Xu, Jie*; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Langdon, Terence G. Sustainable fabrication of Cu/Nb composites with continuous laminated structure to achieve ultrahigh strength and excellent electrical conductivity.Composites Part B: Engineering , 2021, 211: 108662. [3] Wang, Daolin; Gao, Changyong*; Si, Tieyan; Li, Zesheng; Guo, Bin; He,Qiang*. Near-infrared light propelled motion of needlelike liquid metal nanoswimmers.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 2021, 611: 125865. [4] Liu, Shaoqin*; Guo, Bin*; Zhou, Yu* Multidisciplinary Materials Research at Harbin Institute of Technology. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(6): 2007472. [5] Wang, Xinwei; Wang, Chunju*; Liu, Yang; Liu, Chen; Wang, zhenlong; Guo, Bin*; Shan, Debin. An energy based modeling for the acoustic softening effect on the Hall-Petch behavior of pure titanium in ultrasonic vibration assisted micro-tension.International Journal of Plasticity, 2021, 136: 102879. [6] Hou, Longyan; Wu, Yiyong; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin; Zong, Yingying* Dose rate effects on shape memory epoxy resin during 1 MeV electron irradiation in air.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 67: 61-69. [7] Xu, Wenchen; Yuan, Can; Wu, He*; Yang, Zhongzhe; Yang, Guojing; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Jin, Bo Cheng. Modeling of flow behavior and microstructure evolution for Mg-6Gd-5Y-0.3Zr alloy during hot deformation using a unified internal state variable method.Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(4): 7669-7685. [8] Ding, Chaogang; Chen, Wanji; Sabbaghianrad, Shima; Xu, Jie*; Shan,Debin; Guo, Bin; Langdon, Terence G. In situ TEM observations of thickness effect on grain growth in pure titanium thin films.Materials Characterization, 2021, 173: 110929. [9] Lu, Yao; Ding, Ye; Wang, Genwang; Yang, LiJun*; Wang, Maolu*; Wang, Yang; Guo,Bin. Ultraviolet laser cleaning and surface characterization of AH36 steel for rust removal.Journal of Laser Applications, 2020, 32(3): 032023. [10] Chen, Wanji; Xu, Jie*; Liu, Detong; Bao, Jianxing; Sabbaghianrad, Shima; Shan, Debin; Guo Bin; Langdon, Terence G. Microstructural Evolution and Microhardness Variations in Pure Titanium Processed by High-Pressure Torsion.Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22(6): 1901462. [11] Wang, Xinwei; Xu, Jie; Wang, Chunju*; Sanchez Egea, Antonio J.; Li, Jianwei; Liu, Chen*; Wang, Zhenlong; Zhang, Tiejun; Guo, Bin; Cao, Jian. Bio-Inspired Functional Surface Fabricated by Electrically Assisted Micro-Embossing of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy.Materials, 2020, 13(2): 412. [12] Su, Qian; Xu, Jie*; Yu, Huan; Shi, Lei; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin* Effect of Grain Size on Formability and Deformation Mechanism of High-Purity Aluminum during Micro-Embossing Process at Elevated Temperature.Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21(10): 1900690. [13] Xu, Chuanlong; Yuan, Lin*; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. The influence of lamellar twins on deformation mechanism in nanocrystalline magnesium under uniaxial compression.Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(19): 12623-12642. [14] Xu, Jie; Su, Qian*; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin* Sustainable micro-manufacturing of superhydrophobic surface on ultrafine-grained pure aluminum substrate combining micro-embossing and surface modification.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232: 705-712. [15] Yuan, Lin*; Xu, Chuanlong; Shivpuri, Rajiv; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. Size Effect in the Uniaxial Compression of Polycrystalline Ni Nanopillars with Small Number of Grains.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2019, 50A(9): 4462-4479. [16] Lu, Yao; Yang, LiJun*; Wang, Yang*; Chen, Hao; Guo, Bin; Tian, Ze. Paint Removal on the 5A06 Aluminum Alloy Using a Continuous Wave Fiber Laser.Coatings, 2019, 9(8): 488. [17] Liu, Po; Zhang, Taichao; Guo, Bin; Yang, Li; Shan, Debin; Zong, Yingying* Deformation path and springback behavior in double-curved bending at high temperature.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019, 33(9): 4361-4370. [18] Hou, Longyan; Wu, Yiyong; Xiao, Jingdong; Guo, Bin; Zong, Yingying* Degeneration and damage mechanism of epoxy-based shape memory polymer under 170 keV vacuum proton irradiation.Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2019, 166: 8-16. [19] Han, Haibo; Wang, Chunju*; Cheng, Lidong; Wan, Shengxiang; Bai, Jie; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. Effects of ultrasonic vibration on filling behaviours in micro-embossing processes.Ferroelectrics, 2019, 546(1): 25-32. [20] Zhou, Lijie; Wei, Shuai; Ge, Chuanyang; Zhao, Chao; Guo, Bin; Zhang, Jia*; Zhao, Jie.Ultrafast Growth of Uniform Multi-Layer Graphene Films Directly on Silicon Dioxide Substrates.Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(7): 964 [21] yang, Chuan; Xu, Wenchen*; Chen, Yu; Guo, Bin; Shan, Debin. Restoration of fatigue damage in steel tube by eddy current treatment. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 124: 422-434. [22] Sun, Chengyue; Zhao, Huiyang; Shi, Yaping; Chen, Ying; Wu, Yiyong*; Wang, Li*; Guo, Bin. Preparation and growth mechanism of solidified TiO2 film on polyimide by SILAR at room temperature.AIP Advances, 2019, 9(3): 035337. [23] Lin Xiankun*; Huang Xiaodi; Zeng Chenggen; Wang Wei; Ding Chaogang; Xu Jie; He Qiang; Guo Bin* Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels integrated with cuprous oxide-tannic acid submicroparticles for enhanced mechanical properties and synergetic antibiofouling.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 535: 491-498. [24] Xu, Jie; Su, Qian; Wang, Chenxi; Wang, Xinwei; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Langdon, Terence G. Micro-Embossing Formability of a Superlight Dual-Phase Mg-Li Alloy Processed by High-Pressure Torsion. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21(2): 1800961. [25] Wang, Xinwei; Egea, Antonio J. Sanchez; Xu, Jie; Meng, Xianyu; Wang, Zhenlong; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Cao, Jian. Current-Induced Ductility Enhancement of a Magnesium Alloy AZ31 in Uniaxial Micro-Tension Below 373 K.Materials, 2019, 12(1): 111. [26] Wang Daolin; Gao Changyong; Wang Wei; Sun Mengmeng; Guo Bin*; Xie Hui; He Qiang* Shape-Transformable, Fusible Rodlike Swimming Liquid Metal Nanomachine.ACS Nano, 2018, 12(10): 10212-10220. [27] Wu You*; Sun Chengyue; Wu Yiyong*; Xing Yuge; Xiao Jingdong; Guo Bin*; Wang Yi; Sui Yu. The degradation behavior and mechanism of polytetrafluoroethylene under low energy proton irradiation.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ,2018,430:47-53 . [28] Li, Tianlong; Zhang, Anning; Shao, Guangbin; Wei, Mengshi; Guo, Bin; Zhang, Guangyu*; Li, Longqiu*; Wang, Wei* Janus Microdimer Surface Walkers Propelled by Oscillating Magnetic Fields.dvanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(25): 1706066. [29] Guo Hongliang; Wu Yiyong*; Wang Jie; Guo Bin; Xiao Jingdong; Sun Qiang; Yu Hui. External quantum efficiency artifacts in partial-irradiated GaInP/GaAs/Ge solar cells by protons and electrons.Energy Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(3): 144-153. [30] Zhang, Fuhai*; Fu, Yili; Zhu, Shan; Liu, He; Guo, Bin; Wang, Shuguo. Safe path planning for free-floating space robot to approach noncooperative spacecraft. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering , 2018, 232(7): 1258-1271. [31] Su Qian; Xu Jie*; Li Yugiao; Yoon Jae Ik; Shan Debin; Guo Bin; Kim Hyoung Seop* Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties in Superlight Mg-Li Alloy Processed by High-Pressure Torsion.Materials, 2018, 11(4): 598. [32] Zong, Yingying; Gen, Qingfeng; Jiang, Hongwei; Shan, Debin; Guo,Bin* High- and Low-Temperature Deformation Behavior of Different Orientation Hot-Rolled Annealed Zircaloy-4. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(3): 1203-1216. [32] Dong, Shuliang; Wang, Zhenlong*; Wang, Yukui; Bai, Xuelin; Fu, Yong Qing; Guo, Bin*; Tan, Chaoliang; Zhang, Jia*; Hu, PingAn. Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Robust Superhydrophobic Coating on Metallic Engineering Materials.CS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(2): 2174-2184. [33] Peng Jing, Lin Yuan, Rajiv Shivpuri, Chuanlong Xu, Yuqi Zhang, Debin Shan, Bin Guo. Evolution of spherical nanovoids within copper polycrystals during plastic straining: Atomistic investigation[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2017.(影响因子:5.7020) [34] Xinwei Wang, Jie Xu, Debin Shan, Bin Guo, Jian Cao. Effects of specimen and grain size on electrically-induced softening behavior in uniaxial micro-tension of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Experiment and modeling. Materials & Design. 2017, 127: 134-143. (影响因子:4.364) [35] Jianwei Li, Jie Xu, Bin Guo, Debin Shan, Terence G. Langdon. Shear fracture mechanism in micro-tension of an ultrafine-grained pure copper using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomography. Scripta Materialia. 2017, 132: 25-29. (影响因子:3.747) [36] Liu, Yang; Wang, Chunju; Han, Haibo; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. Investigation on effect of ultrasonic vibration on micro-blanking process of copper foil.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(5-8): 2243-2249. [37] Liu, Yang; Wang, Chunju; Guo, Bin; Shan, Debin; Zhang, Manman. Softening effect of ultrasonic vibration on micro-blanking deformation behaviour of titanium foil.Micro & Nano Letters, 2017, 12(10): 808-812. [38] Wen, Daosheng; Huang, Shuhui; Guo, Bin; Shan, Debin; Zong, Yingying. Effect of hydrogen on gamma-phase transformation and texture evolution of a TiAl - based alloy deformed at elevated temperature.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2017, 699: 176-184. [39] Zong, Yingying; Shao, Bin; Xu, Wenchen; Guo, Bin; Shan, Debin. The formation mechanism of tear strips on stretched Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy sheets.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1645. [40] Shao, Bin; Wan, Shengxiang; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin; Zong, Yingying. Hydrogen-Induced Improvement of the Cylindrical Drawing Properties of a Ti-22Al-25Nb Alloy.Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017, 19(3): 1600621. [41] Yuan, Lin; Jing, Peng; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. The effect of inclination angle on the plastic deformation behavior of bicrystalline silver nanowires with Sigma 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries.Applied Surface Science, 2017, 392: 1153-1164. [42] Wang C J; Liu Y; Zhang B; Shan D B; Guo B. Development of ultrasonic vibration assisted uniaxial tension device and utilization in evaluation of micro tension deformation behavior of copper foil.Ferroelectrics, 2017, 521(1): 53-60. [43] Wang C J; Liu Y; Zhang B; Shan D B; Guo B. Development of ultrasonic vibration assisted uniaxial tension device and utilization in evaluation of micro tension deformation behavior of copper foil.Ferroelectrics, 2017, 521(1): 53-60. [44] Guo, X. M.; Guo, B.; Li, C.; Wang, Y. L. Amperometric Highly Sensitive Uric Acid sensor Based on Manganese(III)porphyrin-Graphene Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 783: 8-14. [45] Wang, C. J.; Liu, Y.; Guo, B.; Shan, D. B.; Zhang, B. Acoustic softening and stress superposition in ultrasonic vibration assisted uniaxial tension of copper foil: Experiments and modeling.Materials and Design, 2016, 112: 246-253. [46] Wang, Xinwei; Xu, Jie; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Cao, Jian* Modeling of thermal and mechanical behavior of a magnesium alloy AZ31 during electrically-assisted micro-tension.International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 85: 230-257. [47] Zhang, Hongtao; Song, Wenping; Wang, Zhenlong; Guo, Bin; Zhang, Guangyu; Liu, LiLi Numerical and experimental studies of high-sensitivity plug-in pressure sensor based on fiber Bragg gratings.Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(9): 096104. [48] Cheng, Sirui; Wang, Chunju; Ma, Mingzhen; Shan, Debin*; Guo, Bin. Mechanism for microstructural evolution induced by high temperature deformation in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 676: 299-304. [49] Zhang, Jia; Zhao, Chao; Liu, Na; Zhang, Huanxi; Liu, Jingjing; Fu, Yong Qing; Guo, Bin; Wang, Zhenlong*; Lei, Shengbin; Hu, PingAn* Tunable electronic properties of graphene through controlling bonding configurations of doped nitrogen atoms.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 28330. [50] Zhang, Peng*; Zhu, Qiang; Su, Qian; Guo, Bin; Cheng, Shu-kang. Corrosion behavior of T2 copper in 3.5% sodium chloride solution treated by rotating electromagnetic field.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26(5): 1439-1446. [51] Wang, Xinwei; Xu, Jie; Jiang, Zilin; Zhu, Wu-Le; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin*; Cao, Jian* Size effects on flow stress behavior during electrically-assisted micro-tension in a magnesium alloy AZ31.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials PropertiesMicrostructure and Processing, 2016, 659: 215-224. [52] Wang, Chuanjie*; Wang, Chunju; Xu, Jie; Zhang, Peng; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin* . Interactive effect of microstructure and cavity dimension on filling behavior in micro coining of pure nickel. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23895. [53] Xu Jie; Li Jianwei; Wang Chuan Ting; Shan Debin; Guo Bin*; Langdon Terence G. Evidence for an early softening behavior in pure copper processed by high-pressure torsion.Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(4): 1923-1930. [54] Chen, Lei; Guo, Ximing; Guo, Bin; Cheng, ShuKang; Wang, Fei. Electrochemical investigation of a metalloporphyrin-graphene composite modified electrode and its electrocatalysis on Ascorbic Acid.ournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 760: 105-112. [55] Li, C.; Guo, B.; Guo, X. M.; Wang, F. The electrochemical sensor based on electrochemical oxidation of nitrite on metalloporphyrin-graphene modified glassy carbon electrode.RSC Advances, 2016, 6(93): 90480-90488. [56] Yuan, Lin*; Jing, Peng; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. Plastic deformation behaviour of layer-grained silver polycrystalline from atomistic simulation.Philosophical Magazine, 2016, 96(22): 2397-2411. [57] Xu, Jie; Li, Jianwei; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin* Microstructural evolution and micro/meso-deformation behavior in pure copper processed by equal-channel angular pressing.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2016,664:114-125 [58] Li, Jianwei; Xu, Jie; Wang, Chuan Ting; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin; Langdon, Terence G. Microstructural Evolution and Micro-Compression in High-Purity Copper Processed by High-Pressure Torsion.Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016, 18(2): 241-250. [59] Xu, Jie*; Shi, Lei; Wang, Chenxi; Shan, Debin; Guo, Bin. Micro hot embossing of micro-array channels in ultrafine-grained pure aluminum using a silicon die.ournal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 225: 375-384.
