姓名 | 王佰玲 | 性别 | 王佰玲 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 人力资源处(威海) |
学位 | 王佰玲 | 学历 | 王佰玲 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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基本信息 Biographical Sketch Research Grants Selected Publications Teaching 招生 ... 招生 新建主栏目 Basic Information 名称 Bailing Wang (王佰玲) Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor (教授 博导) Institute of Network Technology School of Computer Science and Technology Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai Career 名称 Ph.D. Supervisor (2013 -) School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Visiting Associate Research Fellow(2012 - ) Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Part-Time Associate Professor(2010 -) School of Software and Engineer, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing Post-Doctoral (2009-) School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing Associate Professor (2008 - ) School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai Staff Researcher (2006-2008) IBM STG Lab, Beijing Education 名称 Ph.D. (2003-2006) Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China M.S. (2001-2003) Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China B.Sc. (1997-2001) Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China Short CV 名称 I am currently a Associate Professor and Ph.D. supervisor in the school of Computer Science and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology. I obtained the PhD degree in 2006 from Harbin Institute of Technology in China. I conduct research in computer network information security, mobile computing, web search and data mining. My research results have been accepted for publication in the well-established journals including International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Chinese Journal of Computers(计算机学报), Journal of Computer and Research and Development(计算机研究与发展), Chinese Journal of Electronics (电子学报), Journal of Communications (通信学报) and in the reputable conferences such as ISCA, HPCA, LNCS, LNEE etc. I serve as a peer reviewer of Journal of Network Security, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Chinese Journal of Computers, Chinese Journal of Electronics. I served on program committees of the Second International Conference on Advanced Signal Processing(ASP 2013). I am a member of ACM and CCF. Research Insterests 名称 Network Security Information Content Security Mobile Computing Web Search and Data Mining Computer Networks Social Network Research Grants 名称 2013.01 – 2016.12 Theory and Method of Social Network Evolution (No. 2013CB329602), National Basic Research Program of China (973), Member. 2013.07 – 2014.06 Phishing Website Recognition Method and Theory, National Inforation Security Technologies R&D Program of China (242), Principal Investigator. 2012.01 – 2015.12 Research on Detection Theory and Key Technologies of Secrete Service in Tunnel(No. 61170262), National Nature Science Foundation China (NSFC), Principal Investigator. 2010.03 – 2011.03 Network Survivability Theory Based on "Core and Coritivity" (No. 20090460150), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Principal Investigator. 2005.01 – 2007.12 Internet Worm Management Technology Based on Active Containment (No. 60403033), National Nature Science Foundation China (NSFC), Member. Selected Papers 名称 [电子学报'13] 王佰玲, 曲芸, 张永铮, 田志宏. 基于数据流的网页内容分析技术研究. 电子学报.2013,41(4): 751-756 [计算机研发'13] 田志宏, 王佰玲, 张伟哲, 叶建伟, 张宏莉. 基于上下文验证的网络入侵检测模型. 计算机研究与发展. 2013,50(3): 498-508 [IJSIA'13] Wang Bailing, Li Shang, Qu Yun, Wang Xiaopeng and Liu Yang. A Method of Threat Evaluation for Mobile Network. International Journal of Security and Its Applications. 2013, 7(3): 153-162 [IJGDC'13] Wang, Bailing; Wei, Yuliang; Hui, He; Yang, Liu; Yun, Qu. An improved resource management approach for distributed network endpoints. International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 2013, 6(2): 61-68 [IJSIA'13] Li Gen, Wang Bailing, Liu Yang, Bai Xuefeng and Yuan Xinling. Design and Implementation of a Network Attack Platform Based on Plug-in Technology. International Journal of Security and Its Applications. 2013, 7(3): 195-204 [JCIS'12] Huang Junheng, Sun Yushan, Wang Bailing*. A new protein function prediction algorithm based on PPI network and the Gene Ontology. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2012(8):4545-4552 [电子学报'12] 张伟哲, 王佰玲, 何慧, 谭卓鹏. 基于异质网络的意见领袖社区发现.电子学报.2012,40(10): 1927-1932 [计算机研发'06] 王佰玲,方滨兴,云晓春,张宏莉,陈博,刘乙璇. 基于平衡树的良性蠕虫扩散策略. 计算机研究与发展. 2006,43(9),1593-1602 [计算机学报'05] 王佰玲,方滨兴,云晓春. 零拷贝报文捕获平台的研究与实现. 计算机学报. 2005,28(1): 46-52 [通信学报'03] 王佰玲,方滨兴,云晓春. 分布式宽带网络病毒预警系统. 通信学报. 2003, 24(8): 225-230 Selected Patents 名称 专利名称 公开时间 公开号 排名 授权号 授权日期 用于物联网的信息融合引擎及方法 2012.10.10 CN102724307A 1 一种检测失泄密的方法和USB设备 2012.04.04 CN102404161A 1 一种检测网络失泄密的方法和系统 2012.04.04 CN102404291A 1 一种在IPv6协议下实现精准时间同步的方法及系统 2012.08.22 CN102647244A 2 一种面向多论坛的自动群发系统 2012.09.19 CN102682113A 2 一种自适应时钟同步系统 2012.09.19 CN102684808A 2 一种NTP网络和PTP网络之间时钟同步的方法 2012.10.03 CN102710410A 2 用于集成多个威胁安全服务的方法及其设备 2009.6.17 CN101459660A 1 处理系统中获取向量的欧几里得范数的方法和装置 2010.3.24 CN101676864A 2 多处理器系统中网络接口卡与加速器传输数据的方法与装置 2009.11.4 CN101572689A 1 一种基于多处理器系统的多库函数调用方法和系统 2010.3.3 CN101661405A 2 CN101661405B 2012.08.29 多处理器系统的三角线性方程组求解的方法和装置 2010.3.3 CN101661457A 4 在多处理器系统上对矩阵进行QR分解的方法和装置 2009.9.16 CN101533386A 2 在多处理器系统上进行分子动力学模拟的方法和装置 2010.7.21 CN101782930A 2 CN101782930B 2012.08.22 Method and Device for Integrating Multi-threat Security Services 2009.6.18 US12.331,912 1 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR QR-FACTORIZING MATRIX ON A MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEM 2009.9.17 US12.402,780 2 US8296350B2 2012.10.23 INVOKING MULTI-LIBRARY APPLICATIONS ON A MULTIPLE PROCESSOR SYSTEM 2010.3.4 US12.402,780 2 Performing Molecular Dynamics Simulation on a Multiprocessor System 2010.7.22 US12.686,416 2 Teaching 名称 Parallel Computing Web Search Enginee Computer Network Information Content Security 招生信息 名称 硕士招生: 每年3名 博士招生: 每年2名 欢迎对相关领域有研究兴趣的同学报考