

姓名 刘丽艳 性别 刘丽艳
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 环境学院
学位 刘丽艳 学历 刘丽艳
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基本信息/Basic Information 科学研究/Research Online 教育教学 论文著作/Achievement 新建主栏目 Basic Information 名称 刘丽艳,女,博士,环境学院 环境科学系,副教授,硕士生导师。 中国环境科学学会极地环境与生态专业委员会 副秘书长 主要从事室内环境中持久性有毒物质检测方法开发、污染特征研究、暴露水平研究;持久性有毒物质人体暴露途径研究;持久性有毒物质的健康风险评估等方向研究。发表学术论文70篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文10篇;协助指导博士、硕士毕业生10余人;主持项目包括:中国博士后科学基金面上项目,哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金项目,哈尔滨工业大学创新基金项目,哈尔滨市城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题、城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题等项目共7项;参与项目包括:中-加国际极地年项目(International Polar Year (IPY): The International Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Pollutants to the Arctic (INCATPA)),中-英联合利华项目(Evaluation of SEAC Global Exposure Models),国家自然科学基金项目,哈工大重点培育计划项目,城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题等科研项目10余项。 工作经历 教育经历 研究领域 名称 主要研究领域: (1)人体内典型环境内分泌干扰物暴露水平及健康风险评估 (2)室内环境中持久性有毒物质污染特征研究 (3)北极和寒冷地区环境污染对人类健康影响研究 Major research fields: (1)Pollution characteristics, environmental behavior and risk assessment of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in indoor environment. (2)Human exposure and health risk assessment of environmental endocrine disruptors. (3)The impact of environmental pollution on human health in the Arctic and cold areas. 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程: 专业课:《室内环境污染与控制》、《环境法学》、《无机化学》 实验课:《无机化学 实验》、《环境生态学 实验》 创新实验课:《有毒物质进入人体的分析实验》 全校公选课:《环境污染与健康》、《北极生态环境导论》 本科生课程: 选修课《Environmental Pollution and Health》、《环境暴露与健康效应》 招生信息 名称 硕士招生: (1)持久性有毒物质人体暴露途径及健康影响研究 (2)室内环境中持久性有毒物质研究 (3)北极及寒冷地区室内环境中持久性有毒物质污染及对人体健康影响研究 教改论文 名称 马万里,刘丽艳,齐虹,宋维薇,李一凡。本科生创新实验教学的探讨与实践。教育教学论坛,2016,6:248-249 SCI收录文章 名称 2023年 Yu Sun, Ze Kan, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li Song, Chao Jiang, Ji Wang, Wan-Li Ma, Yi-Fan Li, Li Wang , Li-Yan Liu*. Association of occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in workers with hypertension from a northeastern Chinese petrochemical industrial area. Environmental Pollution, 2023: 121266 Yu Sun, Li-Yan Liu*, Lin-Lin Lv, Xi-Xi Zhou, Yu-Yan Luo, Jin-Ze Qu, Wan-Li Ma, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li Song, Li Wang, Yi-Fan Li. Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Indoor/Outdoor Window Films and the Indoor Film/Air Partition of Northeastern Chinese College Dormitories. Chemosphere, 2023: 138136 Chun-Yan Huo, Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu*, Yu Sun, Jia-Qi Guo, Liang Wang, Hayley Hung, Yi-Fan Li. Seasonal variations of airborne phthalates and novel non-phthalate plasticizers in a test residence in cold regions: Effects of temperature, humidity, total suspended particulate matter, and sources. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 863:160852 Yu-Wei Li, Shu-Zhi Li, Li-Yan Liu, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma*. Bi modified oxidized tubular carbon nitride with high-yield singlet oxygen for propylparaben degradation: Implication for a novel oxygen activation mechanism. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 321: 122025 Li, Yuwei, Zhang, Zifeng, Li, Shuzhi, Liu, Liyan, Ma, Wanli. Solar-induced efficient propylparaben photodegradation by nitrogen vacancy engineered reticulate g-C3N4: Morphology, activity and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856: 159247 Shi-Ming Jia, De-Qi Wang, Li-Yan Liu, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma*. Size-resolved environmentally persistent free radicals in cold region atmosphere: Implications for inhalation exposure risk. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443: 130263 Liang Wang, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li-Yan Liu, Fu-Jie Zhu, Wan-Li Ma*. National-scale monitoring of historic used organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and current used pesticides (CUPs) in Chinese surface soil: old topic and new story. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443: 130285 Pu-Fei Yang, Robie W. Macdonald, Hayley Hung, Derek C.G. Muir, Roland Kallenborn, Anatoly N. Nikolaev, Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Yi-Fan Li*. Modeling historical budget for β-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in the Arctic Ocean: A contrast to α-HCH. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2023, 14:100229 2022年 Li, Hai-Ling; Yang, Pu-Fei; Liu, Li-Yan*; Gong, Bei-Bei; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Ma, Wan-Li; Macdonald, Robie W; Nikolaev, Anatoly N; Li, Yi-Fan. Steady-State Based Model of Airborne Particle/Gas and Settled Dust/Gas Partitioning for Semivolatile Organic Compounds in the Indoor Environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56: 8373?8383 Huo, Chun-Yan; Liu, Li-Yan*; Hung, Hayley; Sun, Yu; Guo, Jia-Qi; Wu, Yong-Kai; Sverko, Ed; Li, Wen-Long. Accumulations and equilibrium conditions of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in the indoor window film and the estimation of concentrations in air. Science of the total environment, 2022, 848: 157724(1-8) Qiao, Li-Na; Ma, Wan-Li; Liu, Li-Yan; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Song, Wei-Wei; Jia, Hong-Liang; Nikolaev, Anatoly N.; Macdonald, Robie W.; Li, Yi-Fan. Particle/gas partitioning behavior of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in global atmosphere: Equilibrium or steady state? Atmospheric Environment, 2022, 270: 118926 (1-8) Zhu, Fu-Jie; Arina, Sun-Zu-Li; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Liu, Li-Yan; Song, Wei-Wei; Cheng, Yuan; Liu, Jiu-Meng; Ma, Wan-Li. Non-equilibrium influence on G/P partitioning of PAHs: Evidence from the diurnal and nocturnal variation. Chemosphere, 2022, 294: 133722 (1-7) Zhu, Fu-Jie; Ma, Wan-Li; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Yang, Pu-Fei; Hu, Peng-Tuan; Liu, Li-Yan; Song, Wei-Wei. Prediction of the gas/particle partitioning quotient of PAHs based on ambient temperature. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 811: 151411 (1-7) Kan, Ze; Zhao, Ke-Xin; Jiang, Chao; Liu, Da-Yang; Guo, Ying; Liu, Li-Yan; Wang, Wen-Juan; He, Zhi-Qiang; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Wang, Su-Yi. Respiratory exposure to graphene oxide induces pulmonary fibrosis and organ damages in rats involving caspase-1/p38MAPK/TGF-beta1 signaling pathways. Chemosphere, 2022, 303: 135181 (1-9) 2021年 Hu Peng-Tuan, Ma Wan-Li, Zhang Zi-Feng, Liu Li-Yan, Song Wei-Wei, Cao Zhi-Guo, Macdonald Robie W, Nikolaev Anatoly, Li Li, Li Yi-Fan. Approach to Predicting the Size-Dependent Inhalation Intake of Particulate Novel Brominated Flame Retardants. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(22): 15236-15245 Fu-Jie Zhu, Wan-Li Ma*, Li-Yan Liu, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Peng-Tuan Hu, Wen-Long Li, Li-Na Qiao, Hui-Ze Fan. Temporal trends of atmospheric PAHs: Implications for the gas-particle partition. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 261: 118595 Mohammed Rashid, Zhang Zi-Feng, Jiang Chao, Hu Ying-Hua, Liu Li-Yan, Ma Wan-Li, Song Wei-Wei, Nikolaev Anatoly, Li Yi-Fan. Fate and Occurrence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives in Water and Sediment from Songhua River, Northeast China. Water, 2021, 13(9): 1196 Li-Na Qiao, Wan-Li Ma, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Hong-Liang Jia, Ning-Zheng Zhu, Wen-Long Li, Robie W. Macdonald, Anatoly Nikolaev, Yi-Fan Li*. Slopes and intercepts from log-log correlations of gas/particle quotient and octanol-air partition coefficient (vapor-pressure) for semi-volatile organic compounds: II. Theoretical predictions vs. monitoring. Chemosphere, 2021, 273: 128860 Rashid Mohammed, Zi-Feng Zhang, Ze Kan, Chao Jiang, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Wei-Wei Song, Anatoly Nikolaev, Yi-Fan Li*. Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Methylated Derivatives in Sewage Sludge from Northeastern China: Occurrence, Profiles and Toxicity Evaluation. Molecules, 2021, 26(9): 2739 Rashid Mohammed, Zi-Feng Zhang*, Chao Jiang, Ying-Hua Hu, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Wei-Wei Song, Anatoly Nikolaev, Roland Kallenborn, Yi-Fan Li*. Occurrence, Removal, and Mass Balance of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives in Wastewater Treatment Plants in Northeast China. Toxics, 2021, 9(4): 76 Yi-Fan Li, Meng Qin, Pu-Fei Yang, Li-Yan Liu, Lin-Jun Zhou, Ji-Ning Liu, Li-Li Shi, Li-Na Qiao, Peng-Tuan Hu, Chong-Guo Tian, Anatoly Nikolaev, Robie Macdonald. Treatment of particle/gas partitioning using level III fugacity models in a six-compartment system. Chemosphere, 2021, 271: 129580 2020年 Yu Sun, Jiaqi Guo, Liyan Liu*, Ed Sverko, Zhi Zhang, Chongguo Tian, Chunyan Huo, Hailing Li, Wanli Ma, Zifeng Zhang, Weiwei Song, Yifan Li, Li Wang. Seasonal variation and influence factors of organophosphate esters in air particulate matter of a northeastern Chinese test home. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740(140048):1-8 Jia-Qi Guo, Yong-feng Li, Li-Yan Liu*, Chun-Yan Huo, Yu Sun, Wan-li Ma, Zi-feng Zhang, Yi-Fan Li. Occurrence and partitioning of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in indoor air and dust: a 15-month case study in a test home. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(28):35126-35136 Wan-Li Ma, Fu-Jie Zhu, Li-Yan Liu, Hong-Liang Jia, Meng Yang, Yi-Fan Li. PAHs in Chinese atmosphere Part II: Health risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 200: 110774 (1-9) Wenxu Fang, Weiwei Song, Liyan Liu, Guangnian Chen, Linan Ma, Yuxuan Liang, Yujie Xu, Xueying Wang, Yehao Ji, Yu Zhuang, Amadou Hima Boubacar, Yifan Li. Characteristics of indoor and outdoor fine particles in heating period at urban, suburban, and rural sites in Harbin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:1825–1834 Zhang Zifeng, Zhang Xue, Zhang Xianming, Liu Liyan, Li Yifan, Sun Wei. Indoor occurrence and health risk of formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and total volatile organic compounds derived from an extensive monitoring campaign in Harbin, a megacity of China. Chemosphere, 2020, 250: 126324 (1-10) Qiao, Li-Na; Ma, Wan-Li; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Liu, Li-Yan; Song, Wei-Wei; Jia, Hong-Liang; Zhu, Ning-Zheng; Li, Wen-Long; Macdonald, Robie W.; Nikolaev, Anatoly; Li, Yi-Fan. Slopes and intercepts from log-log correlations of gas/particle quotient and octanol-air partition coefficient (vapor-pressure) for semi-volatile organic compounds: II. Theoretical predictions vs. monitoring. Chemosphere, 2020, 273: 128860 (1-10) Hu, Peng-Tuan; Su, Peng-Hao; Ma, Wan-Li; Zhang, Zi-Feng; Liu, Li-Yan; Song, Wei-Wei; Qiao, Li-Na; Tian, Chong-Guo; Macdonald, Robie W.; Nikolaev, Anatoly; Cao, Zhi-Guo; Li, Yi-Fan. New equation to predict size-resolved gas-particle partitioning quotients for polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Journal Of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400: 123245 (1-10) Zhang, Zi-Feng; Zhang, Xue; Sun, Ming-yu; Meng, Bo; Liu, Li-yan; Song, Wei-Wei; Ma, Wan-Li; Li, Wen-Long; Li, Yi-Fan. Substituted diphenylamine antioxidants (SDPAs) in typical domestic wastewater treatment plants and Songhua River in the northeast of China. Chemosphere, 2020, 260: 127519 (1-8) 2019年 Chun-Yan Huo, Yu Sun, Li-Yan Liu*, Ed Sverko, Yi-Fan Li, Wen-Long Li, Wan-LiMa, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song. Assessment of human indoor exposure to PAHs during the heating and non-heating season: Role of window films as passive air samplers. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659: 293–301 (IF: 5.589) Hai-Ling Li, Li-Yan Liu*, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma, Ed Sverko, Zhi Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Yu Sun, Yi-Fan Li. Semi-volatile organic compounds in infant homes: Levels, influence factors, partitioning, and implications for human exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251: 609-618 (IF: 5.714) Lai-Ling Li, Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu*, Zhi Zhang, Ed Sverko, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Yu Sun, Yi-Fan Li. Phthalates in infant cotton clothing: Occurrence and implications for human exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 683: 109–115 (IF: 5.589) Yu Sun, Li-Yan Liu*, Ed Sverko, Yi-Fan Li, Hai-Ling Li, Chun-Yan Huo, Wan-Li Ma, Wei-wei Song, Zi-Feng Zhang. Organophosphate flame retardants in college dormitory dust of northern Chinese cities: Occurrence, human exposure and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 665 :731–738 (IF: 5.589) 2018年 Fu-Jie Zhu, Wan-Li Ma, Tie-Fu Xu, Yi Ding, Xue Zhao, Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Yi-Fan Li, Zi-Feng Zhang*. Removal characteristic of surfactants in typical industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants in Northeast China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 153: 84–90 Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Hong-Liang Jia, Meng Yang, Yi-Fan Li*. PAHs in Chinese atmosphere Part I: Concentration, source and temperature dependence. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 173: 330-337 Wen-Long Li, Zi-Feng Zhang*, Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Yi-Fan Li. An evaluation on the intra-day dynamics, seasonal variations and removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products from urban wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 640–641: 1139–1147 2017年 Song Cui, Qiang Fu, Yi-Fan Li*, Jianmin Ma, Chongguo Tian, Liyan Liu, Leiming Zhang. Modeling the air-soil exchange, secondary emissions and residues in soil of polychlorinated biphenyls in China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1-10 Wen-Long Li, Wan-Li Ma, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Hong-Liang Jia, Yong-Sheng Ding, Haruhiko Nakata, Nguyen Hung Minh, Ravindra Kumar Sinha, Hyo-Bang Moon, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Ed Sverko, and Yi-Fan Li. Occurrence and Source Effect of Novel Brominated Flame Retardants (NBFRs) in Soils from Five Asian Countries and Their Relationship with PBDEs. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51 (19): 11126–11135 Liu, Li-Hua; Ma, Wan-Li; Liu, Li-Yan; Huo, Chun-Yan; Li, Wen-Long; Gao, Chong-Jing; Li, Hai-Ling; Li, Yi-Fan; Chan, Hing Man. Occurrence, sources and human exposure assessment of SCCPs in indoor dust of northeast China. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 225: 232-243 Wan-Li Ma, Wen-Long Li, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Chun-Yan Huo, Yi-Xing Yuan, Yi-Fan Li*. Occurrence and source apportionment of atmospheric halogenated flame retardants in Lhasa City in the Tibetan Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 607-608: 1109-1116 Xue Zhao, Zi-Feng Zhang, Lei Xu, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Fu-Jie Zhu, Yi-Fan Li, Wan-Li Ma*. Occurrence and fate of benzotriazoles UV filters in a typical residential wastewater treatment plant in Harbin, China. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 227: 215-222 2016年 Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma*, Hong-Liang Jia, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Yi-Fan Li. Research on persistent organic pollutants in China on a national scale: 10 years after the enforcement of the Stockholm Convention. Environmental Pollution, 2016(10), 217: 70–81. Chun-Yan Huo, Li-Yan Liu*, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma, Wei-Wei Song, Hai-Ling Li, Wen-Long Li, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Yong-Kai Wu , Ya-Meng Han, Zhi-Xiang Peng, Yi-Fan Li*. Phthalate Esters in Indoor Window Films in a Northeastern Chinese Urban Center: Film Growth and Implications for Human Exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016(7.), 50 (14): 7743–7751 Hai-Ling Li, Wei-Wei Song, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma, Chong-Jing Gao, Jia Li, Chun-Yan Huo, Mohammed O.A. Mohammed, Li-Yan Liu* , Kurunthachalam Kannan, Yi-Fan Li**. Phthalates in dormitory and house dust of northern Chinese cities: Occurrence, human exposure, and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2016(9), 65: 496-502. Wen-Long Li, Chun-Yan Huo, Li-Yan Liu*, Wei-Wei Song, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wan-Li Ma*, Li-Na Qiao, Yi-Fan Li. Multi-year air monitoring of legacy and current-use brominated flame retardants in an urban center in northeastern China. Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 571: 633–642. Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Chun-Yan Huo, Li-Na Qiao, Wan-Li Ma*, Yi-Fan Li. Brominated flame retardants in the surrounding soil of two manufacturing plants in China: Occurrence, composition profiles and spatial distribution. Environmental Pollution, 2016(6), 213: 1-7. Bo Meng, Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Ning-Zheng Zhu, Wei-Wei Song, Ching Yee Lo, KurunthachalamKannan, Yi-Fan Li*. PCDD/Fs in soil, fly ash and ambient air at the vicinity of MSWI in northeastern China. Atmospheric pollution research, 2016(5), 7: 355-362. Chong-Jing Gao, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Nan-Qi Ren, Ying Guo, Ning-Zheng Zhu, Ling Jiang , Yi-Fan Li*, Kurunthachalam Kannan*. Phthalate Metabolites in Urine of Chinese Young Adults: Concentration, Profile, Exposure and Cumulative Risk Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2016(2), 543:19-27. Chongjing Gao, Liyan Liu, Wanli Ma, Ningzheng Zhu, Ling Jiang, Nanqi Ren, Yi-Fan Li*, Kurunthachalam Kannan*. Bisphenol A in Urine of Chinese Young Adults: Concentrations and Sources of Exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016(2), 96(2): 162-167. Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Zi-Feng Zhang, Li-Na Qiao, Wan-Li Ma*, Yi-Fan Li*. Five-year trends of selected halogenated flame retardants in the atmosphere of Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016(1), 539: 286-293. 2015年 Song Cui, Qiang Fu, Wan-Li Ma, Wei-Wei Song, Li-Yan Liu*, Yi-Fan Li*. A preliminary compilation and evaluation of a comprehensive emission inventory for polychlorinated biphenyls in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015(11), 533: 247-255 Chong-jing Gao, Li-yan Liu, Wan-li Ma, Ning-zheng Zhu, Ling Jiang, Yi-Fan Li*, Kurunthachalam Kannan*. Benzonphenone-type UV filters in urine of Chinese young adults: Concentration, source and exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2015(8), 203: 1-6 Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Chong-Guo Tian, Hong Qi, Hong-Liang Jia, Wei-Wei Song, Yi-Fan Li*. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Chinese surface soil: occurrence and distribution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015(5), 22 (6): 4190-4200 Ning-Zheng Zhu, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Wen-Long Li, Wei-Wei Song, Hong Qi*, Yi-Fan Li*. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the indoor dust in China: Levels, spatial distribution and human exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015(1), 111: 1-8 Bo Meng, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma,Wen-Long Li,Wei-wei Song, Yi-Fan Li. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Surface Sediment from Songhua River Basin, Northeast of China. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2015, 22 (3):63-68. 2014年 Hong Qi, Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu, Zi-Feng Zhang, Ning-Zheng Zhu, Wei-Wei Song, Wan-Li Ma*, Yi-Fan Li*. Levels, distribution and human exposure of new non-BDE brominated flame retardants in the indoor dust of China. Environmental Pollution, 2014(12), 195: 1-8. Hong Qi, Wen-Long Li, Li-Yan Liu, Wei-Wei Song, Wan-Li Ma*, Yi-Fan Li*. Brominated flame retardants in the urban atmosphere of Northeast China: Concentrations, temperature dependence and gas-particle partitioning. Science of The Total Environment, 2014(9), 491: 60-66. 2013年 Wan-Li Ma, Li-Yan Liu, Hong Qi, Zi-Feng Zhang, Wei-Wei Song, Ji-Min Shen, Zhong-Lin Chen, Nan-Qi Ren, Josey Grabuski, Yi-Fan Li*. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, sediment and soil of the Songhua River Basin, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013, 185(10): 8399-8409 Cui Song, Qi Hong, Liu Li-Yan, Song Wei-Wei, Ma Wan-Li, Jia Hong-Liang, Ding Yong-Sheng, Li Yi-Fan*. Emission of unintentionally produced polychlorinated biphenyls (UP-PCBs) in China: Has this become the major source of PCBs in Chinese air? Atmospheric Environment. 2013, 67: 73-79 Yang Meng, Qi Hong, Jia Hong-Liang, Ren Nan-Qi, Ding Yong-Sheng, Ma Wan-Li, Liu Li-Yan, Hung Hayley, Sverko Ed, Li Yi-Fan. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Air across China: Levels, Compositions, and Gas-Particle Partitioning. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(15): 8978-8984 2012年 Guo Ying, Zhang Zifeng, Liu Liyan, Li Yifan, Ren Nanqi, Kannan Kurunthachalam*. Occurrence and Profiles of Phthalates in Foodstuffs from China and Their Implications for Human Exposure. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60(27): 6913-6919 Jia Hongliang, Liu Liyan, Sun Yeqing, Cai Daoji, Hu Jianxin, Ren Nanqi, Li Yifan*. Endosulfan in the Chinese environment: monitoring and modeling. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(1): 32-44 Tian Chongguo*, Ma Jianmin, Chen Yingjun, Liu Liyan, Ma Wanli, Li Yi-Fan. Assessing and Forecasting Atmospheric Outflow of α-HCH from China on Intra-, Inter-, and Decadal Time Scales. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(4): 2220-2227 2011年 Tian Chongguo, Liu Liyan, Ma Jianmin, Tang Jianhui, Li Yi-Fan*. Modeling redistribution of alpha-HCH in Chinese soil induced by environment factors. Environmental Pollution. 2011, 159(10): 2961-2967 Ma Wan-Li, Liu Li-Yan, Hong Qi, Sun De-Zhi, Shen Ji-Min, Wang De-Gao, Li Yi-Fan*. Dechlorane plus in multimedia in northeastern Chinese urban region. Environment International. 2011, 37(1): 66-70 2010年 Qi Hong, Liu Liyan, Jia Hongliang, Li Yi-Fan*, Ren Nan-Qi, You Hong, Shi Xinyuan, Fan Lili, Ding Yongsheng. Dechlorane Plus in Surficial Water and Sediment in a Northeastern Chinese River. Environmental Science & Technology. 2010, 44(7): 2305-2308 Li Yi-Fan, Harner Tom, Liu Liyan, Zhang Zhi, Ren Nan-Qi, Jia Hongliang, Ma Jianmin, Sverko Ed. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Global Air and Surface Soil: Distributions, Air-Soil Exchange, and Fractionation Effect. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(8): 2784-2790 Hongliang Jia, Liyan Liu, Yeqing Sun, Bing Sun, Degao Wang, Yushan Su, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Yi-Fan Li. Monitoring and Modeling Endosulfan in Chinese Surface Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(24): 9279-9284 2009年 Tian Chongguo, Ma Jianmin, Liu Liyan, Jia Hongliang, Xu Diandou, Li Yi-Fan*. A modeling assessment of association between East Asian summer monsoon and fate/outflow of alpha-HCH in Northeast Asia. Atmospheric Environment. 2009, 43(25): 3891-3901. 2008年 Zhang Zhi, Liu Liyan, Li Yi-Fan*, Wang Degao, Jia Hongliang, Harner Tom, Sverko Ed, Wan Xinnan, Xu Diandou, Ren Nanqi, Ma Jianmin, Pozo Karla. 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