姓名 | 闫永达 | 性别 | 闫永达 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 闫永达 | 学历 | 闫永达 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 English Version 代表性学术论文 新建主栏目 荣誉称号 名称 2021年入选国家高层次人才计划。 2009年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者,导师:董申教授。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2002年07月——至今 留校任教 2010年12月——至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2016年12月——至今 微系统与微结构制造教育部重点实验室 副主任 2022年07月——至今 哈尔滨工业大学 发展改革和规划处/学科建设办公室 教育经历 名称 1995年-1999年 哈尔滨工业大学 获学士学位 1999年-2001年 哈尔滨工业大学 获硕士学位 2001年-2007年 哈尔滨工业大学 获博士学位 2007年-2011年 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后 2005.12-2006.3 美国南卡罗来纳大学 访问学者 学术任职 名称 《Nanomanufacturingand Metrology》杂志编委; 《Manufacturing Letters》杂志编委; 《International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology》杂志编委; 中国机械工程学会成组与智能集成技术分会副主任委员 中国自动化学会制造技术专业委员会常务委员; 中国机械工程学会极端制造分会常务委员; 中国机械工程学会微纳制造技术分会委员; 国际纳米制造学会(ISNM)会员; 中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员。 研究领域 名称 一、主要研究方向: 近原子尺度制造新方法;纳米机械加工方法;超精密加工新工艺与装备。 二、目前在研课题 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,52035004,基于结构化刀具的跨尺度三维纳米结构表面加工基础理论与方法,2021-01至2025-12,300万元,在研,主持; 2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51911530206,采用结构化AFM针尖的纳米加工机理研究,2019-04至2022-03,10万元,在研,主持; 3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家重大科研仪器研制项目(自由申请),21827802,纳米尺度电化学:仪器、原理和方法, 2019-01至2023-12,725万元,在研,参加(第二,哈工大负责人,经费:362.5万); 4. 科技部,国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”专项,2017YFA0701200, “基于自由曲面的共体光学系统纳米精度制造基础研究”项目的“多面共体自由曲面光学系统制造性能评价与应用”子课题,2018-05至2023-04,168万元,在研,主持(哈工大负责的子课题); 5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51675134,基于探针力调制原理的纳米机械加工SERS活性基底的新方法研究,2017-01至2020-12,64万元,结题,主持。 团队成员 名称 == 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程 1. 机械制造装备设计 硕士生课程 扫描探针显微技术在精密工程中的应用 博士生课程 先进制造科学与技术 招生信息 名称 硕士招生:微纳米加工及检测、超精密加工博士招生:微纳米加工及检测、超精密加工 基本信息 名称 Prof. Yongda Yan Phone: 86-451-86412924 Fax: 86-451-86415244 E-mail: yanyongda@hit.edu.cn; yanyd_hit@aliyun.com Address: P. O. Box 413, Room 205, Centre for Precision Engineering (CPE). Harbin Institute of Technology. Harbin, Heilongjiang. China Zip code: 150001 Education Experience 2001.09 -2007.01 Harbin Institute of Technology (Ph. D) 1999.09 -2001.07 Harbin Institute of Technology(Master) 1995.09 -1999.07 Harbin Institute of Technology (Bachelor) Work Experience 2010-present: Professor, Center for Precision Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. 2008-2010: Associated Professor, Center for Precision Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology; 2007-2008: Associated Professor, Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology; 2005.12-2006.03: Visiting Scholar, University of South Carolina, USA, supervisor: Prof. Xiaodong Li; 2002-2007: Teaching assistant/Lecture, Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology. Honors and awards 2009: Winner of National 100 Excellent Doctoral Theses A List of Publications of Yongda Yan Yongda Yan, Yang He, Gaobo Xiao, Yanquan Geng*, Mingjun Ren. Effects of diamond tip orientation on the dynamic ploughing lithography of single crystal copper, Precision Engineering, 2019, 57: 127-136 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Emmanuel Brousseau*, Yanwen Sun, Yazhou Sun. Fabrication of periodic nanostructures using AFM tip-based nanomachining: combining groove and material pile-up topographies, Engineering, 2018, 4 : 787-795 Yanquan Geng, Jiqiang Wang, Jingran Zhang, Jianxiong Cai, Yongda Yan*. A probe-based force-modulation micromachining system using an axisymmetric crossover cantilever. Precision Engineering, 2019, 56: 530-536 Gaobo Xiao, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Yongda Yan*,Mingjun Ren. Molecular dynamics and experimental study on comparison between static and dynamic ploughing lithography of single crystal copper. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 463(1): 96-104 Yanquan Geng, Hao Li, Yongda Yan*, Yang He, Xuesen Zhao. Study on material removal for nanochannels fabrication using AFM tip-based nanomilling approach. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019, 233(2): 461-469 Bo Xue, Yanquan Geng, Dong Wang, Yazhou Sun, Yongda Yan*. Improvement in Surface Quality of Microchannel Structures Fabricated by Revolving Tip?Based Machining. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2019, 2: 26-35. Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Yanquan Geng*, Bo Xue and Xuesen Zhao. Study on the effects of the machining parameters on the fabrication of nanoscale pits using the dynamic plowing lithography approach, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2019, 18: 351-357 Jiqiang Wang, Yongda Yan, Yanquan Geng*, Zhuo Fang. Fabrication of polydimethylsiloxane nanofluidic chips using AFM-tip based nanomilling process. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2019, 14: 136 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Emmanuel Brousseau. Dynamic plowing periodic nanostructures using an atomic force microscope, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 1076–1083 J. R. Zhang, Y. D. Yan*, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao. Fabrication of copper substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering using the microscratching method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(7): 1310-1315 Bo Xue, Yongda Yan*, Gaojie Ma, Zhenjiang Hu. Study on the machining process of micro V-shaped groove by using a revolving tip. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(9): 1523-1537 Yang He, Yongda Yan, and Yanquan Geng. Energy dissipation contributed on the machined depth via dynamic plowing lithography of AFM, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2018, 36(4): 041802 J. R. Zhang, Y. D.Yan*, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao. Study on the control process and fabrication of microstructures using a tip-based force control system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(11): 1928-1942 Yongda Yan; Jiqiang Wang; Zhuo Fang; Yang He. Implementation of AFM tip-based nanoscratching process on single crystal copper: Study of material removal state, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 459 : 723-731 Yongda Yan, Erchao Zhou, Yanquan Geng*, Yang He, Xuesen Zhao. Modelling and experimental study of nanoscratching process on PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based nanomachining approach. Precision Engineering, 2018, 54: 138-148 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Yun Zhuang. Fabrication of nanopatterns on silicon surface by combining AFM-based scratching and RIE methods. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2018, 1: 225-235 Y. D. Yan*, J. R. Zhang, et al. Fabrication of arrayed triangular micro-cavities forSERS substrates using the force modulated indention process. RCS Advanced, 2017, 7: 11969-11978 Yanquan Geng,Yongda Yan*,Yang He, Zhenjiang Hu. Investigation on friction behaviorand processing depth prediction of polymer in nanoscale using AFM probe-based nanoscratching method. Tribology International, 2017, 114: 33-41 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel Brousseau, Yanwen Sun. AFM tip-based mechanical machining of 3D periodic micro and nano-structures via the control of the scratching trajectory. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 248: 236-248 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu. Fabrication of none-ridge nanogrooves with large-radius probe on PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based dynamic plowing lithography approach, Journal of Manufacturing Process, 2017, 29: 204-210 Lianhuan Han, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Jie Zhang, Yongzhi Cao, Yongda Yan*, Zhong-Qun Tian, Zhao-Wu Tian, Dongping Zhan*. Tip current/positioning close-loop mode of scanning electrochemical microscopy for electrochemical micromachining. Electrochemistry Communications, 2017, 82: 117-120 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Emmanuel Brousseau. Dynamic plowing periodic nanostructures using an atomic force microscope, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 1076–1083. Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Investigation of the nanoscale elastic recovery of a polymer using an atomic force microscopy-based method, Measurement Science & Technology.2016, 27: 015001 Yongda Yan, Bo Xue, Zhengjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. AFM tip characterization by using FFT filtered images of step structures. Ultramicroscopy, 2016, 160: 155-162 Yongda Yan, Bo Xue, Zhenjiang Hu. Machining slight burr formed micro-channels with different moving trajectories of a pyramidal diamond tip. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 84(9): 2037-2046 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel B. Brousseau, Bowen Yu, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Study of the variations in process outcomes when performing AFM probe-based machining of channels with different feed directions. Precision Engineering,2016, 46: 288-300 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel Brousseau, Xing Cui, Bowen Yu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu. Machining complex three-dimensional nanostructures with an atomic force microscope through the frequency control of the tip reciprocating motions. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-ASME, 2016,138(12): 124501 Yongda Yan, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu, Hao Li. Review on AFM tip-based mechanical nanomachining: the influence of the input machining parameters on the outcomes. Current Nanoscience. 2016, 12(6): 666-675 Yongda Yan, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Study on the machining properties of PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based dynamic plowing lithography. Scanning, 2016, 38(6):612-618 Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng , Zhenjiang Hu. Recent advances in AFM tip-based nanomechanical machining. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture.2015, 99: 1-18, Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Yun Zhuang, Zhenjiang Hu. Effects of AFM tip-based direct and vibration assisted scratching methods on nanogrooves fabrication on a polymer resist. Applied Surface Science. 2015, 356: 348-354 Yanquan Geng, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan*, Bowen Yu. Experimental and theoretical investigation of crystallographic orientation dependence of nanoscratching of single crystalline copper. Plos one, 2015.10(7): e0131886 Yanquan Geng, Bowen Yu, Yongda Yan*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Direction-identical scratching method for fabricating nanostructures using a modified AFM nanoscratching system. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 2015, 33: 021802 Xue Bo, Yongda Yan*, Jiran Li, Bowen Yu, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao, Qiong Cai. Study on the micro-machining process with a micro three-sided pyramidal tip and the circular machining trajectory. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 217: 122-130 Bowen Yu, Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan* and Zhenjiang Hu. Fabrication of nanochannels with complex three-dimensional structures based on a modified atomic force microscopy nanoscratching system. Micro &Nano Letters.2014,9(10): 707-711 Yongda Yan, Yang Sun, Jiran Li, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Controlled nano dots fabrication by rippling polycarbonate surface using an AFM diamond tip. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2014, 9, 372 (1-7) Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Bowen Yu, Jiran Li, Qi Zhang, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Depth prediction model of nano-grooves fabricated by AFM-based multi-passes scratching method. Applied Surface Science. 2014,313: 615-623 Jianchao Chen, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun*, Yue Qi*, and Xiaodong Li*. Probing the roles of polymeric separators in lithium-ion battery capacity fade at elevated temperatures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161(9): A1241-A1246 Yongda Yan, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao, Bowen Yu, Qi Zhang. Fabrication of nanochannels with ladder nanostructure at the bottom using the AFM nanoscratching method. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2014, 9: 212 (2-13) Jianchao Chen, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun*, Yue Qi, and Xiaodong Li*. Deformation and fracture behaviors of microporous polymer separators for lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances.2014, 4 (29):14904-14914 JJ Zhang*, YD Yan*, X Liu, T Sun, YC Liang. Influence of coherent twin boundary on three-point bending of gold nanowires. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014, 47, 195301 YanquanGeng, XuesenZhao, YongdaYan*, ZhenjiangHu. An AFM-based methodology for measuring spindles axial and radial error motions. Measurement Science and Technology. 2014, 25, 055007 Bo Xue, Yongda Yan*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Study on effects of scan parameters on the image quality and tip wear in AFM tapping mode, Scanning. 2014, 36: 263-269 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Yangming Xing, Qi Zhang, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu. Effect of cantilever deformation and tip-sample contact area on AFM nanoscratching. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2013, 31(6): 061802 Yang Sun, Yongda Yan*, Yingchun Liang, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao, Tao Sun, S. Dong. Effect of the molecular weight on deformation states of the polystyrene film by AFM single scanning. Scanning. 2013, 35: 308-315 Gen Yanquan, Yan Yongda*, Xing Yangming, et al. Modelling and experimental study of machined depth in AFM-based milling of nanochannels. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013, 73: 87-96 Geng, Y.Q., Yan, Y.D.*, Zhao, X.S., et al., Fabrication of millimeter scale nanochannels using the AFM tip-based nanomachining method, Applied Surface Science, 2013 266: 386-394 Yongda Yan*, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Dawei Gao. Effects of Atomic Force Microscope silicon tip geometry on large scale nano mechanical modification of the polymer surface. Tribology Transctions,2012, 55: 846-853 Yongda Yan*, Yang Sun, Yanting Yang,Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Effects of the AFM tip trace on bundle formation of the polymer surface. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258: 9656-9663 W. T. Liu, Y. D. Yan*, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao, J. C. Yan, S. Dong. Study on the nano machining process with a vibrating AFM tip on the polymer surface. Applied Surface Science. 2012, 258: 2620-2626 X. S. Zhao, Y. Q. Geng, W. B. Li,Y.D. Yan*, Z. J. Hu, et al. Fabrication and measurement of nanostructures on the micro ball surface using a modified AFM, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2012,83:115104. Y. D. Yan*, D. W. Gao, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao, J. C. Yan. Polymer nanostructured components machined directly by the Atomic Force Microscopy scratching method. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2012. 13(2): 269-273 Yang Sun, Yongda Yan*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao, Jiucun Yan. Fabricating 3D nanostructures by AFM-based single scanning with a harder cantilever on the PC surface. Tribology International. 2012,47:44-49 Z. J. Hu, Y. D. Yan*, X. S. Zhao, D. W. Gao, Y. Y. Wei, J. H. Wang. Fabrication of large scale nanostructures based on a modified AFM nanomechanical machining system. Review of Scientific Instruments 2011, 82(12): 125102 Yongda Yan, Zhengjiang Hu, Xueshen Zhao, Tao Sun, Shen Dong*, and Xiaodong Li*. Top-Down Nanomechanical Machining of Three-Dimensional Nanostructures by Atomic Force Microscopy. Small. 2010, 6(6): 724-728 Y. D. Yan*, T. Sun, S. Dong. Investigation on effects of scratching directions on AFM- based nanomachined surface. Tribology International. 2009, 42: 66-70 Yan YD*, Zhang JJ, Sun T, et al. Nanobending of nanowires: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Physics Letters. 2008, 93(24): 241901. Yan YD*, Sun T, Zhao XS, et al. Fabrication of microstructures on the surface of a micro/hollow target ball by AFM. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2008, 18(3): 35002. Yan YD*, Sun T, Liang YC, et al. Investigation on AFM-based micro/nano-CNC machining system. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture. 2007, 47(11): 1651-1659. Y. D. Yan*, T. Sun, S. Dong, Y. C. Liang. Study on effects of the feed on AFM-based nanolithography process using MD simulation. Computational Materials Science. 2007, 40: 1-5 Yan YD*, Sun T, Dong S. Study on effects of tip geometry on AFM nanoscratching tests. Wear. 2007, 262(3-4): 477-483. Y. D. Yan*, T. Sun, S. Dong. Local surface quality improvement using AFM-based nano mechanical scratching method. Tribology Letters, 2007,28 (2): 157-162 Yan YD*, Sun T, Dong S, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of processing using AFM pin tool. Applied Surface Science. 2006, 252(20): 7523-7531. Y. D. Yan*, S. Dong, T. Sun. 3D force components measurement in AFM scratching tests. Ultramicroscopy. 2005, 105: 62-71 发表的学术论文 名称 Yanquan Geng, Yuzhang Wang, Yongda Yan, et al. Fabrication of Ordered Micro/Nanostructures Using Probe-Based Force-Controlled Micromachining System. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Science, 2023, 35(1): 139 Zihan Li, Yongda Yan, Jiqiang Wang, et al. Towards understanding the surface rippling process by periodic reciprocal nanoscratching, Friction, 2023, DOI10.1007/s40544-022-0697-3 Zhe Dong,Yongda Yan, Peng, Ge, et al. Effects of sandwiched film thickness and cutting tool water contact angle on the processing outcomes in nanoskiving of nanowires. Materials and Design, 2023, 225: 111438 Fengzhou Fang, Min Lai, Jinshi Wang, Xichun Luo, Jiwang Yan, Yongda Yan. Nanometric cutting: Mechanisms, practices and future perspectives, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2022, 178: 103905 Yongda Yan, Jiqiang Wang, Yanquan Geng*,Guoxiong Zhang, Material removal mechanism of multi-layer metal-film nanomilling, CIRP Annals, 2022, 71 (1): 61-64 ShunyuChang, Yongda Yan, Bo Li, Yanquan Geng*. Nanoscale manipulation of materials patterning through thermomechanical nanolithography using atomic force microscopy. Materials and Design, 2021, 202: 109547 Yongda Yan, Zihan Li, Jiqiang Wang, Yanquan Geng. Atomic simulations of tip-based nanomilling on single-crystal copper. Materials Today Communication, 2022, 31: 103709 Jiqiang Wang,Yongda Yan, Zihan Li, Yanquan Geng*. Towards understanding the machining mechanism of the atomic force microscopy tip-based nanomilling process,International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2021, 162: 103701 Yan Yongda, Li Zihan, Jia Junshuai, Wang Jiqiang, Geng Yanquan*. Molecular dynamics simulation of the combination effect of the tip inclination and scratching direction on nanomachining of single crystal silicon. Computational Materials Science, 2021, 186: 110014 Yongda Yan, Yang He, Gaobo Xiao, Yanquan Geng*, Mingjun Ren. Effects of diamond tip orientation on the dynamic ploughing lithography of single crystal copper, Precision Engineering, 2019, 57: 127-136 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Emmanuel Brousseau*, Yanwen Sun, Yazhou Sun. Fabrication of periodic nanostructures using AFM tip-based nanomachining: combining groove and material pile-up topographies, Engineering, 2018, 4 : 787-795 Yanquan Geng, Jiqiang Wang, Jingran Zhang, Jianxiong Cai, Yongda Yan*. A probe-based force-modulation micromachining system using an axisymmetric crossover cantilever. Precision Engineering, 2019, 56: 530-536 Gaobo Xiao, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Yongda Yan*,Mingjun Ren. Molecular dynamics and experimental study on comparison between static and dynamic ploughing lithography of single crystal copper. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 463(1): 96-104 Yanquan Geng, Hao Li, Yongda Yan*, Yang He, Xuesen Zhao. Study on material removal for nanochannels fabrication using AFM tip-based nanomilling approach. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019, 233(2): 461-469 Bo Xue, Yanquan Geng, Dong Wang, Yazhou Sun, Yongda Yan*. Improvement in Surface Quality of Microchannel Structures Fabricated by Revolving Tip?Based Machining. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2019, 2: 26-35. Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Yanquan Geng*, Bo Xue and Xuesen Zhao. Study on the effects of the machining parameters on the fabrication of nanoscale pits using the dynamic plowing lithography approach, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2019, 18: 351-357 Jiqiang Wang, Yongda Yan, Yanquan Geng*, Zhuo Fang. Fabrication of polydimethylsiloxane nanofluidic chips using AFM-tip based nanomilling process. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2019, 14: 136 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Emmanuel Brousseau. Dynamic plowing periodic nanostructures using an atomic force microscope, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 1076–1083 J. R. Zhang, Y. D. Yan*, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao. Fabrication of copper substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering using the microscratching method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(7): 1310-1315 Bo Xue, Yongda Yan*, Gaojie Ma, Zhenjiang Hu. Study on the machining process of micro V-shaped groove by using a revolving tip. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(9): 1523-1537 Yang He, Yongda Yan, and Yanquan Geng. Energy dissipation contributed on the machined depth via dynamic plowing lithography of AFM, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2018, 36(4): 041802 J. R. Zhang, Y. D.Yan*, Z. J. Hu, X. S. Zhao. Study on the control process and fabrication of microstructures using a tip-based force control system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(11): 1928-1942 Yongda Yan; Jiqiang Wang; Zhuo Fang; Yang He. Implementation of AFM tip-based nanoscratching process on single crystal copper: Study of material removal state, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 459 : 723-731 Yongda Yan, Erchao Zhou, Yanquan Geng*, Yang He, Xuesen Zhao. Modelling and experimental study of nanoscratching process on PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based nanomachining approach. Precision Engineering, 2018, 54: 138-148 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Jiqiang Wang, Yun Zhuang. Fabrication of nanopatterns on silicon surface by combining AFM-based scratching and RIE methods. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2018, 1: 225-235 Y. D. Yan*, J. R. Zhang, et al. Fabrication of arrayed triangular micro-cavities forSERS substrates using the force modulated indention process. RCS Advanced, 2017, 7: 11969-11978 Yanquan Geng,Yongda Yan*,Yang He, Zhenjiang Hu. Investigation on friction behaviorand processing depth prediction of polymer in nanoscale using AFM probe-based nanoscratching method. Tribology International, 2017, 114: 33-41 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel Brousseau, Yanwen Sun. AFM tip-based mechanical machining of 3D periodic micro and nano-structures via the control of the scratching trajectory. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 248: 236-248 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu. Fabrication of none-ridge nanogrooves with large-radius probe on PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based dynamic plowing lithography approach, Journal of Manufacturing Process, 2017, 29: 204-210 Lianhuan Han, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu, Jie Zhang, Yongzhi Cao, Yongda Yan*, Zhong-Qun Tian, Zhao-Wu Tian, Dongping Zhan*. Tip current/positioning close-loop mode of scanning electrochemical microscopy for electrochemical micromachining. Electrochemistry Communications, 2017, 82: 117-120 Yang He, Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng*, Emmanuel Brousseau. Dynamic plowing periodic nanostructures using an atomic force microscope, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 427: 1076–1083. Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Investigation of the nanoscale elastic recovery of a polymer using an atomic force microscopy-based method, Measurement Science & Technology.2016, 27: 015001 Yongda Yan, Bo Xue, Zhengjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. AFM tip characterization by using FFT filtered images of step structures. Ultramicroscopy, 2016, 160: 155-162 Yongda Yan, Bo Xue, Zhenjiang Hu. Machining slight burr formed micro-channels with different moving trajectories of a pyramidal diamond tip. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 84(9): 2037-2046 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel B. Brousseau, Bowen Yu, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Study of the variations in process outcomes when performing AFM probe-based machining of channels with different feed directions. Precision Engineering,2016, 46: 288-300 Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Emmanuel Brousseau, Xing Cui, Bowen Yu, Xuesen Zhao, Zhenjiang Hu. Machining complex three-dimensional nanostructures with an atomic force microscope through the frequency control of the tip reciprocating motions. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-ASME, 2016,138(12): 124501 Yongda Yan, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu, Hao Li. Review on AFM tip-based mechanical nanomachining: the influence of the input machining parameters on the outcomes. Current Nanoscience. 2016, 12(6): 666-675 Yongda Yan, Yang He, Yanquan Geng*, Zhenjiang Hu, Xuesen Zhao. Study on the machining properties of PMMA thin-film using AFM tip-based dynamic plowing lithography. Scanning, 2016, 38(6):612-618 Yongda Yan*, Yanquan Geng , Zhenjiang Hu. Recent advances in AFM tip-based nanomechanical machining. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture.2015, 99: 1-18, Yanquan Geng, Yongda Yan*, Yun Zhuang, Zhenjiang Hu. Effects of AFM tip-based direct and vibration assisted scratching methods on nanogrooves fabrication on a polymer resist. Applied Surface Science. 2015, 356: 348-354 Yanquan Geng, Junjie Zhang*, Yongda Yan*, Bowen Yu. Experimental and theoretical investigation of crystallographic orientation dependence of nanoscratching of single crystalline copper. 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