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Home Research Teaching ASP Group 新建主栏目 News 名称 17. November 2022:Together with my master student Wu Wenze, we were able to improve the runtime and approximation error of the ORKA method. He will present the latest results on the 9th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Application (ITA2022). A short paper will also be published in the conference proceedings. You can find a preprint on arxiv (ArXiv link). 16. November 2022:Our latest work "ORKA: Object Reconstruction using K-approximation" has now been published in Inverse Problems (Journal link). The results will also be presented on the 3rd International Conference on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC 2022). 1. August 2022:We are now building up a new international group on Applied Signal Processing. If you are a young researcher interested in joining our group, please check the ASP group tab above for more information. We have open Assistant and Associate Professor positions and are also looking for PhD students. About me 名称 I am currently working as Associate Professor at the College of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology. My research field is Applied Signal Processing, which is signal processing with a strong focus on algorithms and applications. My research includes topics on Mathematical signal processing, Inverse and NP-hard problems, Greedy methods and efficient algorithm design, (Structured) Sparsity and compressed sensing, Modelling and dictionary design / learning, data compression and denoising, multi-dimensional and scattered data, various applications such as seismic exploration, ptychography, video processing... Research collaborations: We are always looking for new perspectives and creative ideas to advance our research even further. If you are interested and want to collaborate, feel free to contact me. We can provide some funds for a research visit to give our collaboration a kick start. Also check the news category above and the ASP Group tab where we announce open research positions at our institution. Master/PhD supervision: If you are interested in our research, feel free to contact me. We are always looking for dedicated students who want to contribute a Master or PhD thesis. Also check the news category above and the ASP Group tab where we announce open positions on specific topics. Fun Fact: My name is actually spelled "Boßmann", where "ß" is a German letter. "Bossmann" is just the international version. Short CV 名称 Scientific Background: 07/2018 - now: Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology. 04/2018 - 06/2018: Scientist, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Health, Munich. 04/2017 - 06/2018: Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Passau. 09/2016 - 03/2017: Associate Researcher, University of Passau. 07/2010 - 07/2016: Associate Researcher, University of Goettingen. 01/2010 - 06/2010: Associate Researcher, University of Duisburg-Essen. Education: 01/2010 - 10/2013: PhD Student (Mathematics), University of Goettingen. 10/2005 - 12/2009: Diploma Student (Mathematics), University of Duisburg-Essen. Projects 名称 Principal investigator: Seismic data interpolation using wave model decompositionNSFC Junior Grand01/2021 - 12/2023 Applied Signal ProcessingTalents for scientific research start-up fund01/2019 - 12/2021 Publications 名称 Latest preprints: [1] F. Bossmann, W. Wu multiresolution ORKA: fast and resolution independent object reconstruction using a K-approximation graph 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 2022 (ArXiv preprint) Journal publications: [2] F. Bossmann, J. Ma ORKA: Object Reconstruction using a K-approximation graph Inverse Problems, 38, 125009, 2022 (ArXiv preprint, Journal link) [3] F. Bossmann, S. Krause-Solberg, J. Maly, N. Sissouno Structural Sparsity in Multiple Measurements IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 70, 280-291, 2021 (ArXiv preprint, Journal link) [4] F. Bossmann, J. Ma Enhanced image approximation using shifted rank-1 reconstruction Inverse Problems and Imaging, 14(2), 267-290, 2020 (ArXiv preprint, Journal link) [5] N. Sissouno, F. Bossmann, F. Filbir, M. Iwen, M. Kahnt, R. Saab, C. Schroer, W. zu Castell A direct solver for the phase retrieval problem in ptychographic imaging Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2019. (ArXiv preprint, Journal link) [6] F. Bossmann, T. Sauer, N. Sissouno Modeling variational inpainting methods with splines Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 5, 27, 2019 (ArXiv preprint, Journal link) [7] F. Bossmann, J. Ma Asymmetric chirplet transform II: phase, frequency and chirp rate Geophysics 81(6), V425-V439, 2017 (Journal link) [8] F. Bossmann, J. Ma Asymmetric chirplet transform for sparsity representation of seismic data Geophysics 80(6), WD89-WD100, 2015 (Journal link) [9] F. Bossmann, G. Plonka, T. Peter, O. Nemitz, T. Schmitte Sparse deconvolution methods for ultrasonic NDT Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 31(3), 225-244, 2012 (Journal link) Theses: [10] F. Bossmann Model Based Defect Reconstruction in Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing PhD thesis, Der Andere Verlag, ISBN 978-3862474509, 2013 (download pdf) [11] F. Bossmann Entwicklung einer automatisierten Auswertung von bildgebenden Ultraschallverfahren Diploma thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen, 2009 (download poster) Workshops, Conferences, and Talks 名称 Upcoming Events: 3rd International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC)ORKA: Tracking moving and deforming objects over multiple measurementsDec. 9-11, 2022 (conference website) 9th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ITA2022)multiresolution ORKA: fast and resolution independent object reconstruction using a K-approximation graphHeld by my master student Wenze Wu in Chinese (I will also attend the conference).Dec. 16-18, 2022 (conference website) Avialable online: One World Mathematics of Data, Information, and Signals (1W-MINDS) SeminarBeyond SVD - Two new adaptive models for moving objects1W-MINDS website (google) , watch talk (youtube) Online International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis (online-ICCHA 2021)Structural Sparsity in Multiple Measurementsonline-ICCHA website , watch talk (youtube) Upcoming lectures 名称 Spring term 2023: English for Mathematics 2 - International Publication and Ethics (MA65401)weeks 1-8, Friday class 7-8Building 诚意52 Signal and Image Processing (MA64051)weeks 1-8, Monday class 5-6, Friday class 5-6Building 诚意52 Past teaching: English for Mathematics 1 (yearly since 2019, Summer term/Autumn term) English for Mathematics 1a (Sino-foreign class, Autumn term 2022) Greedy Algorithms and Applications (Summer school 2019) Greedy Algorithms in Approximation Theory (University of Goettingen, 2015) English for Mathematics 2 - Academic Norms and Thesis writing Signal and Image Processing 名称 My new lecture Signal and Image Processing will be held for the first time in Spring Term 2023. This lecture is a Master level class. It gives a broad introduction on mathematical signal and image processing starting with the foundations in Fourier- and functional analysis, frame theory, and compressed sensing. Based on this, we discuss different mathematical techniques for problems such as denoising or compression. Later on, we learn how these methods - combined with other algorithsm - can be used to form a data format such as MP3 or JPG2000. Finally in the lecture, we discuss so called data adaptive methods - techniques that can adapt to the given input data. English for Mathematics 1(a) / 2 名称 The lecture series English for Mathematics teaches the basics on English scientific writing. We learn about important grammar rules and commonly made mistakes, how to structure your work, and how to increase readability. Furthermore, we discuss how to proofread your own work and what techniques and software can help in this process. Later on, learn about scientific ethics and publication process. This lecture series has three classes: English for Mathematics 1: The first class is an undergraduate level class. We learn the basics on scientific writing and text structure on simple examples. The class will start on the most basic structure that can appear in a text - a sentence. Already here, many mistakes can be made by using the wrong grammar, phrases, or order of words. The ideas will then be extended to paragraphs, sections, and chapters. At the end of this lecture, you should be able to write simple scientific reports or short papers. English for Mathematics 1a: This class covers the same topics as English for Mathematics 1, but is slightly adapted to fit the needs of the sino-foreign studies. English for Mathematics 2: This class is a Master level class. It covers the more complex topics of scientific writing. We learn about the publication process details such as, how to choose a journal, what is peer review, and how to write a response letter. We also discuss the writing of longer works such as Master or PhD theses. Furthermore, we analyse proofreading techniques and discuss how to check if your work fulfills the ethical and scientific standards. These classes are no basic English language classes. You require sufficiently good English language skills to attend. If you feel unsure about your English level, please refresh your skills beforehand. Master and PhD Supervision 名称 Students intereseted in writing a Master or PhD thesis in Applied Signal Processing may contact me by mail. Please attach your CV and a list of attended lectures including the final grades. Also let me know your preferred research direction or topic. Applied Signal Processing title Signal Processing in applications often requires the expertise on many different fields and topics. One researcher - no matter how talented - can never cover all of it. And so it happens all too often, that we take a problem and simplify and slightly change it until it fits in our field of expertise, thereby loosing much of its original meaning. This problem can only be overcome by uniting researchers on different fields to work together. For this reason, we founded the group on Applied Signal Processing. We want to bring together young researchers from around the world to work on Signal Processing problems from an applicational point of view. The group is currently in its founding state. We are looking for international talents that would like to join us. You should be interested in working on Signal Processing related topics. Feel free to bring your own ideas and applications here, or join us on one of our projects. For more information please see the Open Positions announced below. Open Positions title Assistant and Associate Professor We currently have 3 open positions as Assistant/Associate Professor in the Applied Signal Processing Group, Department of Mathematics. This group is a cooperation with the International Department of Harbin Institute of Technology and as such we are especially looking for international young researchers. Applicants should bring the following qualifications: PhD in Mathematics or related subjects (Information Science, Physics, ...),The graduation date should be no longer than 3 years ago for Assistant Professor. Preferable experience in working on signal processing applications or related topics, Preferable Post-Doc experience (no less than 2 years for Associate Professor), under 30 years old (35 years for Associate Professor). Harbin Institute of Technology offers the following positions as Assistant Professor. The concrete offer depends on the qualification of the candidate. An Associate Professor position will be offered if the qualification is outstanding. Salary no less than 250.000 RMB (300.000 RMB for Associate Professor) 6 years contract (2+2+2 for Assistant, 3+3 for Associate) Option on tenure track after evaluation Starting fund of 100.000 RMB (200.000 RMB for Associate Professor) Support on settling, partner jobs and children schooling If you are interested, please send a detailed CV with cover letter to f.bossmann@hit.edu.cn . PhD position We currently have 2 open PhD positions in the Applied Signal Processing Group. We are looking for international talents who would like to work on topics related to Compressed Sensing or Numerical Linear Algebra. The position starts autmn term 2023 (August). Applicants should send their CV with a list of attended lectures including final grades to f.bossmann@hit.edu.cn . As the international enrollment process will take some time, please send your application before 31. October 2022.