

姓名 何旭 性别 何旭
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 环境学院
学位 何旭 学历 何旭
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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基本信息 研究领域 研究论文 媒体报道 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 何旭,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师 以高级氧化理论为基础,在膜污染控制技术、污染物降解技术、绿色消毒技术方面开展研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、教育部“春晖计划”项目、中国博士后基金特别资助等多项基金/项目。近年来,以第一/通讯作者在Water Research, Applied Catalysis B:Environmental等期刊发表研究论文20余篇。先后获得苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)“Excellent Student and Opportunity Award”,美国化学会-环境化学部 (ACS-ENVR)"Certificate of Merit Award",国际先进材料学会(IAAM) "Young Scientist Medal”等国际学术奖励。 教育背景 名称 2014.01-2018.01 苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH),环境工程, 博士 2010.09-2013.12 苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH),环境工程, 硕士 2006.09-2010.06 哈尔滨工业大学,环境工程,学士 工作经历 名称 2021.12-至今 环境学院,副教授 2018.02-2021.12 环境学院,助理教授 学术奖励与任职 名称 2010年,苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH), Excellent Student and Opportunity Award 2021年,美国化学会-环境化学部 (ACS-ENVR), Certificate of Metrit Award 2021年,国际先进材料协会 (IAAM), Young Scientist Medal 中国城市科学研究会双智城市专业委员会副主任委员;中国颗粒学会微纳气泡专业委员会委员;国际水协会(IWA)会员;美国化学会(ACS)会员 研究领域 名称 以高级氧化理论为基础,面向水处理领域的国际前沿科学问题和疫情常态化防控阶段的技术需求,在水的深度处理技术及绿色杀菌消毒技术领域开展深入研究 科研项目 名称 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(52000048),主持 2.黑龙江省优秀青年基金(YQ2022E030),主持 3.黑龙江省留学回国人员择优资助(2022),主持 4.中国博士后基金特别资助(2020T130152),主持 5.教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目(HLJ2019006),主持 6.国家重点研发计划-专题(2019YFD1100104-03-01),主持 7.中国博士后基金面上项目(2018M641836),主持 8.国家重点实验室开放基金(QA202008),主持 9.哈工大科研创新基金(HIT.NSRIF.2020028),主持 研究论文 名称 2023年: 1.Wenqian Li, Shuangqing Xia, Zhenyi Wang, Bin Zhang, Boda Li, Lijuan Zhang, Kun Qian, Jun Ma, Xu He*.Covalency competition triggers Fe-Co synergistic catalysis for boosted Fenton-like reactions.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,325,(2023),122358 2.Zixiao Ren, Haiyan Cao, Peter Desmond, Bingsheng Liu, Huu Hao Ngo, Xu He, Guibai Li, Jun Ma, An Ding*.Ions play different roles in virus removal caused by different NOMs in UF process: Removal efficiency and mechanism analysis. Chemosphere, 313(2023),137644 3. Boda Li, Zhenyi Wang, Shuangqing Xia, Bin Zhang, Wenqian Li, Wei Qiu, Jun Ma, An Ding, Xu He*. CaO2-based tablet for effective and green membrane cleaning without additional catalysts. Journal of Membrane Science, 672(2023),121466 4. An Ding*, Wei Lin, Huicong Shi, Renglu Chen, Huu Hao Ngo, Xu He, Jun Nan, Guibai Li, Jun Ma. Ehhanced sludge dewaterability by efficient oxidation of a-Mn2O3/peroxymonosulfate: analysis of the mechanism and evaluation of engineering application. ACS ES&T Engineering (2023), 3(2), 236-247 2022年: 1. Bin Zhang, Wenqian Li, Hao-chen Zhang, Boda Li, Jun Ma, Xu He*., Activation of peracetic acid by trace ferrous ion and vacuum ultraviolet for the ultrafast degradation of PPCPs. ACS ES&T Water (2022), 2(12), 2590-2601 2. Bin Zhang, Ziwen Han, Yanjun Xin, Yanjie Zhang, Wenqian Li, Boda Li, An Ding, Jun Ma, Xu He*.,Peroxymonosulfate Activation by Vacuum Ultraviolet and Trace Copper Ions: A New Way to Boost Cu(II)/Cu(I) Redox Cycle. Chemical Engineering Journal, (2022),138097 3. Boda Li, Ziwen Han, Jun Ma, Wei Qiu, Wenqian Li, Bin Zhang, Xuedong Zhai, An Ding, Xu He*., Novel sodium percarbonate-MnO2 effervescent tablets for efficient and moderate membrane cleaning. Water Research, 220 (2022), 118716 4. Boda Li, Jun Ma, Wei Qiu, Wenqian Li, Bin Zhang, An Ding, Xu He*., In-situ utilization of membrane foulants (FeOx+MnOx) for the efficient membrane cleaning.Water Research, 210 (2022), 118004 5. Wenqian Li, Xu He*, Boda Li, Bin Zhang, Ting Liu, Ying Hu, Jun Ma*., Structural tuning of multishelled hollow microspheres for boosted peroxymonosulfate activation and selectivity: Role of surface superoxide radical. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 305(2022),121019 6. Mingrui He, Ziyue Wang, Yahong Zhang, Panpan Wang, Xu He*, Jun Ma*., Oil/water separation membranes with stable ultra-high flux based on the self-assembly of heterogeneous carbon nanotubes. Journal of Membrane Science, 644(2022),120148 7. An Ding*, Wei Lin, Renglu Chen, Huu Hao Ngo, Rourou Zhang, Xu He, Jun Nan, Guibai Li, Jun Ma., Improvement of sludge dewaterability by energy uncoupling combined with chemical re-flocculation: Reconstruction of floc, distribution of extracellular polymeric substances, and structure change of proteins. Science of Total Environment, 816(2022),151646 8. Yang Yue, Jingru Cheng, Kang Soo Lee, Roman Stocker, Xu He, Maosheng Yao, Jing Wang*., Effects of relative humidity on heterogeneous reaction of SO2 with CaCO3 particles and formation of CaSO4.2H2O crystal as secondary aerosol. Atmospheric Environment, 268(2022),118776 9. Xu He, Xinwang Liu, Pan Li, Panpan Wang, Haiju Cheng, Wenqian Li, Boda Li, Ting Liu, Jun Ma*., A Multi-stage Green Barrier Strategy for the Control of Global SARS-CoV-2 Transmission via Cold Chain Goods. Engineering, 9 (2022), 13-16. 10. Wei Lin, Jie Zeng, Rourou Zhang, Xu He, Jun Nan, Guibai Li, Jun Ma, Huu Hao Ngo, An Ding*.Selection of metal ions in different valence states on sludge conditioning: Analysis of hydrophobicity and evaluation of resource recovery capacity.Journal of Water Process Engineering,50(2022),103297 11. Wei Lin, Renglu Chen, Xiao Liu, Huu Hao Ngo, Jun Nan, Guibai Li, Jun Ma, Xu He, An Ding*.Deep mechanism of enhanced dewaterability of residual sludge by Na+: Comprehensive analyses of intermolecular forces, hydrophilicity and water-holding capacity of EPS.Chemical Engineering Journal,450(2022),138505 2021年: 1. Bin Zhang, Xu He, Chengze Yu, Guocheng Liu, Dong Ma, Chunyue Cui, Qinghua Yan, Yingjie Zhang, Guangshan Zhang, Jun Ma, Yanjun Xin., Degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by ultrafine TiO2 nanoparticles modified g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst: influencing factors, products and mechanism insight. Chinese Chemical Letters, (2021), 10 August. 2. Bin Zhang, Jun Ma, Huizhong Chi, An Ding, Yanjun Xin, Yingying Ma, Qingliang Liu, Xu He*.,Novel VUV/g-C3N4 system with high adaptability to varied environmental conditions and outstanding degradation capacity for chlorophenols. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 419(2021),126473 3. Mingrui He, Panpan Wang, Runnan Zhang, Zhongyi Jiang, Xu He*, Jun Ma*., Oil/water separation membrane with a fluorine island structure for stable high flux. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(2021),6905 4. An Ding, Rourou Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Xu He, Jun Ma, Jun Nan, Guibai Li., Life cycle assessment of sewage sludge treatment and disposal based on nutrient and energy recovery: A Review. Science of Total Environment, 769(2021)144451 5. Wei Zhang, Wei Liu, Guoliang Li, Wei Du, Jianbo Lu, Jiangguo Song, Qixia Yang, Xiangming Li, Huizhong Xu, Xu He*, Jun Ma*., Simultaneous adsorption and oxidation of para arsanilic acid by a highly efficient nanostrctured Fe-Ti-Mn composite oxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 407(2021),127142 6. Xu He,Huizhong Chi,Mingrui He,Bin Zhang,Jianqiao Zhang,Da Wang,Jun Ma*., Efficient removal of halogenated phenols by vacuum-UV system through combined photolysis and OH oxidation: Efficiency, mechanism and economic analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 43(2021),123286 7. Xinhui Zhang, Jun Nan*, Tong Liu, Qiliang Xiao, Bohan Liu, Xu He, Huu Hao Ngo, An Ding*., Modeling and simulation of an extended ASM2d model for the treatment of wastewater under different COD: N ratio. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40(2021),101831 2020年 1. Xiaohui Lu, Wei Qiu*, Jun Ma, Haodan Xu, Da Wang, Haijun Cheng, Wei Zhang, Xu He*.,The overestimated role of singlet oxygen for pollutants degradation in some non-photochemical systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401(2020), 126128 2. Boda Li, Xu He*, Panpan Wang, Qingliang Liu, Wei Qiu, Jun Ma*., Opposite impacts of K+ and Ca2+ on membrane fouling by humic acid and cleaning process: Evaluation and mechanism investigation. Water Research, 183(2020), 116006 3. Xu He, Bo Sun, Mingrui He, Huizhong Chi, Zhen Wang, Wei Zhang, Jun Ma., Highly efficient simultaneous catalytic degradation and defluorination of perfluorooctanoic acid by the H2O2-carbon/MnO2 system generating O2- and OH synchronously. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 277(2020), 119219 4. Bin Zhang, Xu He, Xiaohan Ma, Qinghua Chen, Guocheng Liu, Yuanming Zhou, Dong Ma, Chunyue Cui, Jun Ma, Yanjun Xin*., In situ synthesis of ultrafine TiO2 nanoparticles modified g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Separation and Purification Technology, 247(2020), 116932 5. Panxin Wang, Xu He, Wei Zhang, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang*, Zhuangsong Huang, Haijun Cheng, Suyan Pang, Yang Zhou, Xuedong Zhai., Highly efficient removal of p-arsanilic acid with Fe(II)/peroxydisulfate under near-neutral conditions. Water Research, 177(2020), 115752 6.Tobias Hammer, Panagiota Sachinidou, Xu He, Zhengyuan Pan, Yeon Kyoung Bahk*., Advanced filtration and lung deposition models of airborne multi-walled carbon nanotubes for inhalation exposure assessment. NanoImpact,19(2020), 100240 2019年 1. Xu He, Boda Li, Panpan Wang, Jun Ma*., Novel H2O2–MnO2 system for efficient physico-chemical cleaning of fouled ultrafiltration membranes by simultaneous generation of reactive free radicals and oxygen. Water Research, 167(2019), 115111 2. Huizhong Chi, Xu He*, Jianqiao Zhang, Jun Ma*., Efficient degradation of refractory organic contaminants by zero-valent copper/hydroxylamine/peroxymonosulfate process. Chemosphere, 237(2019), 124431 3. Huizhong Chi, Zeyu Wang, Xu He*, Jianqiao Zhang, Da Wang, Jun Ma*., Activation of peroxymonosulfate system by copper-based catalyst for degradation of naproxen: Mechanisms and pathways. Chemosphere, 228(2019), 54-64 4. Huizhong Chi, Xu He*, Jianqiao Zhang, Da Wang, Xuedong Zhai, Jun Ma*., Hydroxylamine enhanced degradation of naproxen in Cu2+ activated peroxymonosulfate system at acidic condition: Efficiency, mechanisms and pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 361(2019), 764-772 5. Xu He, Robert Büchel, Renato Figi, Yucheng Zhang, Yeonkyoung Bahk, Jun Ma, Jing Wang*. High-performance carbon/MnO2 micromotors and their applications for pollutant removal. Chemosphere, 219(2019), 427-435 2019年之前 1. Xu He,Yeon Kyoung Bahk, Jing Wang*., Organic dye removal by MnO2 and Ag micromotors under various ambient conditions: The comparison between two abatement mechanisms. Chemosphere, 184(2017), 601-608 2. Xu He, Denise M Mitrano, Bernd Nowack, Yeon Kyoung Bahk, Renato Figi, Claudia Schreiner, Melanie Bürki, Jing Wang*., Agglomeration potential of TiO2 in synthetic leachates made from the fly ash of different incinerated wastes. Environmental Pollution, 223(2017), 616-623 3. Xu He, Benjamin T. Brem, Yeon Kyoung Bahk, Yu-Ying Kuo, Jing Wang*., Effects of relative humidity and particle type on the performance and service life of automobile cabin air filters. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(2016), 542-554 4. Yeon Kyoung Bahk, Xu He, Emmanouil Gitsis, Yu-Ying Kuo, Nayoung Kim, Jing Wang*., Enhanced dispersion stability and mobility of carboxyl-functionalized carbon nanotubes in aqueous solutions through strong hydrogen bonds. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 396(2015), 17 媒体报道 名称 新型泡腾片式膜清洗剂 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wFxExSHyQRdni5VnLhkkvA 膜污染物的原位利用 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nBDmfngGdU1Tr9qduwgXwA 多级绿色屏障疫情防控对策http://news.hit.edu.cn/2021/1207/c1510a222335/page.htm 适应复杂环境的真空紫外催化体系 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Io6jm3cuekPveekQW7EiOg 新型稳定高通量油水分离膜 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6oWszvzeaGE8ya2vOh1F9g 不同阳离子在膜污染与清洗过程中的相反作用 https://www.x-mol.com/news/457070
