

姓名 沈吉敏 性别 沈吉敏
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 环境学院
学位 沈吉敏 学历 沈吉敏
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 教学与科研 论文与著作 教育与工作经历 招生信息 新建主栏目 沈吉敏,教授,博士生导师 名称 环境学院实验中心主任,城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室分析测试平台负责人,哈尔滨供水集团技术咨询专家委员会委员,国际持久性有毒物质联合研究中心(IJRC-PTC)研究员。 研究方向;饮用水水质安全保障技术;水源痕量有毒有害物质的识别与控制;消毒及消毒副产物控制;高级氧化技术 擅长色谱分析与教学工作,包括GC,GCMS,HPLC,UPLC-MS(tof)。 本科教学水化学,研究生教学高等水化学。累计发表论文科技论文80多篇,其中SCI收录论文50多篇,单篇影响因子超过6.0有20多篇,H-index 24,单篇论文他引超过100次,总的引用率超过2000次。主持国家重大专项子课题等项目10余项。 获得国家发明专利10项,实用新型1项。成果转化1项,部分成果在黑龙江和广东的多座水厂进行了推广应用。 名称 名称 名称 *** 主要教学 (1)《高等水化学》研究生学位课程 (2)《现代检测技术》研究生学位课程 (3)《水化学2》(本科生专业学位课程) (4)《水化学实验课》(本科生专业学位课程) ***主要科研项目 1 微污染物深度净化技术耦合、组装与装备 国家重点研发计划 子课题 2 村镇饮用水品质提升集成技术与装备 国家重点研发计划 子课题 3 第三次水资源调查评价面源污染物调查与专题研究项目 黑龙江省水文局 4 氯化消毒过程无机溴和碘转化为有机溴和碘消毒副产物机制研究 国家重点实验室自主课题 5 宜兴市城乡供水全覆盖安全保障综合示范子课题 国家重大专项 6 农村饮用水深度处理系统应用及性能评价 国家重点研发计划 子课题 7 多单元协同优化降低卤代消毒副产物技术研究 企业合作项目(南海发展股份) *** 科技获奖 2019年 饮用水源水中多种类型污染物的强化常规工艺去除技术(黑龙江省科学技术奖) 主要论文(通讯或第一第二) 名称 1. Lanbo Bi , Zhonglin Chen , Linghan Li , Jing Kang *, Shengxin Zhao , Binyuan Wang ,Pengwei Yan , Yabin Li , Xiaoxiao Zhang , Jimin Shen *Selective adsorption and enhanced photodegradation of diclofenac in water by molecularly imprinted TiO2 Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 407: 124759 2. Weiqiang Wang, Zhonglin Chen Yanchi Zhou , Pengwei Yan , Jimin Shen *, Shuyu Wang , Jing Kang ,, Jingyi Sun , Zhe Wang , Yanbin Tong. Catalytic ozonation with silicate-based microfiltration membrane for the removal of iopamidol in aqueous solution, Science of the Total Environment 774 (2021) 145297 3. Pengwei Yan, Zhonglin Chen, Shuyu Wang, Yanchi Zhou, Li Li, Lei Yuan, Jimin Shen*, Qianqian Jin, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jing Kang*, Catalytic ozonation of iohexol with α-Fe0.9Mn0.1OOH in water: Efficiency, degradation mechanism and toxicity evaluation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402: 123574. 2021.1.15 4. Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jing Kang, Wei Chu, Shengxin Zhao, Jimin Shen*, Zhonglin Chen*, Spectral and mass spectrometric characteristics of different molecular weight fractions of dissolved organic matter, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 253: 117390 (SCI, IF=5.774) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2020.117390 5. Weiqiang Wang, Zhonglin Chen, Yanchi Zhou, Pengwei Yan, Jimin Shen*, Shuyu Wang, Jing Kang*, Jingyi Sun, Zhe Wang, Yanbin Tong, Catalytic ozonation with silicate-based microfiltration membrane for the removal of iopamidol in aqueous solution, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257: 117873. ? 2021.02. 15 6. Xiaoxiao Zhang, Zhonglin Chen, Jing Kang, Shengxin Zhao, Binyuan Wang, Pengwei Yan, Fengxia Deng, Jimin Shen*, Wei Chu*, UV/ peroxymonosulfate process for degradation of chloral hydrate: Pathway and the role of radicals, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 5: 123837 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123837 2021.01.05 7. Wang X. C., Chen Z. L., Kang J., Zhao X., Shen J. M.*, Yang L. The key role of inoculated sludge in fast start-up of sequencing batch reactor for the domestication of aerobic granular sludge[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2019, 78: 127-36. 8. Zhao X., Li Y. B., Yang L., Wang X. C., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M.*. Screen and Study of Tetracycline-Degrading Bacteria From Activated Sludge and Granular Sludge[J]. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2018, 46(7): 9. Zhao S. X., Chen Z. L., Wang B. Y., Shen J. M. *, Zhang J. N., Li D. M. Cr(VI) removal using different reducing agents combined with fly ash leachate: A comparative study of their efficiency and potential mechanisms[J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 213: 172-81. 10. Wang X. C., Chen Z. L., Kang J., Zhao X., Shen J. M.*. Removal of tetracycline by aerobic granular sludge and its bacterial community dynamics in SBR[J]. Rsc Advances, 2018, 8(33): 18284-93. 11. Zhao S. X., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M. *, Qu Y. F., Wang B. Y., Wang X. Enhanced Cr(VI) removal based on reduction-coagulation-precipitation by NaBH4 combined with fly ash leachate as a catalyst[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 322: 646-56. 12. Zhao S. X., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M. *, Kang J., Zhang J., Shen Y. Q. Leaching mechanisms of constituents from fly ash under the influence of humic acid[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 321: 647-60. 13. Zhao S. X., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M. *, Kang J., Qu Y. F., Wang B. Y., Wang X., Yuan L. Response surface methodology investigation into optimization of the removal condition and mechanism of Cr(VI) by Na2SO3/CaO[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 202: 38-45. 14. Li J. C. Z., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M.*, Wang B. Y., Fan L. T. Influence of phosphate, citrate and nitrilotriacetic acid on the removal of aqueous hexavalent chromium by zero-valent iron at circumneutral pH[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 80: 269-75. 15. Kong Y. L., Shen J. M.*, Chen Z. L., Kang J., Li T. P., Wu X. F., Kong X. Z., Fan L. T. Profiles and risk assessment of phthalate acid esters (PAEs) in drinking water sources and treatment plants, East China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(30): 23646-57. 16. Gao G. Y., Kang J., Shen J. M.*, Chen Z. L., Chu W. Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation of Sulfamethoxazole in Aqueous Solution over Composite Iron-Manganese Silicate Oxide[J]. Ozone-Science & Engineering, 2017, 39(1): 24-32. 17. Gao G. Y., Chu W., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M*. Catalytic ozonation of diclofenac with iron silicate-loaded pumice in aqueous solution[J]. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2017, 17(5): 1458-67. 18. Kong Y. L., Kang J., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M.*, Zhao G., Fan L. T., Wu X. F. Occurrence of organochlorine pesticides from typical water sources in YiXing City, Taihu Upper-River Basin, East China[J]. Rsc Advances, 2016, 6(115): 114159-70. Gao G. Y., Kang J., Shen J. M.*, Chen Z. L., Chu W. Investigation on the Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozone Decomposition in Aqueous Solution over Composite Iron-Manganese Silicate Oxide[J]. Ozone-Science & Engineering, 2016, 38(6): 434-42. 19. Gao G. Y., Kang J., Shen J. M., Chen Z. L., Chu W. Catalytic ozonation of sulfamethoxazole by composite iron-manganese silicate oxide: cooperation mechanism between adsorption and catalytic reaction[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(21): 21360-68. 20. Zhao X., Chen Z. L., Wang X. C., Li J. C. Z., Shen J. M.*, Xu H. Remediation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products using an aerobic granular sludge sequencing bioreactor and microbial community profiling using Solexa sequencing technology analysis[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 179: 104-12. 21. Wang Z., Chen Z. L., Chang J., Shen J. M.*, Kang J., Yang L., Chen Q. A novel cementitious microfiltration membrane: mechanisms of pore formation and properties for water permeation[J]. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(1): 99-108. 22. Wang Z., Chen Z. L., Chang J., Shen J. M.*, Kang J., Chen Q. Fabrication of a low-cost cementitious catalytic membrane for p-chloronitrobenzene degradation using a hybrid ozonation-membrane filtration system[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262: 904-12. 23. Li J., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M.*, Wang B. Y., Fan L. T. The enhancement effect of pre-reduction using zero-valent iron on the solidification of chromite ore processing residue by blast furnace slag and calcium hydroxide[J]. Chemosphere, 2015, 134: 159-65. 24. Kang J., Shen J. M.*, Chen Z. L., Nan J., Huang X., Han L., Hao W. P. Chemiluminescence determination of human serum albumin based on Co2+-catalyzed 2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-4,5-di(2-furyl) imidazole/H2O2 system[J]. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(109): 89569-76. 25. Chang J., Chen Z. L., Wang Z., Kang J., Chen Q., Yuan L., Shen J. M.*. Oxidation of microcystin-LR in water by ozone combined with UV radiation: The removal and degradation pathway[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 276: 97-105. 26. Zhao X., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M.*, Wang X. C. Performance of aerobic granular sludge in different bioreactors[J]. Environmental Technology, 2014, 35(8): 938-44. 27. Shen J. M., Zhu J. Y., Kong Y. L., Li T. W., Chen Z. L*. Synthesized heterogeneous Fenton-like goethite (FeOOH) catalyst for degradation of p-chloronitrobenzene[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 68(7): 1614-21. 28. Shen J. M., Dong L., Chen Z. L*. Degradation of 2-MIB in aqueous solution by ZnOOH catalyzed ozonation[J]. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua, 2013, 62(1): 35-41. 29. Liu Y., Shen J. M.*, Chen Z. L., Ren N. Q., Li Y. F. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water and sediment near a drinking water reservoir in Northeastern China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(4): 2535-45. 30. Liu Y., Chen Z. L., Shen J. M*. Occurrence and Removal Characteristics of Phthalate Esters from Typical Water Sources in Northeast China[J]. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2013: 31. Yanbin Tong, Jing Kang, Zhonglin Chen*, Shengxin Zhao, Jimin Shen*, Danfeng He, Jinjun Deng, The cooling rate controlled (040) facets of BiVO4 particles and its characterization, Materials Research Express, 2019,6(12): 125926. 2019, 12 32. Xia Zhao, Hang Zhang, Zhong-lin Chen,Xiao-chun Wang, Ji-min Shen*,. Spatial and temporal distributions of bisphenol analogues in waterand sediment from the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River, China[J].Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2020) 13:1115 33. Xiaochun Wang, Jimin Shen, Jing Kang*, Xia Zhao, Zhonglin Chen*, Mechanism of oxytetracycline removal by aerobic granular sludge in SBR, Water Research, 2019, 161, 308-318. (SCI, IF=9.130) 2019.09.15 34. Pengwei Yan, Jimin Shen, Lei Yuan, Jing Kang*, Binyuan Wang, Shengxin Zhao, Zhonglin Chen*. Catalytic ozonation by Si-doped α-Fe2O3 for the removal of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 228: UNSP 115766. (SCI, IF=5.774) 2019.12.01 35. Pengwei Yan, Jimin Shen, Yanchi Zhou, Lei Yuan, Jing Kang*, Shuyu Wang, Zhonglin Chen*, Interface Mechanism of Catalytic Ozonation in an a-Fe0.9Mn0.1OOH Aqueous Suspension for the Removal of Iohexol, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 277: 119055. (SCI, IF=16.683) 36. Pengwei Yan, Jimin Shen, Shuyu Wang, Yanchi Zhou, Jing Kang?, Lei Yuan, Lanbo Bi, Yabin Li, Zhonglin Chen?, Removal of 2,6-dichlorophenol in water by CuO activated peroxymonosulfate: Efficiency, mechanism and degradation pathway, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254: 117630. 37. Yuan L., Shen J. M., Yan P. W., Zhang J. H., Wang Z., Zhao S. X., Chen Z. L. Catalytic ozonation of 4-chloronitrobenzene by goethite and Fe2+ -modified goethite with low defects: A comparative study[J]. 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