姓名 | 李爱滨 | 性别 | 李爱滨 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 李爱滨 | 学历 | 李爱滨 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李爱滨是哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院的副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事铝基、钛基和钛铝基复合材料及相应多孔材料的设计、制备、变形及组织表征和性能研究工作,同时进行相应力学行为的数值模拟。 主持完成国防科技重点实验室基金和中国博士后基金的项目,参与国家自然科学基金、973、863,十三五和国家重点研发等项目工作,发表学术论文50多篇,SCI收录30多篇,申请国家发明专利30多项,并授权专利25项,编写出版了《现代材料分析测试技术》教材。 分别获得过2004年优秀博士毕业生,2005年黑龙江省高校科技奖,2005年黑龙江省科技奖,2005年优秀教育科研论文奖,2006年哈尔滨工业大学研究生教育教学成果二等奖,2010年哈尔滨工业大学优秀课程奖,2010年哈尔滨工业大学度SCI论文被高频引用奖, 2012年黑龙江省高校科技奖, 2012年黑龙江省科技奖。 文章: 1. Gao, X., Peng, M., Zhang, X., Qian, M., Li, A., Geng, L., ... & Peng, H. X. (2023). Profound strengthening and toughening effect of reinforcement aspect ratio in composite with network architecture. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 931, 167444。 2. Gao, X., Zhang, X., Qian, M., Li, A., Wang, G., Geng, L., & Peng, H. X. (2022). Enhanced stress concentration sensitivity of SiCp/Al composite with network architecture. Journal of Composite Materials, 56(8), 1165-1174. 3. 高翔; 张学习; 钱明芳; 李爱滨; 耿林; 彭华新,构型化金属基复合材料有限元建模技术,中国材料进展, 2020, 39(6): 437-449 4. Xiang Gao , Xuexi Zhang* , Mingfang Qian , Aibin Li , Lin Geng , Hua-xin Peng, Fracture behaviour of SiCp/Al composites with network architecture,Materialia,12,1-7,2020 5. Gao, Xiang; Zhang, Xuexi*; Li, Aibin; Geng, Lin ,Plastic deformation and fracture behaviors in particle-reinforced aluminum composites: A numerical approach using an enhanced finite element model ,Journal of Composite Materials, 2020, 54(15): 1977-1985. 6. A.B. Li, G.S. Wang, X.X. Zhang*, Y.Q. Li, X. Gao, H. Sun, M.F. Qian, X.P. Cui, L. Geng, G.H. Fan. Enhanced combination of strength and ductility in ultrafine-grained aluminum composites reinforced with high content intragranular nanoparticles. Materials Science &Engineering A 2019.745:10-19 7. Xiang Gao, Xuexi Zhang*, Aibin Li, Numerical Study on Mechanical Properties of Quasi - Continuous SiCp / Al Network Composites with Various Particle Size Ratios, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 11(7),1-18,2019. 8. 丁浩, 崔喜平, 许长寿, 李爱滨 , 耿林, 范国华, 陈俊锋 ,孟松鹤,连续玄武岩纤维增强铝基层状复合材料制备与力学特性 金属学报 2018.08 9. A.B. Li, X.P. Cui, G.S. Wang, W. Qu, F. Li, X.X Zhang, W.C. Gan, L. Geng, S.H. Meng. Fabrication of in situ Ti5Si3/TiAl composites with controlled quasi-network architecture using reactive infiltration. Materials Letters. 2016, 185:351-354 10. Y. Du, A.B. Li, X.X. Zhang, Z.B. Tan, R.Z. Su, F. Pu, L. Geng. Enhancement of the mechanical strength of aluminum foams by SiC nanoparticles. Materials Letters. 2015,148:79-81 11. Li Ai-bin, Xu Hong-yu, Geng Lin, Tan Zheng-bin, Ren Wei. Preparation and characterization of SiCp/2024Al composite foams by powder metallurgy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012, 22(s1): S33-S38 12. Yang Fuyao, Li Aibin, Huang Lujun*, Cheng Yu, Geng Lin, Study on the fabrication and heat treatment of the sheet material of in situ TiBw/Ti60 composites, Rare metals, 30(s1),614-618,2011 13. A.B.Li, L.J. Huang Q.Y. Meng, L.Geng, X.P. Cui,Hot working of Ti-6Al-3Mo-2Zr-0.3Si alloy with lamellar α%2Bβ starting structure using processing map,Materials and Design,2009,30(5):1625-1631. (In English) 14. LI Aibin, MENG Qingyuan,GENG Lin,DENG Chunfeng, YAN Yiwu. Effect of deformation temperature on the hot compressive behavior of the metal matrix composites with misaligned whiskers. Rare Metals. 2007, 26(2): 1-11. (In English) 15. Aibin LI, Qingyuan MENG, Lin GENG, Guojian CAO,Wenbin YOU, Yiwu YAN, Effect of temperature on strain softening behavior of composites with small misaligned whiskers, Key Engineering Materials. 353-358, Advanced Composite Materials, 2007, p 1287-1289 16. LI Aibin, WANG Hongmei. Damping capacity of amorphous carbon fiber/aluminum matrix composites at room temperature. Rare Metals. 2007, 26: 115-119. (In English) 17. LI Aibin, MENG Qingyuan, GENG Lin, LI Dan. The hot compressive deformation behavior of the metal matrix composites with the large whisker orientation. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2006, 13(5):507-512. (In English) 18. A.B.Li, L.Geng, J.Zhang, Z.Z.Zheng, C.K.Yao. The effect of whisker misalignment on the hot compressive deformation behavior of a SiCw/6061Al composite at 500oC. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2004, 84: 29-32. (In English) 19. L.Geng, A.B.Li, Q.Y.Meng. Experimental and numerical studies of the effect of whisker misalignment on the hot compressive deformation behavior of the metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2004, 386:212–221. (In English) 20. L.Geng, A.B.Li, J.Zhang, Z.Z.Zheng, T.Q.Lei. Hot compressive deformation behavior of aluminum matrix composites with misaligned silicon-carbide whiskers. Materials Science and Technology. 2004, 20: 68-72. (In English) 21. A.B.Li, L.Geng, Q.Y.Meng, J.Zhang. The Simulation of the large compressive deformation of metal matrix composites with misaligned whiskers. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2003, 358: 324-333. (In English) 22. A.B.Li, L.Geng, J. F. Zhai, C.K.Yao. An experimental and numerical study of the hot compressive deformation behavior of the metal matrix composites with misaligned whiskers. Key Engineering Materials. 2003, 249: 251-254. (In English) 23. X.X. Zhang*, H.M. Wei , A.B. Li , Y.D. Fu, L. Geng, Effect of hot extrusion and heat treatment on CNTs-Al interfacial bond strength in hybrid aluminium composites, Composite interfaces, 20(4), 231-239,2013 24. J.C. Pang, X.P. Cui, A.B. Li, G.H. Fan*, L. Geng, Z.Z. Zheng, Q.W. Wang, Effect of solid solution of Si on mechanical properties of TiAl3 based on the multi-laminated Ti-(SiCp/Al) composite system, Materials Science and Engineering A, 579,57-63, 2013 25. Pang Jin-cheng, Fan Guo-hua, Li Ai-bin, Geng Lin*, Microstructure evolution of SiCp/Al-Ti foils during hot rolling and reaction annealing, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 21(s2),S304-S307, 2011 26. J.C. Pang, G.H. Fan, X.P. Cui, A.B. Li, L. Geng, Z.Z. Zheng, Q.W. Wang. Mechanical properties of Ti–(SiCp/Al) laminated composite with nano-sized TiAl3 interfacial layer synthesized by roll bonding. Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 582, 10 October 2013, Pages 294-298 27. J.C. Pang, G.H. Fan, X.P. Cui, A.B. Li, L. Geng, Z.Z. Zheng, Q.W. Wang. Microstructure Evolution of in situ (Ti3AlC %2B Ti5Si3)/Ti3Al Composite Sheet with a Novel Quasi-continuous Chain Reinforcement Distribution Architecture Prepared by Using Roll Bonding and Reaction Annealing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 29, Issue 12, December 2013,Pages 1191-1196 28. Y.C. Feng, L. Geng, A.B. Li, Z.Z. Zheng. Fabrication and characteristics of in situ Al12W particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites by reaction sintering. Materials and Design. 2010,31(2): 965-967 29. Y.C. Feng, L. Geng, G.H. Fan, A.B. Li, Z.Z. Zheng. The properties and microstructure of hybrid composites reinforced with WO(3) particles and Al(18)B(4)O(33) whiskers by squeeze casting. Materials and Design. 2009,30(9), 3632-3635 30. L.Geng, B.P.Zhang, A.B.Li,C.C.Dong. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–4.0Zn–0.5Ca alloy, Materials Letters, 2009, 63(5):557-559. (In English) 31. P.Q. Zheng, L.J. Huang, A.B. Li, L. Geng*, Lamellar Disintegration Mechanism of TC11 Titanium Alloy during Hot Compression, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 24, 44-46, 2009 32. LJ Huang, L.Geng, A.B.Li, FY Yang, HX Peng, In situ TiBw/Ti–6Al–4V composites with novel reinforcement architecture fabricated by reaction hot pressing, Scripta Materialia, 2009,60(11): 996-999. (In English) 33. L.J. Huang, L. Geng*, P.Q. Zheng, A.B. Li, X.P. Cui,Hot tensile characterization of Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si alloy with an equated microstructure, Materials and Design, 30( 3), 838-841,2009 34. LJ Huang, L.Geng, A.B.Li, G.S. Wang, X.P. Cui, Effects of hot compression and heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile property of Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008,489: 330-336 . (In English) 35. Y.W. Yan,L Geng,A.B. Li,GH Fan. Finite Element Analysis about Effects of Particle Size on the Deformation Behavior of Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Key Engineering Materials. 2007, 353-358 :1263-1266 36. Y.W. Yan, L. Geng, A. B. Li. Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Effects of Particle Size on Deformation Behavior of Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007, 448(1-2): 315-325 37. Y. W. Yan, L. Geng, A.B. Li. Finite Element Analysis about Effects of Particle Size on the Residual Stress of the Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2006,16(3):S1346-1350 38. Li, AD; Xu, CQ; Li, AB; Ming, NB, Study of coloration, microbe inhibition during the growth of L-arginine phosphate monohydrate single crystalsJournal of Crystal Growth, 2000, 220(3): 291-295. SCIE. 专利 (1) 李爱滨、刘春凤、郜闹闹、赵飒、张学习、崔喜平、钱明芳、宋佳汶、耿林,一种多孔TiAl夹芯结构复合材料及其制备方法,中国,202210160072.7 (2) 李爱滨,张学习,王桂松,钱明芳,赵飒,宋佳汶,屈伟,耿林,一种Ti5Si3颗粒增强网状孔壁的TiAl基多孔材料及其制备方法,2021.07.20,中国,ZL202010960256.2 (3) 崔喜平,田喆,李爱滨,焦旺,范国华,王晓军,黄陆军,耿林,CNTs/Ti仿生微纳米叠层复合材料的制备方法, ZL 201710379129.1 2018.08 (4) 王桂松;耿林;李爱滨;范国华;郑镇洙,一种用真空压力浸渗法制备网状结构铝基复合材料的方法 2016-11-10 ,2018.10, ZL2016109916489 (5) 李爱滨,甘维琛,屈伟,张学习,宋洋,耿林, 一种多孔Ti-Al-V金属间化合物及其下置式无压反应浸渗制备方法,2017.05, 中国,ZL 201511017179.2 (6) 李爱滨,杜瑶,蒲凡,耿林,王艳艳, 一种钛合金颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备方法, 2016.8.24, 中国, ZL201410680795.5 (7) 李爱滨,蒲凡,杜瑶,耿林,陈锐, 采用挤压铸造法制备低体积分数的纯钛颗粒增强铝基复合材料的方法, 2016.6.25, 中国,ZL201410680821.4 (8) 李爱滨,范国华,陈锐,耿林,谭振斌,一种基于Ti粉和Al合金粉的复合粉体半固态热挤压制备TiAl合金棒材的方法, 2016.02.10, 中国,ZL 201410032233X (9) 李爱滨,范国华,陈锐,谭振斌,耿林,一种用真空压力浸渗法制备Ti2AlNb合金的方法,2015.10.28, 中国,ZL201410032194 (10) 李爱滨,曹国剑,李斌玲,施虹霞,耿林,谭振斌,一种外加纳米陶瓷颗粒增强晶内型铝基复合材料及其制备方法, ZL201210264692.1, 授权日期:2013.10.16 1.2当量 (11) 李爱滨,李锋,李斌玲,范国华,耿林,逄锦程,陈锐, 一种球形Ti3Al/TiAl双相合金及其制备方法, ZL201210264680.9, 授权日期:2013.10.16 (12) 李爱滨, 杜小米 李峰 范国华 耿林 朱开南,一种TiAl基合金板材的制备方法 ,中国,ZL 201010561035.4, 授权日期:2012.6.27 (13) 李爱滨, 李峰, 范国华, 耿林, 逄锦程, 黄陆军,网状Ti5Si3加弥散TiC增强TiAl基复合材料的制备,中国,ZL201110003733.7, 授权日期:2012.5.23 (14) 李爱滨, 李峰, 崔喜平, 耿林, 张杰, 梁策, 一种Ti5Si3/TiAl复合材料的制备方法,中国,ZL201010100995.0, 授权日期:2012.5.16 (15) 李爱滨, 耿林, 任伟, 曹国剑, 李峰, 杜小米,纳米陶瓷颗粒增强泡沫铝基复合材料的制备方法,中国,ZL 200910311434.2,授权日期:2012.2.29 (16) 李爱滨, 梁策, 耿林, 张杰, 李峰, 崔喜平,一种TiAl合金棒材的制备方法,中国,ZL 201010300526.3,授权日期:2011.9.21 (17) 耿林, 梁策, 李爱滨, 李峰, 一种TiAl基合金板材的制备方法, 2011.9,中国, ZL 201010300480.5,授权日期:2011.9.21 (18) 李爱滨,耿林,王红梅,王桂松, 无定形碳纤维铝基复合材料及其制备方法, ZL200610010598.8,授权日期:2009.7.15 (19) 耿林,李爱滨,王桂松, 低模量高阻尼无定形碳纤维铝基复合材料及其制备方法, ZL200610010600.1 授权日期:2009.5.27 (20) 耿林, 逄锦程, 范国华, 李爱滨, 郑镇洙, 王桂松, 吴昊, 一种TiAl基合金板材的制备方法, 2013.11,中国,ZL 201210097545 (21) 耿林,黄陆军,张杰,李爱滨,郑镇洙,王桂松,TiBw/Ti合金基复合材料的制备方法,2010.6,中国,ZL200810136852.8 (22) 耿林、关丽娜、郑镇洙、吕奎明、李爱滨,ZnO包覆硼酸铝晶须增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法,中国,ZL200710144855.1 (23) 耿林,张雪囡,王桂松,郑镇洙,李爱滨,晶须与纳米颗粒混杂增强铝基复合材料的压力铸造方法,ZL 200410043979.7 (24) 范国华;杜岩;王庆伟;耿林;张杰;崔喜平;郑镇洙;王桂松;李爱滨,一种层状NiAl材料及其制备方法,CN201310026951.1 (25) 范国华;张超;郑镇洙;耿林;王桂松;李爱滨,ZnWO4涂覆硼酸铝晶须增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法,中国CN201110432938.7 (26) 范国华;张超;郑镇洙;耿林;王桂松;李爱滨,陶瓷相增强体表面涂覆钨酸锌的方法,CN201110432923.0 (27) 王德尊;邓春锋;张学习;李爱滨;张宝友,一种碳纳米管增强铝基复合材料及其空气热压制备方法,CN200610009859.4 (28) 李爱滨,杜小米. 一种Ti5Si3/TiAl基复合材料的制备方法,CN201010528583.7 (29) 李爱滨,任伟,曹国剑,耿林,崇严,李峰,一种陶瓷颗粒增强泡沫铝基复合材料的制备方法, CN200910311433.8 (30) 王桂松,耿林,李爱滨, SiCw/Al复合材料液-固两相区温度成型方法, CN200510010039.2 (31) 李爱滨,宋洋,张学习,王桂松,屈伟,甘维琛,耿林, 一种多孔TiAl3金属间化合物的制备方,CN201511027921.8 (32) 李爱滨,屈伟,宋洋,甘维琛,耿林, 一种Al合金无压浸渗TiH2粉末制备多孔Ti3Al金属间化合物的方法,CN201511023054.0 教育经历 标题 哈尔滨工业大学博士学位 起讫时间 2000-03 至 2004-10 所学专业 材料学 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 博士 简单介绍 2000年考入哈尔滨工业大学材料系,成为千禧博士,有幸师从耿林教授。在耿林教授的言传身教下,顺利完成了铝基复合材料的变形行为的试验和数值研究,并且获得当年哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士毕业生。 教育经历 标题 哈尔滨工业大学硕士学历 起讫时间 1990-09 至 1993-03 所学专业 工程热物理 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 硕士 简单介绍 1990年有幸保送到哈尔滨工业大学工程热物理专业,师从赵玉珍教授,顺利完成了硕士学位的攻读。 工作经历 标题 工作经历 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 职位/职称 副教授 起讫时间 2005-12 至 简单介绍 2005-12至现在,哈尔滨工业大学,材料学院,副教授2004.12-2005-12, 哈尔滨工业大学,材料学院,讲师2005-4至2008-6,哈尔滨工业大学,力学博士后流动站,博士后,导师孟庆元2010-12至2011-12俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立技术大学,物理机械专业,访问学者1993-03至2000-01,哈尔滨理工大学,材料学院,讲师