

姓名 李一飞 性别 李一飞
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 数学学院
学位 李一飞 学历 李一飞
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中文页面 English Page 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李一飞,1993年出生,山东威海人。主要从事生物数学中离散模型与连续模型的数值模拟与理论分析。 教育经历 名称 2012.09-2016.06 本科 北京科技大学 2016.09-2017.10 硕士 英国邓迪大学 (导师:林平教授) 2018.03-2022.3 博士 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学 (导师:Peter van Heijster教授, Matthew Simpson教授) 工作经历 名称 2022.9-至今 博士后 哈尔滨工业大学 论文 名称 4. Yifei Li, Pascal R Buenzli, Matthew J Simpson, Interpreting how nonlinear diffusion affects the fate of bistable populations using a discrete modelling framework, Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478: 20220013, 2022. 3. Yifei Li, Peter van Heijster, Matthew J Simpson, Martin Wechselberger, Shock-fronted travelling waves in a reaction-diffusion model with nonlinear forward-backward diffusion, Physica D: Nonlinaer Phenomenon, 423: 132916, 2021. 2. Yifei Li, Stuart T Johnston, Pascal R Buenzli, Peter van Heijster, Matthew J Simpson, Extinction of bistable populations is affected by the shape of their initial spatial distribution, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84(1): 1-27, 2021. 1. Yifei Li, Peter van Heijster, Robert Marangell, Matthew J Simpson, Travelling wave solutions in a negative nonlinear diffusion–reaction model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81(6), 1495-1522, 2020. Background 名称 Dr. Yifei was a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. P. van Heijster and Prof. M. J. Simpson. In 2009, he received his degree from the Queensland University of Technology(QUT) in Austrilia. Following graduation, he was awarded a fellowship to conduct two years of postdoctoral research at Harbin Institute of Technology in China under the supervision of Prof. J. Fang. Research 名称 Dr. Yifei has been working on deploying mathematical tools to understand population dynamics associated with the migration and proliferation of individuals. His current research interests include studying the influence of periodically-evolving domain on population extinction, and using both discrete and continuum mathematical models to get a better understanding of the population dynamics affected by the variablity of indiviudal behaviours. Publication 名称 MathSciNet Profile 4. Yifei Li, Pascal R Buenzli, Matthew J Simpson, Interpreting how nonlinear diffusion affects the fate of bistable populations using a discrete modelling framework, Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478: 20220013, 2022. 3. Yifei Li, Peter van Heijster, Matthew J Simpson, Martin Wechselberger, Shock-fronted travelling waves in a reaction-diffusion model with nonlinear forward-backward diffusion, Physica D: Nonlinaer Phenomenon, 423: 132916, 2021. 2. Yifei Li, Stuart T Johnston, Pascal R Buenzli, Peter van Heijster, Matthew J Simpson, Extinction of bistable populations is affected by the shape of their initial spatial distribution, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84(1): 1-27, 2021. 1. Yifei Li, Peter van Heijster, Robert Marangell, Matthew J Simpson, Travelling wave solutions in a negative nonlinear diffusion–reaction model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81(6), 1495-1522, 2020.
