

姓名 何伟华 性别 何伟华
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 环境学院
学位 何伟华 学历 何伟华
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新页签 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 何伟华,哈尔滨工业大学环境学院,特任研究员。主要致力于开发基于微生物胞外电子传递过程的污水处理及水环境治理技术,包括:解析基于微生物胞外电子传递的污染物强化转化过程中的微生物学原理与作用机制;研究胞外电子传递过程参与的微生物群落生态及环境过程;面向污水处理及水环境治理,开展基于微生物电化学原理的技术开发、材料制备和应用效能研究。承担或参与国家及省部级科研项目十余项。在Water research、Journal of Power Source、ACS applied materials & interfaces等水处理、环境、能源及工程材料相关领域国际权威刊物发表发表学术论文80余篇,被引用4000余次,H因子37(谷歌学术检索)。 工作经历 名称 时间 单位 院系 职称 2013.02-2015.02 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 土木与环境学院 访问学者 2018.01-2021.07 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院,环境工程系 副教授 2021.07-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院,环境生态系 研究员 教育经历 名称 时间 学校 院系 学位 2003.09-2007.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政学院,环境科学 学士学位 2004.09-2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学 理学院,生物技术 学士学位 2009.09-2011.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政学院,环境工程 硕士学位 2011.09-2016.10 哈尔滨工业大学 市政学院,环境科学与工程 博士学位 代表性论文 名称 [1] Lefei Xue, Naiyu Wang, Yaqian Gao, Jia Liu, Nan Li, YujieFeng, Weihua He*, Nonconductive anode-associated biocarrier achieved differentiated functional bacteria enrichment and relieved the competitive pressure on anodic biofilm of microbial electrolysis cells, Chemical Engineering Journal, in press [2] Dandan Liang, Zeng Li, Guohong Liu, Chao Li, Weihua He*, Jiannan Li, Yujie Feng, Construction of bidirectional electron transfer biofilms via periodic polarity reversal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 452, 139145 [3] Naiyu Wang, Lefei Xue, Guofang Ding, Yu Han, Yujie Feng, Jia Liu, Nan Li, Weihua He*, High concentration of ammonia sensitizes the response of microbial electrolysis cells to tetracycline, Water Research, 2022, 225, 119064 [4] Jian Zhang, Yue Zhao, Maoxin Yang, Hong Jiang, Bing Wang, Yanping Jia, Weihua He*, Efficient electrocatalytic degradation of doxycycline hydrochloride in wastewater by Ni/MWCNTs-OH on modified Ti, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 50, 103187 [5] Naiyu Wang, Yujie Feng, Yunfei Li, Lijuan Zhang, Jia Liu, Nan Li, Weihua He*, Effects of ammonia on electrochemical active biofilm in microbial electrolysis cells for synthetic swine wastewater treatment, Water Research, 2022, 219, 118570 [6] Chao Li, Yujie Feng, Dandan Liang, Lijuan Zhang, Yan Tian, Ravi Shankar Yadav, Weihua He*, Spatial-type skeleton induced Geobacter enrichment and tailored bio-capacitance of electroactive bioanode for efficient electron transfer in microbial fuel cells, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 821, 153123 [7] Dandan Liang, Chao Li, Weihua He*, Zeng Li, Yujie Feng*, Response of exoelectrogens centered consortium to nitrate on collaborative metabolism, microbial community, and spatial structure, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426, 130975 [8] Yujie Zhu, Yujie Feng, Lijuan Zhang, Naiyu Wang, Pinpin Yang, Jia Liu, Weihua He*, Economic affordable carbonized phenolic foam anode with controlled structure for microbial fuel cells, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 810, 151314 [9] Weihua He, Wenbiao Jin*, Qing Wang, Yujie Feng, Electron flow assisted COD removal in wastewater under continuous flow conditions using microbial electrochemical system, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 776, 145978 [10] Chao Li, Weihua He*, DanDan Liang, Yan Tian, Da Li, Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng, The operation characters of biocathode microbial electrochemical system with microbial separator for domestic wastewater treatment: Power generation, long-term stability, and organic removal, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 495, 229785 [11] Chao Li, Weihua He*, DanDan Liang, Yan Tian, Zeng Li, Ravi Shankar Yadav, Fei Wang, Yanling Yu, Yujie Feng, Discerning realizable advantages of microbial electrochemical system towards raw municipal wastewater treatment: From the analyses of mass and energy flow, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 495, 229706 [12] Jiaojiao Niu, Yujie Feng, Naiyu Wang, Shujuan Liu, Yuhai Liang Jia Liu, Weihua He*, Effects of high ammonia loading and in-situ short-cut nitrification in low carbon?nitrogen ratio wastewater treatment by biocathode microbial electrochemical system, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 755, 142641 [13] Dandan Liang, Weihua He*, Chao Li, Fei Wang, John C. Crittenden, Yujie Feng*, Remediation of nitrate contamination by membrane hydrogenotrophic denitrifying biofilm integrated in microbial electrolysis cell, Water Research, 2021, 188, 116498 [14] Chao Li, Weihua He*, DanDan Liang, Yan Tian, Ravi Shankar Yadav, Da Li, Junfeng Liu, Yujie Feng*, The anaerobic and starving treatment eliminates filamentous bulking and recovers biocathode biocatalytic activity with residual organic loading in microbial electrochemical system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 404, 127072 [15] Chao Li#, Weihua He#, DanDan Liang, Yan Tian, Ravi Shankar Yadav, Junfeng Liu, Yujie Feng. Power density of microbial electrochemical system responds to mass transfer characters of non–ion–selective microbial separator, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 311, 123478 [16] Dandan Liang, Lijuan Zhang, Weihua He*, Chao Li, Junfeng Liu, Shaoqin Liu, Hyung-Sool Lee, Yujie Feng*, Efficient hydrogen recovery with CoP-NF as cathode in microbial electrolysis cells, Applied Energy, 264, 114700, 2020 [17] Mengjia Cao, Yujie Feng, Naiyu Wang, Yunfei Li, Nan Li, Jia Liu, Weihua He*, Electrochemical regulation on the metabolism of anode biofilms under persistent exogenous bacteria interference, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 340, 135922 [18] Haiman Wang, Zhuang Miao, Yafeng Li, Weihua He*, Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Energy self-sustained treatment of swine wastewater in a microbial electrochemical technology-centered hybrid system, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2020, 6, 747–756 [19] Shujuan Liu, Yujie Feng, Jiaojiao Niu, Jia Liu, Nan Li, Weihua He*, A novel single chamber vertical baffle flow biocathode microbial electrochemical system with microbial separator, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 294, 122236 [20] Dandan Liang, Weihua He*, Chao Li, Yanling Yu, Zhaohan Zhang, Nanqi Ren, Yujie Feng*, Bidirectional electron transfer biofilm assisted complete bioelectrochemical denitrification process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375, 121960 [21] Yue Dong, Weihua He*, Dandan Liang, Chao Li, Guohong Liu, Jia Liu, Nanqi Ren, Yujie Feng*, Operation strategy of cubic-meter scale microbial electrochemistry system in a municipal wastewater treatment plant, Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 441, 227124 [22] Weihua He#, Yue Dong#, Chao Li, Xiaoyu Han, Guohong Liu, Jia Liu, Yujie Feng*, Field tests of Cubic-meter scale microbial electrochemical system in a municipal wastewater treatment plant, Water Research, 2019, 155, 372-380 [23] Yushi Tian#, Weihua He#, Dandan Liang, Wulin Yang, Bruce E. Logan*, Nanqi Ren*, Effective phosphate removal for advanced water treatment using low energy, migration electric-field assisted electrocoagulation, Water Research, 2018, 138, 129-136 [24] Yue Dong, Weihua He*, Chao Li, Dandan Liang, Youpeng Qu, Xiaoyu Han, Yujie Feng*, Performance of integrated bioelectrochemical membrane reactor: Energy recovery, pollutant removal and membrane fouling alleviation, Journal of Power Source, 2018, 384, 178–186 [25] Haiman Wang#, Jia Liu#, Weihua He*, Youpeng Qu, Da Li, Qing Jiang, Yujie Feng*, Enhanced Power Generation of Oxygen-Reducing Biocathode with an Alternating Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surface, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(46), 31995-32003 [26] Haiman Wang, Jia Liu, Weihua He*, Youpeng Qu, Da Li, Yujie Feng, Energy-positive nitrogen removal from reject water using a tide-type biocathode microbial electrochemical system, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 317-325 [27] Weihua He, WulinYang, Yushi Tian, Xiuping Zhu, Jia Liu, Yujie Feng*, Bruce E. Logang*, Pressurized air cathodes for enhanced stability and power generation by microbial fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 332, 447-453 [28] Weihua He, Maxwell J.Wallack, Kyoung-YeolKim, Xiaoyuan Zhang, WulinYang, Xiuping Zhu, Yujie Feng*, Bruce E. Logang*, The effect of flow modes and electrode combinations on the performance of a multiple module microbial fuel cell installed at wastewater treatment plant, Water Research, 2016, 105, 351-360 [29] Weihua He, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jia Liu, Xiuping Zhu, Yujie Feng*, Bruce E. Logang*, Microbial fuel cells with an integrated spacer and separate anode and cathode modules, Environmental Science Water Research & Technology, 2016, 2(1), 186-195 [30] Weihua He, Jia Liu*, Da Li, Haiman Wang, Youpeng Qu, Xin Wang, Yujie Feng*, The electrochemical behavior of three air cathodes for microbial electrochemical system (MES) under meter scale water pressure, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 267, 219-226 [31] Yujie Feng*, Weihua He, Jia Liu, XinWang, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren, A horizontal plug flow and stackable pilot microbial fuel cell for municipal wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 156, 132-138 [32] 何伟华, 刘佳, 王海曼, 冯玉杰. 微生物电化学污水处理技术的优势与挑战[J]. 电化学, 2017(3):283-296.
