

姓名 李光皓 性别 李光皓
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 建筑学院
学位 李光皓 学历 李光皓
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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李光皓 / Guanghao Li 新建主栏目 教育背景 / Educational Background 名称 2003 - 2009 ------- 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑设计及其理论专业,工学博士,导师:张伶伶 教授 2000 - 2003 ------- 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑设计及其理论专业,建筑学硕士,导师:张伶伶 教授 1995 - 2000 ------- 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学专业,建筑学学士 ------------------------- 2003 - 2009 -------- Ph.D. in Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China ------------------------- Dissertation: Study on the development of the riverside area of a typical city in the Songhua River basin ------------------------- Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Lingling Zhang 2000 - 2003 -------- Master of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China ------------------------- Master Supervisor: Prof. Lingling Zhang 1995 - 2000 -------- Bachelor of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 学术任职 / Academic Appointments 名称 2021 - 至今 -------- 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 副教授 / 博士研究生导师 2015 - 2020 ------- 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 副教授 / 硕士研究生导师 2003 - 2014 ------- 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 助教 / 讲师 2022 - 至今 -------- 国际期刊 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (SCI) 通讯评审 2021 - 至今 -------- 国际期刊 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (SCI) 通讯评审 2021 - 至今 -------- 教育部学科评估(第五轮)通讯评议专家 2021 - 至今 -------- 教育部学位中心优秀学位论文(博士 / 硕士论文)通讯评议专家 2015 - 至今 -------- 国家自然科学基金通讯评审 / 国家科技部科学基金通讯评审 2009 - 至今 -------- 中国建筑学会会员 / 中国城市规划学会会员 / 中国风景园林学会会员 -------------------------- 2021 - present ----- Associate Professor & Doctoral supervisor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2015 - 2020 -------- Associate Professor & Master supervisor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2003 - 2014 -------- Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2022 - present ---- Reviewer of Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (SCI) 2021 - present ---- Reviewer of Urban Forestry ad Urban Greening (SCI) 2021 - present ---- Discipline Evaluation Review Expert, Ministry of Education, China 2021 - present ---- Correspondence Reviewer of Excellent Dissertation (Doctoral & Master's Thesis), Degree Center, Ministry of Education 2015 - present ----- Foundation Reviewer of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) --------------------------Foundation Reviewer of National Ministry of Science and Technology, China 2009 - present ----- Membership of China Architecture Society (CAS) --------------------------Membership in China Urban Planning Society (CUPS) --------------------------Membership in China Landscape Architecture Society (CLAS) 研究方向 / Research Keywords 名称 景观建构方法 景观都市物理环境 低能耗城市形态与建筑设计 城市建筑学 --------------------------------------- Landscape Tectonic Methods The Physical Environment of Urban Space In The Landscape Perspective Energy-efficient Urban Form And Architectural Design The Architecture Of The City 科研项目 / Funded Research Projects 名称 2015 - 2018 ----- 基于虚拟地理环境的寒地城镇生态化开发策略模拟研究 ---------------------- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51478136),项目主持人,76万元 2016 - 2019 ----- 基于能源景观理论的寒地村镇体系生物质能空间规划研究 ---------------------- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51578175),主要参与人,72万元 2013 - 2014 ------寒地流域城市生态化开发策略研究与示范 -----------------------住房和城乡建设部软科学研究基金(2013-R2-10),项目主持人,20万元 2013 - 2015 ------基于生态过程的松花江流域城市景观格局研究 -----------------------教育部中央高校基本科研专项基金(HIT.NSRIF.2013069),项目主持人,5万元 2014 - 2016 ------北方寒冷地区重污染河道原位修复技术研究 -----------------------国家自然科学基金青年基金(51308152),主要参与人,25万元 2013 - 2014 ------寒冷地区湿地的生态水文特征分析研究 -----------------------黑龙江省自然科学基金(QC2013C040),主要参与人,5万元 ------------------------ 2015 - 2018 ------ Simulation study on the ecological development strategy of cold towns based on ------------------------the virtual geographical environment ----------------------- Founded by:--National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Award: #51478136 ----------------------- Role:------------PI ----------------------- Budget:-------- $ 117,000 2016 - 2019 ------ Research on Biomass Energy Spatial Planning of Cold Regions and Towns System ----------------------- Based on Energy Landscape Theory ----------------------- Founded by:--National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Award: #51578175 ----------------------- Role:-----------Co-PI ------------------------Budget:--------$ 110,700 2013 - 2014 ------ -Research and demonstration of urban ecological development strategy in the cold land basin ------------------------Founded by:--Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Award: #2013-R2-10 ----------------------- Role:------------PI ----------------------- Budget:---------$ 38,500 2013 - 2015 -------Ecological landscape-based urban landscape pattern of Songhua River Basin, ------------------------Founded by:--Ministry of Education of China, Award: # HIT.NSRIF.2013069 ------------------------Role:------------PI ------------------------Budget:---------$ 7700 2014 - 2016 ------ Research on in-situ remediation technology of heavily polluted rivers in cold regions of northern China ----------------------- Founded by:--National Science Foundation of China, Award: #51308152 ----------------------- Role:------------Co-PI ----------------------- Budget:---------$ 38,500 2013 - 2014 ------ Analysis of ecological, and hydrological characteristics of wetlands in cold regions, ----------------------- Founded by:--Heilongjiang Province Science Foundation, Award: #QC2013C040 ----------------------- Role:------------Co-PI ----------------------- Budget:---------$ 7700 荣誉获奖 / Honors & Awards 名称 2016---------黑龙江省城乡规划优秀勘察设计 / 三等奖 2013------ 黑龙江省优秀勘察设计建筑设计 / 一等奖 2012-------第十届中国环境设计学年奖 / 优秀指导教师奖--- 2006-------哈尔滨工业大学本科优秀毕业设计 / 优秀指导教师奖- 2006---------第四届中国环艺设计学年奖 / 最佳指导教师奖 2005---------第三届中国环艺设计学年奖 / 最佳指导教师奖 2004---------全国青年学生室内设计竞赛 / 优秀导师奖 2002---------2008北京奥林匹克公园及五棵松体育中心规划设计竞赛 / 优秀奖 2001-------- “建筑师杯”首届全国家具设计大赛 / 佳作奖---------- 1998---------全国大学生建筑设计竞赛 / 佳作奖 / 北方艺术创作中心建筑设计竞赛 ----------------- 2016---------Third Prize / Urban Planning Annual Award, Heilongjiang Province, China 2013---------First Prize / Architecture Annual Award, Heilongjiang Province, China 2012---------Excellent Instructor Award / The 10th Annual China Environmental Design Award 2006---------Excellent Instructor Award / The Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Design of Harbin Institute of Technology 2006---------Best Instructor Award / The 4th China Environmental Design Annual Award 2005---------Best Instructor Award / The 3rd China Environmental Design Annual Award 2004---------Excellent Mentor Award / National University Student Interior Design Competition, China 2002---------Excellence Award / 2008 Beijing Olympic Park & Wukesong Sports Center Planning and Design Global Competition 2001---------Masterpiece Award / The first national furniture design competition, China 1998---------Excellence Award / National Student Architectural Design Competition, China 出版物 / Peer-Reviewed Publications 名称 出版著作 / Peer-Reviewed Books and Book Chapters 2017--------建筑 - 环境的设计创新 / Design Innovation for Building Environment ---------------作者:黄锰,李光皓,展长虹 (译著) / Author: Meng Huang, Guanghao Li, Changhong Zhan (Translations) ---------------出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 / Publisher: Harbin Institute of Technology Press 2013--------松花江流域典型城市滨江区域开发研究 --------------Study on the development of the riverside area of a typical city in the Songhua River basin ---------------作者:李光皓,董禹 / Author: Guanghao Li, Yu Dong ---------------出版社:中国建筑工业出版社 / Publisher: China Architecture Publishing & Media 学术论文 / Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers 2021-------Fractal-Dimension-Based Walking Trajectory Analysis: A Case Study in ---------------Museum J. Armand Bombardier ---------------Xueying Han, Changhong Zhan, Guanghao Li* -----------Advances in Civil Engineering (SCI, IF: 1.924), Volume 2021, 7 Pages 2021--------Evaluation of tree shade effectiveness and its renewal strategy in typical historic districts: ---------------A case study in Harbin, China ---------------Guanghao Li, Nan He, Changhong Zhan* ---------------Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI, IF: 3.619), 08, 2021 2021--------Urban neighborhood environment assessment based on street view image processing: ---------------A review of research trends ---------------Nan He, Guanghao Li* ---------------Environmental Challenges, 04, 2021 2021--------基于街景图像的哈尔滨历史街区天空视角因子评价 ---------------何南,李光皓* ---------------低温建筑技术,2021,43(04):5-19 2020--------Sky View Factor-based correlation of landscape morphology and the thermal environment of street canyons: ---------------A case study of Harbin, China ------------- -Guanghao Li, Zhihui Ren, Changhong Zhan* ------------ --Building and Environment(SCI, IF=6.456), Volume 169, Feb 2020 2019--------哈尔滨典型街谷空间PM2.5分布场与绿色界面指数相关性研究 ---------------李光皓,姚梦雪,董慰* --------------西部人居环境学刊, 2019年04期, Pages:87-96 2019-------An artificial neural network identification method for the thermal resistance of exterior --------------walls of buildings based on numerical experiments --------------Lin Chen, Changhong Zhan*, Guanghao Li*, Aimin Zhang --------------Building Simulation(SCI, IF=3.751), Volume: 12, Issue: 03, Pages: 425-440,June 2019 2019-------Asian green building rating tools: a comparative study on scoring methods of quantitative --------------evaluation systems --------------Xiang Zhang, Changhong Zhan*, Xuesong Wang, Guanghao Li* ---------------Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI, IF=9.297), Volume: 218, Pages: 880-895, May 1, 2019 2018--------红外热像法在建筑领域的应用 ---------------陈琳,展长虹,陈崇一,李光皓 ---------------城市建筑,2018年15期 2018--------基于GIS 的村镇体系生物质能发展网络构建研究—以黑龙江省建三江农场为例 ---------------张一飞,李光皓* ---------------城市建筑,2018年21期 2015--------哈尔滨居住建筑南向窗尺寸优化遮阳效果分析 ---------------张一飞,赵天宇,李光皓* ---------------哈尔滨工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2015. 02 2010--------城市内河的"蓝带"激活---哈尔滨何家沟水系生态景观概念规划与框架研究 --------------黄锰,李光皓,张伶伶 ---------------城市规划,2010.08 2009-------山·水·林·城——伊春市中心城新区南区城市设计 --------------黄锰,蔡新冬,李光皓 --------------城市规划,2009.11 2008-------滨江新城的可持续开发策略研究 --------------李光皓,张伶伶,孙洪涛 --------------城市规划,2008. 08 2007-------关注过程,学会思考 --------------张伶伶,赵伟峰,李光皓 --------------新建筑,2007. 06 2007-------整合 生长 共生---葫芦岛龙湾海滨地区核心区城市设计 --------------李光皓,张伶伶 --------------建筑学报,2007. 06 2003-------两种创作策略的效果—以佳木斯大学校门和松花湖风景区大门为例 --------------张伶伶,赵伟峰,黄勇,李光皓 --------------华中建筑,2003.01 会议论文 / Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (selected) 2018-------外墙饰面辐射特性对建筑供暖能好的影响 --------------宫灵修,展长虹,李光皓, --------------中国建筑学会第十三届建筑物理学术大会, 2018.11 2018-------基于卷积神经网络的热工缺陷快速识别方法研究 --------------陈崇一, 展长虹,陈琳,李光皓 --------------中国建筑学会第十三届建筑物理学术大会, 2018.11 2018-------Comparison of Terminal Indicators Scoring Methods between ESGB and EEWH --------------X. Zhang,C.H. Zhan,G.H. Li --------------Environment COBEE, Melbourne, 2018 2018-------Comparison of The Quantitative Evaluation System Between ESGB and EEWH --------------Xiang Zhang, Changhong Zhan, Guanghao Li,Zhihan Liu --------------Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH), Melbourne,2018 2017-------村镇体系能源景观空间规划布局形态研究 --------------张一飞,李光皓* --------------2017年中国城市规划年会 2015-------The revelation of the experience of urban water the landscape used in leisure --------------tourism of the United States to China --------------Lusi Zhang, Yao Feng, Guanghao Li, Xiaoguang Liu --------------Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2015.06 软件著作权 / Peer-Reviewed Software Copyrights (China) 2019-----红外图像数据处理系统 V1.0 / Infrared Image Data Processing System V1.0 --------------登记号 / Authorization:2019SR0022872,2019 2019-------建筑围护结构传热系数现场检测系统 V1.0 --------------Building Envelope Heat Transfer Coefficient Field Inspection System V1.0 --------------登记号 / Authorizationn:2019SR0048755,2019 硕士生 & 博士生 / Student Mentorships (Master & Ph.D.) 名称 2022-------------曲春烁,博士在读 2016-----------姚梦雪 硕士 ----------------论文题目:基于 PM2.5分布场的哈尔滨典型街谷空间绿色界面指数研究 ----------------毕业去向:英国谢菲尔德大学攻读建筑学博士学位 2017-----------任智慧 硕士(校优秀毕业硕士研究生) ----------------论文题目:基于SVF的哈尔滨典型街谷空间热环境优化模拟研究 ----------------毕业去向:爱尔兰都柏林大学攻读建筑学博士学位 2018-----------何南 硕士(校优秀毕业论文) -------------------论文题目:哈尔滨典型历史街区树木遮阴效能评价及其更新策略 2018-------------吴娴 硕士 -------------------论文题目:基于视觉交互的哈尔滨城区街景测度与停驻意愿相关性研究 2019-------------程晴晴,硕士在读 2019-------------李晓昱,硕士在读 2020-------------冯懿梦,硕士在读 2020-------------王雨婷,硕士在读 2021-------------李清雅,硕士在读 注:每年计划招收2名风景园林硕士 / 博士研究生。 -------------------------------------------- 2022--------------Chunshuo Qu, Ph.D. Candidates 2016--------------Mengxue Yao / Master -----------------Study on green interface index of typical street and valley space in Harbin based on -----------------PM2.5 distribution field --------------------Graduation & Further Study --- University of Sheffield (U.K.) for Ph.D. in Architecture 2017------------Zhihui Ren / Master (Award of Excellence ) ---------------- SVF-based simulation study on the optimization of the spatial thermal environment -----------------of the typical street valley in Harbin --------------------Graduation & Further Study --- University of Dublin (Ireland) for Ph.D. in Architecture 2018------------Nan He / Master (Award Excellence) -----------------Evaluation of the shading effectiveness of trees in typical historical districts of Harbin -----------------and its renewal strategy 2018------------Xian Wu / Master ------------------A correlation study between streetscape measurement and willingness to stop in Harbin urban area ------------------based on visual interaction 2019--------------Qingqing Cheng / Master Candidates 2019--------------Xiaoyu Li / Master Candidates 2020--------------Yimeng Feng / Master Candidates 2020--------------Yuting Wang / Master Candidates 2021--------------Qingya Li / Master Candidates ------------------------------------------------- Note: Two Master / Ph.D. students in Landscape Architecture are planned to admit each year.
