姓名 | 张照韩 | 性别 | 张照韩 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 环境学院 |
学位 | 张照韩 | 学历 | 张照韩 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 专著 学术论文 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 张照韩,男,蒙古族,工学博士,副教授/博导/硕导。 哈尔滨工业大学,环境学院,环境科学系。 哈尔滨工业大学二校区环境学院1419室 电话:+86-451-86286804 电子邮件:hitzzh@hit.edu.cn 荣誉称号 名称 暂无填写 工作经历 名称 2020.07-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院 博士生导师 2019.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院 副教授 2011.7—2019.12 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院 讲师 2013.8—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院 硕士生导师 2012.3—2012.9 东北市政设计研究院 工程技术培训 2014.1—2015.1美国杜克大学市政环境系 访问学者 2012.6-2017.3 哈尔滨工业大学/黑龙江水产研究所 博士后 教育经历 名称 2000.9—2004.7 哈尔滨工程大学 环境工程系,本科,工学学士学位; 2004.9—2007.3 哈尔滨工程大学 环境工程系,硕士,工程硕士学位; 2007.3—2011.1 哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程系,博士,工学博士学位; 主要任职 名称 国际水协会 会员 研究领域 名称 1、环境工程纳米技术:纳米材料强化厌氧生物处理效能及电子传递机制;新型纳米材料制备及在水处理中的应用;污水处理系统金属纳米颗粒的分析检测方法及去除机制研究、纳米材料对水处理微生物的影响过程及机制、纳米材料与有毒有机物复合生态效应等。 2、有毒化学品环境与生态健康评价:开展典型有毒物质在城市水系统中的时空分布规律、去除机制、生态环境安全与健康安全评价方法、环境暴露途径与危害、复合污染及其影响因素等。 团队成员 名称 暂无填写 讲授课程 名称 1、生化反应器原理与设计(硕士生); 2、环境工程原理(本科生); 3、环境生物学(本科生); 4、环境纳米技术(本科生); 5、城市水生态环境(本科生)。 招生信息 名称 每年招收博士生1-2名;硕士生 2-3名。 出版书籍 出版物名称 城市水系统污染物转化规律及资源化理论与技术 作者 任南琪,冯玉杰,陈卫,张照韩 出版时间 2012-03-01 出版社 科学出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 松辽流域水环境保护理论与实践(编著) 作者 郑国臣、张静波、张照韩等. 出版时间 2015年3月 出版社 中国环境出版社 简单介绍 名称 第一部分:英文论文 Sun M., Jiang H., Zhang Z.*, Lv M., Liu G., Feng Y. Coupling direct voltage and granular activated carbon modified nanoscale zero valent iron for enhancing anaerobic methane production. Chemosphere 2022, 286: 131840. Lv M., Li D. Y., Zhang Z. H.*, Logan B. E., Liu G. H., Sun M. C., Dai C. C., Feng Y. J*. Unveiling the correlation of Fe3O4 fractions upon the adsorption behavior of sulfamethoxazole on magnetic activated carbon. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,757:143717. Lv M., Li D. Y., Zhang Z. H.*, Logan B. E., van der Hoek J. P., Sun M. C., Chen F., Feng Y. J*. Magnetic seeding coagulation: Effect of Al species and magnetic particles on coagulation efficiency, residual Al, and floc properties. Chemosphere, 2021,268:129363. Lv M., Liu T. T., Chen F., Zhang Z. H.*, Li D. Y., Sun M. C., Feng Y. J*. Interactions between magnetic particles and polyaluminum chloride on the coagulation behavior in humic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment. Environmental Research, 2021,197:111093. Sun M. C.#, Zhang Z. H.#, Liu G. H., Lv M., Feng Y. J. Enhancing methane production of synthetic brewery water with granular activated carbon modified with nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) in anaerobic system. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,760:143933. Li Z., Zhang P., Qiu Y., Zhang Z. H., Wang X., Yu Y. L., Feng Y. J. Biosynthetic FeS/BC hybrid particles enhanced the electroactive bacteria enrichment in microbial electrochemical systems. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,762:143142. Ye Qiu,Yanling Yu,Henan Li,Zhengyu Yan,Zeng Li,Guohong Liu, Zhaohan Zhang*,Yujie Feng*.Enhancing carbon and nitrogen removals by a novel tubular bio-electrochemical system with functional biocathode coupling with oxygen-producing submerged plants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402:125400 Liu G. H., Liao M. L., Zhang Z. H.*, Wang H. Y., Chen D. H., Feng Y. J*. Enhanced photodegradation performance of Rhodamine B with g-C3N4 modified by carbon nanotubes. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 244:116618. Sun M. C.#, Zhang Z. H.#, Lv M., Liu G. H., Feng Y. J*. Enhancing anaerobic digestion performance of synthetic brewery wastewater with direct voltage. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 315:123764. Liu G. H., Zhang Z. H.*, Lv M., Wang H. Y., Chen D. H., Feng Y. J*. Photodegradation performance and transformation mechanisms of sulfamethoxazole by porous g-C3N4 modified with ammonia bicarbonate. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 235:116172. Liu G. H., Wang H. Y., Chen D. H., Dai C. C., Zhang Z. H.*, Feng Y. J*. Photodegradation performances and transformation mechanism of sulfamethoxazole with CeO2/CN heterojunction as photocatalyst. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 237:116329. Zarykhta V. V., Zhang Z. H.*, Kuznetsova T. V., Ozerski P. V., Feng Y. J. Differential Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soft Tissues of Three Bivalvian Species from the Songhua River near Harbin (China). Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 2020, 56(2): 125-132. Wu J., Han X. Y., Li D., Logan B. E., Liu J., Zhang Z. H., Feng Y. J*. Efficient CO2 conversion to formic acid in a novel microbial photoelectrochemical cell using a visible-light responsive Co3O4 nanorod-arrayed photocathode. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2020, 276:119102. Lv M., Zhang Z. H.*, Zeng J. Y., Liu J. F., Sun M. C., Yadav R. S., Feng Y. J. Roles of magnetic particles in magnetic seeding coagulation-flocculation process for surface water treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 212: 337-343. Zarykhta V. V., Kuznetsova T. V., Sharov A. N., Kholodkevich S. V., Zhang Z. H.*, Feng Y. J*. Cardiac Activity in the Bivalve Mollusc Cristaria plicata from the River Songhua (China). Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 2019, 55(5): 423-425. Zarykhta V. V., Zhang Z. H.*, Kholodkevich S. V., Kuznetsova T. V., Sharov A. N., Zhang Y., Sun K., Lv M., Feng Y. J*. Comprehensive assessments of ecological states of Songhua River using chemical analysis and bivalves as bioindicators. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(32): 33341-33350. Liang D. D., He W. H*., Li C., Yu Y. L., Zhang Z. H., Ren N. Q., Feng Y. J*. Bidirectional electron transfer biofilm assisted complete bioelectrochemical denitrification process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375. Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng*, Cheng Jiaqi, Liu Guohong, Zhang Xiaoqi, Feng Yujie*. Enhancing anaerobic digestion and methane production of tetracycline wastewater in EGSB reactor with GAC/NZVI mediator. Water Research, 2018, 136:54-63. Yury Badmatsybenov#, Zhang Zhaohan#, Ding Yutian, Zheng Zelin, Wu Bing, Gao Peng*, Jia Jing, Lin Nan, Feng Yujie*. Distribution, inhalation and health risk of PM2.5 related PAHs in indoor environments. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2018, 164:409-415. Lisha Yang, Zhaohan Zhang*, Junfeng Liu, Linlin Huang, Liu Jia, Yujie Feng*. Influence of Gd Doping on the Structure and Electrocatalytic Performance of TiO2 Nanotube/SnO2-Sb Nano-coated Electrode. ChemElectroChem,2018, 5:3451-3459 Yang Lisha, Liu Junfeng, Huang Linlin, Zhang Zhaohan, Yu Yanling, Liu Jia, Logan Bruce E., Feng Yujie*. Fabrication of Nano-Structured Stacked Sphere SnO2-Sb Electrode with Enhanced Performance Using a Situ Solvothermal Synthesis Method. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(5):E208-E213. Liu Guohong, Zhang Zhaohan*, Yan Chen, Wang Yang, Ma Xuerui, Gao Peng, Feng Yujie*. Adsorption of estrone with few-layered boron nitride nanosheets: Kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism. Chemosphere, 2018, 207:534-542. Gao Peng, Lei Tingting, Jia Liming, Yury Badmatsybenov, Zhang Zhaohan, Du Yingqiu, Feng Yujie*, Xing Baoshan. Bioaccessible trace metals in lip cosmetics and their health risks to female consumers. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238:554-561. Gao Peng, Guo Huiyuan, Zhang Zhaohan, Ou Cuiyun, Hang Jian, Fan Qi, He Chuan, Wu Bing, Feng Yujie, Xing Baoshan. Bioaccessibility and exposure assessment of trace metals from urban airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in simulated digestive fluid. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 2018, 242(Pt B):1669-1677. Ambuchi John Justo, Zhang Zhaohan*, Dong Yue, Huang Linlin, Feng Yujie*. Hematite and multi-walled carbon nanotubes stimulate a faster syntrophic pathway during methanogenic beet sugar industrial wastewater degradation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102(16):7147-7158. Shan Lili, Zhang Zhaohan*, Yu Yanling, Ambuchi John Justo, Feng Yujie*. Performance of CSTR-EGSB-SBR system for treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater and microbial community analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(16):14387-14395. Gao Peng, Lei Tingting, Jia Liming, Song Yang, Lin Nan, Du Yingqiu, Feng Yujie*, Zhang Zhaohan*, Cui Fuyi. Exposure and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound trace metals during winter in university campus in Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 576:628-636. Ambuchi John J., Zhang Zhaohan*, Shan Lili, Liang Dandan, Zhang Peng, Feng Yujie*. Response of anaerobic granular sludge to iron oxide nanoparticles and multi-wall carbon nanotubes during beet sugar industrial wastewater treatment. Water Research, 2017, 117:87-94. Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng, Qiu Ye, Liu Guohong, Feng Yujie*, Wiesner Mark*. Transport of cerium oxide nanoparticles in saturated silica media: influences of operational parameters and aqueous chemical conditions. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6,34135. Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng, Nan Lin, Lu Binyu, Feng Yujie, Liu Wei, Ren Nanqi. Combined toxic effects of five estrogens assessed by yeast estrogen screen assay. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(10):4067-4077. Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng, Li Moqing, Cheng Jiaqi, Liu Wei, Feng Yujie. Influence of Silver nanoparticles on nutrient removal and microbial communities in SBR process after long-term exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 569:234-243. Li Lei, Feng Yujie, Liu Youzhi, Wei Bing, Guo Jiaxin, Jiao Weizhou, Zhang Zhaohan, Zhang Qiaoling. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles modified by salicylic acid and arginine: Structure, surface properties and photocatalytic decomposition of p-nitrophenol. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 363:627-635. Gao Peng, Lei Tingting, Jia Liming, Song Yang, Xing Yanfeng, Zhang Zhaohan*, Yu Dehai, Feng Yujie*, Xing Baoshan. Exposure assessment of PM2.5 during winter in outdoor and indoor environments of research center: spatial-temporal distribution, carbonaceous compositions and contributions of infiltration. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 573:854-861. Zhang Zhaohan, Liu Guangmin, Gao Peng, Zhan Peirong, Ren Nanqi, Feng Yujie*. Denitrification inhibiting sulfate reduction process: roles of s/n ratio, carbon source and alkalinity. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(10):3132-3140. Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng, Su Hui, Zhan Peirong, Ren Nanqi, Feng Yujie*. Anaerobic biodegradation characteristics of estrone, estradiol, and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol in activated sludge batch tests. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 53(4):985-993. Zhang Zhaohan, Feng Yujie*, Su Hui, Xiang Lijun, Zou Qiuyan, Gao Peng, Zhan Peirong. Influence of operating parameters on the fate and removal of three estrogens in a laboratory-scale AAO system. Water Science and Technology, 2015, 71(11):1701-1708. Lu Binyu, Feng Yujie*, Gao Peng, Zhang Zhaohan, Lin Nan. Distribution and fate of synthetic musks in the Songhua River, Northeastern China: influence of environmental variables. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(12):9090-9099. Gao Peng, Liu Sa, Zhang Zhaohan, Meng Ping, Lin Nan, Lu Binyu, Cui Fuyi, Feng Yujie*, Xing Baoshan. Health impact of bioaccessible metal in lip cosmetics to female college students and career women, northeast of China. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 197:214-220. Gao Peng, Liu Sa, Ye Wenyuan, Lin Nan, Meng Ping, Feng Yujie*, Zhang Zhaohan, Cui Fuyi, Lu Binyu, Xing Baoshan. Assessment on the occupational exposure of urban public bus drivers to bioaccessible trace metals through resuspended fraction of settled bus dust. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 508:37-45. Gao Peng, Liu Sa, Feng Yujie*, Lin Nan, Lu Binyu, Zhang Zhaohan, Cui Fuyi, Xing Baoshan, Hammond S. Katharine. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in resuspendable fraction of settled bus dust and its implications for human exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 198:1-7. Zhang Zhaohan, Zou Qiuyan, Xiang Lijun, Lin Nan, Gao Peng, Zhan Peirong, Feng Yujie*, Ren Nanqi. Aerobic biodegradation kinetics of 17 beta-estradiol in activated sludge: influence factors and metabolic products prediction. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014, 23(10):2440-2449. Zhang Zhaohan*, Liu Guangmin, Feng Yujie, Chen Zhongxi, Zhan Peirong, Ren Nanqi. Inhibiting sulfate reducing bacteria activity by denitrification in an anaerobic baffled reactor: influencing factors and mechanism analysis. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52(22-24):4144-4153. Zhang Z. H., Feng Y. J.*, Gao P., Liu J. F., Ren N. Q. Comparing the adsorption and desorption characteristics of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol on sludge derived from different treatment units. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 9(2):247-256. Gao P., Feng Y. J.*, Zhang Z. H., Liu J. F., Ren N. Q. Effect of heavy metals and surfactants on the adsorption of phenolic compounds on sediment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 9(4):671-682. Gao Peng, Feng Yujie*, Zhang Zhaohan, Wang Ce, Liu Junfeng, Ren Nanqi. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Phenolic Compounds' Adsorption on River Sediment. Soil & Sediment Contamination, 2012, 21(5):625-639. Zhang Zhaohan, Feng Yujie*, Gao Peng, Wang Ce, Ren Nanqi. Occurrence and removal efficiencies of eight EDCs and estrogenicity in a STP. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13(5):1366-1373. Liu Jia, Feng Yujie*, Wang Xin, Shi Xinxin, Yang Qiao, Lee He, Zhang Zhaohan, Ren Nanqi. The use of double-sided cloth without diffusion layers as air-cathode in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(20):8409-8412. Gao Peng, Feng Yujie*, Zhang Zhaohan, Liu Junfeng, Ren Nanqi. Comparison of competitive and synergetic adsorption of three phenolic compounds on river sediment. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(10):2876-2881. Gao Peng, Feng Yujie*, Wang Ce, Zhang Zhaohan, Liu Junfeng, Ren Nanqi. Photolysis, Biodegradation, and Sorption Behavior of Three Selected Phenolic Compounds on the Surface and Sediment of Rivers. Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce, 2011, 137(12):1114-1121. Zhang Zhaohan, Feng Yujie*, Liu Yu, Sun Qingfang, Gao Peng, Ren Nanqi. Kinetic degradation model and estrogenicity changes of EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) in aqueous solution by UV and UV/H2O2 technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 181(1-3):1127-1133. Feng Yujie*, Zhang Zhaohan, Gao Peng, Su Hui, Yu Yanling, Ren Nanqi. Adsorption behavior of EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) onto the inactivated sewage sludge: Kinetics, thermodynamics and influence factors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 175(1-3):970-976. Feng Yujie*, Wang Ce, Liu Junfeng, Zhang Zhaohan. Electrochemical degradation of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and estrogenic activity changes. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2010, 12(2):404-408. Feng Yujie, Sun Qingfang, Gao Peng, Ren Nanqi, Zhang Zhaohan. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water from the songhua river of china. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2009, 18(12):2388-2395. Zhang Zhaohan, Liu Guangmin, Chen Zhongxi, Shu Zhiming, Feng Yujie. Denitrification inhibiting sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) activity in an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR): Effect factors and mechanism analysis. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136:S510-S511. 第二部分:中文论文 宋艳芳,张照韩*,孙沐晨,冯玉杰*.石墨烯气凝胶强化氯霉素废水厌氧生物处理效能及机制研究[J]. 环境科学学报,2020,40(10) :3749-3756. 张照韩,李增,孙沐晨,李健楠,吴晶,宋艳芳,冯玉杰. 微生物胞外电子传递过程强化机制及污染物高效转化[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(10) :3484-3493. 张照韩,林楠,刘峻峰,冯玉杰. 基于科研项目引导的研究生创新能力培养模式及机制研究.科技风, 2020, 11:141-142. 冯玉杰,张照韩,于艳玲,何伟华,刘佳,曲友鹏.基于资源和能源回收的城市污水可持续处理技术研究进展[J].化学工业与工程,2015,32(05):20-28. 李雨霏,郑国臣,项丽君,李建政,郭静波,张照韩,王英伟.CSTR和ABR甲烷发酵系统运行特征比较[J].中国给水排水,2014,30(19):24-28. 郑国臣,田竹君,李建政,郭静波,张照韩,王硕,赵峰,赵勇胜.碱度对厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)发酵产氢产甲烷的影响[J].太阳能学报,2013,34(12):2078-2083. 孙清芳,冯玉杰,武晓威,高鹏,张照韩.松花江流域萘的多介质环境迁移与归趋模拟[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2013,45(04):64-68. 郑国臣,李建政,昌盛,张照韩,官涤,金羽,郭静波,卢海凤.ABR发酵系统运行特性及产氢效能研究[J].中国环境科学,2013,33(01):75-81. 魏民,李环,郑国臣,邵治国,张照韩,王硕,张继民,杨帆.松辽流域水污染事故应急管理体系研究[J].东北水利水电,2012,30(06):29-31. 高鹏,张照韩,孙清芳,冯玉杰.溶解性有机质对甲草胺在土壤中吸附行为影响[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2012,44(02):66-69. 郑国臣,赵峰,李建政,张照韩,昌盛,闫志成,AJAY Kumar Jha.微量元素对ABR发酵产氢产甲烷的影响[J].中国给水排水,2012,28(03):20-23. 龚园园,张照韩,于艳玲,王欣.我国南北农村生活污水处理模式研究[J].现代生物医学进展,2012,12(01):132-136. 张照韩,冯玉杰,高鹏,孙清芳,任南琪.松花江水内分泌干扰物及雌激素活性调查[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2011,43(12):58-62. 张照韩,冯玉杰,王鲁,刘雨,任南琪.Influence of coexisting substances on the photodegradation behaviors of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE_2) in the UV/H_2O_2 process[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011,18(05):31-36. 刘伟,张秀梅,战培荣,张照韩.Separation and purification of proteinases from Gastric Mucosa of Northern Sheatfish,Silurus soldatovi[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011, 18 (03): 62-67. 张照韩,冯玉杰,苏惠,任南琪.AO与AAO工艺去除雌激素效能对比及分析[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(01):26-32. 高鹏,冯玉杰,孙清芳,张照韩.2,4-二氯苯酚在松花江沉积物上的吸附解吸[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2010,42(06):967-971. 孙清芳,冯玉杰,高鹏,张照韩,任南琪.松花江水中多环芳烃(PAHs)的环境风险评价[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2010,42(04):568-572. 舒志明,张照韩,陈忠喜,马放.油田注入水中二氧化氯杀菌试验研究[J].工业水处理,2008(08):60-62+69. 孙宝魁,孙玉堂,张照韩.油田水反硝化技术抑制硫酸盐还原菌活性研究进展[J].环境科学与管理,2008(08):98-101. 张照韩,刘广民,温青,李凯峰,陈忠喜.COD对反硝化抑制硫酸盐还原的影响[J].水处理技术,2007(11):38-41. 张照韩,刘广民,陈忠喜,温青.减缓油田回注水中硫化物腐蚀性危害的充氧试验研究[J].给水排水,2007(04):63-65. 刘广民,张照韩,陈忠喜,魏利,任南琪.利用反硝化抑制硫酸盐还原的连续流试验研究[J].中国给水排水,2007(05):39-43.