

姓名 刘彦菊 性别 刘彦菊
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 刘彦菊 学历 刘彦菊
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基本信息 Research Teaching Publication 新建主栏目 Education 名称 Mar. 1996 - Jul. 1999 Harbin Institute of Technology (China), Ph. D, Material Science Sept. 1993- Mar. 1996 Harbin Institute of Technology (China), Master, Solid Mechanics Sept. 1989 - Jul. 1993 Heilongjiang University (China), Bachelor, Polymer Chemistry Working Experience 名称 2015 - 2016 University of Bristol (UK), Visiting Scholar Biomaterials Engineering Lab., Dental School 2010 - 2011 University of Bristol (UK), Visiting Scholar Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS), School of Civil, Aerospace and mechanical Engineering 2005 - Now Harbin Institute of Technology (China), Professor Department of Astronautical Science and Mechanics, School of Astronautics 2003 - 2005 Intelligent Sensor Systems Ltd (UK), Research Fellow 2001 - 2003 Newcastle University (UK), Research Fellow Automation Lab., School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 1999 - 2001 Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Research Fellow MEMS Lab., School of Mechanical and Production Engineering Professional Memberships 名称 1. Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Committee on Smart and Nano Materials (APCSNM) 2. Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) China Mainland Chapter 3. Member of the Chinese Society of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM) 4. Senior member of the Chinese Society of Composite Materials (CCCM) 5. Director of the Smart Composite Materials and Structures Committee of the Chinese Society of Composite Materials (CCCM) Research Fields 名称 Smart Materials and Structures, Sensors and Actuators Composite Materials and Structures Electro / magneto Rheological (ER/MR) Fluid and Devices (damper, isolator, clutch and tactile display) Electroactive Polymer (EAP) and Applications Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) based Composite Materials Active Vibration Control Team members 名称 Liwu Liu, Electroactive Polymer and Applications Fei Jia, Solid Mechanics Fengfeng Li, Shape Memory Polymers Composites and Applications Courses 名称 Experimental Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Experiments 4D Printing Technology Students 名称 Master Students:XiuMeng Mei BingXun Li PH.D Students:Dou Zhang Wei Zhao Ting Li PeiLei Xu HeXin Cui XueTing Wang ZhengYue Li BingChen Jiang Publication 名称 1. Guan Qinghua, Sun Jian, Liu Yanju, Wereley, Norman M., Leng, Jinsong. Characterization and nonlinear models of bending extensile/contractile pneumatic artificial muscles. Smart Materials and Structures. 2021, 30(2): 025024 2. Liu Hongwei, Zhang Zhichun, Li Quanlong, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. A novel method to predict the stiffness evolution of in-service wind turbine blades based on deep learning models. Composite Structures, 2020, 252:112702 3. Stephen Kirwa Melly, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. On 4D printing as a revolutionary fabrication technique for smart structures. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29(8): 083001 4. Xin Xiaozhou, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Origami-inspired self-deployment 4D printed honeycomb sandwich structure with large shape transformation. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29(6): 065015 5. Stephen Kirwa Melly, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Active composites based on shape memory polymers: overview, fabrication methods, applications, and future prospects. Journal of Materials Science. 2020, 55(25): 10975-11051 6. Li Yuejia, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. 4D printed shape memory polymers and their structures for biomedical applications. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2020, 63 (4): 545-560 7. Liu Hongwei, Zhang Zhichun, Jia Hongbo, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. A modified composite fatigue damage model considering stiffness evolution for wind turbine blades. Composite Structures, 2020, 233:111736 8. Liu Tianzhen, Liu Liwu, Zeng Chengjun, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. 4D printed anisotropic structures with tailored mechanical behaviors and shape memory effects. Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 186: 107935 9. Zhang Dou, Liu Liwu, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Ultra-light release device integrated with screen-printed heaters for CubeSat's deployable solar arrays. Composite Structures, 2020, 232:111561 10. Wan Xue, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. CNT-based electro-responsive shape memory functionalized 3D printed nanocomposites for liquid sensors. Carbon. 2019, 155: 77-87 11. Zhao Wei, Zhang Fenghua, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Personalized 4D printing of bioinspired tracheal scaffold concept based on magnetic stimulated shape memory composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2019, 184: 107866 12. Ren Zhaokun, Liu Liwu, Zhang Mingyan, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Dielectric and Breakdown Properties of MWCNT- and OMMT-Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2019, 48(11): 13. Tan Qiao, Li Fengfeng, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Yan Xiangqiao, Leng Jinsong. Study of low earth orbit ultraviolet radiation and vacuum thermal cycling environment effects on epoxy-based shape memory polymer. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2019, 30(18-19): 2688-2696 14. Xin Xiaozhou, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Mechanical Models, Structures, and Applications of Shape-Memory Polymers and Their Composites. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2019, 32(5): 535-565 15. Zhang Fenghua, Wang Linlin, Zheng Zhichao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Magnetic programming of 4D printed shape memory composite structures. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2019, 125: 105571 16. Anastasiia Kashirina, Yao Yongtao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Biopolymers as bone substitutes: a review. Biomaterials Science. 2019, 7(10): 3961-3983 17. Wang Xueting, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Liwu, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju, Zhao Xiaofeng, Zhang Huijun. A humidity-driven flexible carbon nitride film with multiple deformations. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28(10): 105007 18. Lv Xiongfei, Liu Liwu, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju, Cai Shengqiang. Delayed electromechanical instability of a viscoelastic dielectric elastomer balloon. Proceedings of the Royal Society A -Mathematical Physical and Engineering Science. 2019, 475(2229): 20190316 19. Zhao Hanxing, Lan Xin, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Design and analysis of shockless smart releasing device based on shape memory polymer composites. Composite Structures, 2019, 223:110958 20. Liu Zhengxian, Li Qifeng, Bian Wenfeng, Lan Xin, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Preliminary test and analysis of an ultralight lenticular tube based on shape memory polymer composites. Composite Structures, 2019, 223:110936 21. Zhang Qiwei, He Yunxiang, Alex M. Oliver, Samuel Pearce, Robert L. Harniman, George R. Whittell, Liu Yanju, Du Shanyi, Leng Jinsong, Ian Manners. Low length dispersity fiber-like micelles from an A-B-A triblock copolymer with terminal crystallizable poly(ferrocenyldimethylsilane) segments via living crystallization-driven self-assembly. Polymer Chemistry. 2019, 10(29): 3973-3982 22. Li Jinrong, Wang Yang, Liu Liwu, Xue Sheng, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong, Cai Shengqiang, A Biomimetic Soft Lens Controlled by Electrooculographic Signal. Advanced Functional Materials. 2019, 39(36): 1903762 23. Wei Hongqiu, Xavier Cauchy, Ivonne Otero Navas, Yahya Abderrafai, Kambiz Chizari, Uttandaraman Sundararaj, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong, Daniel Therriault. Direct 3D Printing of Hybrid Nanofiber-Based Nanocomposites for Highly Conductive and Shape Memory Applications. ACS applied Materials and Interfaces. 2019, 11(27): 24523-24532 24. Wang Linlin, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Gamma-rays radiation resistant shape memory cyanate ester resin and its composites with high transition temperature. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28(7): 075039 25. Li Fengfeng, Liu Liwu, Lan Xin, Pan Chengtong, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong, Xie Qiong. Ground and geostationary orbital qualification of a sunlight-stimulated substrate based on shape memory polymer composite. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28(7): 075023 26. Shen Junyao, Yao Yongtao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Preparation and characterization of CNT films/silicone rubber composite with improved microwave absorption performance. Materials Research Express. 2019, 6(7): 075610 27. Wan Xue, Wei Hongqiu, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. 3D printing of shape memory poly(d,l-lactide-co-trimethylene carbonate) by direct ink writing for shape-changing structures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2019, 136(44): 48177 28. Gao Hui, Li Jinrong, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. The research status and challenges of shape memory polymer-based flexible electronics. Materials Horizons. 2019, 6(5): 931-944 29. Huang Xinzuo, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Flexible and colorless shape memory polyimide films with high visible light transmittance and high transition temperature. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28(5): 055031 30. Jia Hongbo, Zhang Zhichun, Liu Hongwei, Dai Fuhong, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. An approach based on expectation-maximization algorithm for parameter estimation of Lamb wave signals. Mechanical Sytems and Signal Processing. 2019, 120: 341-355 31. Shen Junyao, Yao Yongtao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Amorphous Bimetallic Nanowires with High-Performance Microwave Absorption: A Case for FeCo Nanowires. Nano. 2019, 14(4): 1950041 32. Zhao Wei, Liu Liwu, Zhang Fenghua, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Shape memory polymers and their composites in biomedical applications. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2019, 97: 864-883 33. Chu Hetao, Xia Qianshan, Zhang Zhichun, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Sesame-cookie topography silver nanoparticles modified carbon nanotube paper for enhancing lightning strike protection. Carbon. 2019, 143: 204-214 34. Li Fengfeng, Fabrizio Scarpa, Lan Xin, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Bending shape recovery of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced epoxy-based shape memory polymer composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2019, 116: 169-179 35. Liu Tianzhen, Liu Liwu, Yu Miao, Li Qifeng, Zeng Chengjun, Lan Xin, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Integrative hinge based on shape memory polymer composites: Material, design properties and application. Composite Structures, 2018, 206: 164-176 36. Xia Qianshan, Zhang Zhichun, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Self-assembly of cross-linked carbon nanotube films for improvement on mechanical properties and conductivity. Materials Letters. 2018, 231: 190-193 37. Zhao Wei, Wang Qiang, Liu Liwu, Zhu Linghui, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Structural response measurement of shape memory polymer components using digital image correlation method. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2018, 110: 323-340 38. Gao Hui, Xie Fang, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Effects of gamma-radiation on the performances of optically transparent shape memory polyimides with a low glass transition temperature. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2018, 156: 245-251 39. Xia Qianshan, Zhang Zhichun, Chu Hetao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Research on high electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of a foldable buckypaper/polyacrylonitrile composite film via interface reinforcing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018, 113: 132-140 40. Lu Qingqing, Liu Liwu, Fabrizio Scarpa, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. A novel composite multi-layer piezoelectric energy harvester. Composite Structures, 2018, 201: 121-130 41. Du Haiyang, Liu Liwu, Zhang Fenghua, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Shape retainability and reusability investigation of bottle-shaped SMP mandrel. Polymer Testing. 2018, 69: 325-331 42. Lu Qingqing, Fabrizio Scarpa, Liu Liwu, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. An E-shape broadband piezoelectric energy harvester induced by magnets. Journal of Intelligent material Systems and Structures. 2018, 29(11): 2477-2491 43. Lv Xiongfei, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Dynamic performance of dielectric elastomer balloon incorporating stiffening and damping effect. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018, 27(10): 105036 44. Wang Wenxin, Liu Xianbin, Xu Wei,Wei Hongqiu, Liu Yanju, Han Yu, Jin Peng, Du Hejun, Leng Jinsong. Light-induced microfluidic chip based on shape memory gold nanoparticles/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018, 27(10): 105047 45. Chen Fanlong, Liu Liwu, Li Qinyu, Epaarachchi Jayantha, Leng Jinsong, Liu Yanju. Experimental and theoretical analysis of a smart transmission mechanism system. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018, 27(9): 095022 46. Li Wenbing, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Light-actuated reversible shape memory effect of a polymer composite. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018, 110(70): 70-75 47. Mu Tong, Liu Liwu, Lan Xin, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Shape memory polymers for composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2018, 160: 169-198 48. Huang Jian, Zhang Qiuhua, Scarpa Fabrizio, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Multi-stiffness topology optimization of zero Poisson's ratio cellular structures. Composites Part B-Engineering. 2018, 140: 35-43 49. Lan Xin, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Thermomechanical and electroactive behavior of a thermosetting styrene-based carbon black shape-memory composite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2018, 135(13): 45978 50. Tan Qiao, Li Fengfeng, Liu Liwu, Chu Hetao, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Effects of atomic oxygen on epoxy-based shape memory polymer in low earth orbit. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2018, 29(6): 1081-1087 51. Wei Hong-Qiu, Chen Ye, Zhang Tao, Liu Liwu, Qiao Jinliang, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Thermal mechanical and shape-memory properties of nanorubber-toughened epoxy-based shape-memory nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2018, 135(6): 45780 52. Chen Lei, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Microwave responsive epoxy nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanomaterials of different dimensions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2018, 135(2): 45676 53. Huang Jian, Zhang Qiuhua, Scarpa Fabrizio, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Shape memory polymer-based hybrid honeycomb structures with zero Poisson's ratio and variable stiffness. Composites Science and Technology. 2017, 179: 437-443 54. Liu Tianzhen, Zhou Tianyang, Yao Yongtao, Zhang Fenghua, Liu Liwu, Liu Yanju, Leng Jinsong. Stimulus methods of multi-functional shape memory polymer nanocomposites: A review. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2017, 100: 20-30 55. Hui Gao, Xin Lan, Liwu Liu, Xinli Xiao, Yanju Liu, Jinsong leng. Study on performances of colorless and transparent shape memory polyimide film in space thermal cycling, atomic oxygen and ultraviolet irradiation environments. Smart Materials and Structures. 2017, 26(9): 095001 56. Tan Qiao, Liwu Liu, Fengfeng Li, Xin Lan, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Strength property analysis for fiber-reinforced shape memory polymer composite laminate. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2017, 28(2): 1627-1639 57. Xiaobo Gong, Liwu Liu, Fabrizio Scarpa, Jinsong Leng, Yanju Liu. Variable stiffness corrugated composite structure with shape memory polymer for morphing skin applications. Smart Materials and Structures. 2017, 26(3): 035052 58. Yongtao Yao, Guanghua hou, Nannan Li, Tianyang Zhou, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Influence of the processing parameters on the electrocaloric effect of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017, 134(5): 44413 59. Jian Huang, Qiuhua Zhang, Fabrizio Scarpa, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. In-plane elasticity of a novel auxetic honeycomb design. Composites Part B-Engineering. 2017, 110:72-82 60. Fang Xie, Longnan Huang, Jinsong Leng, Yanju Liu. Thermoset shape memory polymers and their composites. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2016, 27(18): 2433-2455 61. Yongtao Yao. Tianyang Zhou, Chao Qin, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Styrene-based shape memory foam: fabrication and mathematical modeling. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(10): 105031 62. Hetao Chu, Zhichun Zhang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Silver particles modified carbon nanotube paper/glassfiber reinforced polymer composite material for high temperature infrared stealth camouflage. Carbon. 2016, 98:557-566 63. Xiaobo Gong, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. An electrical-heating and self-sensing shape memory polymer composite incorporated with carbon fiber felt. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016, 25(3): 035036 64. Junyao Shen, Yongtao Yao, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Tunable hierarchical Fe nanowires with a facile template-free approach for enhanced microwave absorption performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2016, 4(32)7614-7621 65. Lei Chen, Wenbing Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Nanocomposites of epoxy-based shape memory polymer and thermally reduced graphite oxide: Mechanical, thermal and shape memory characterizations. Composites Part B-Engineering. 2016, 91: 75-82. 66. Yongtao Yao, Tianyang Zhou, Cheng Yang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Preparation and characterization of shape memory composite foams with interpenetrating polymer networks. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016, 25: 0350023. 67. Fang Xie, Longnan Huang, Jinsong Leng, Yanju Liu. Thermoset shape memory polymers and their composites. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2016. doi: 10.1177/1045389X16634211. 68. Xiaogang Guo, Liwu Liu, Bo Zhou, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Constitutive model for shape memory polymer based on the viscoelasticity and phase transition theories. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2016, 27(3): 314-323. 69. Wenxin Wang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Recent developments in shape memory polymer nanocomposites: Actuation methods and mechanisms. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2016, 320–321: 38-52. 70. Qiwei Zhang, Hongqiu Wei, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng, Shanyi Du. Triple-shape memory effects of bismaleimide based thermosetting polymer networks prepared via heterogeneous crosslinking structures. RSC Advances. 2016, 6(13):10233-10241. 71. Yongtao Yao, Jingjie Wang, Haibao Lu, Ben Xu, Yongqing Fu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Thermosetting epoxy resin/thermoplastic system with combined shape memory and self-healing properties. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016, 25: 0150211. 72. Hongqiu Wei, Yongtao Yao, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. A dual-functional polymeric system combining shape memory with self-healing properties. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015, 83: 7-13. 73. Xinli Xiao , Xueying Qiu , Deyan Kong , Wenbo Zhang , Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Optically Transparent High Temperature Shape Memory Polymer. Soft Matter, 2016, 12: 2894-2900. 74. Xiongfei Lv, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng.. Dielectric elastomer energy harvesting: maximal converted energy, viscoelastic dissipation and a wave power generator. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015, 24(11): 115036. 75. Hongqiu Wei, Fenghua Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Shape-memory behaviors of electrospun chitosan/poly (ethylene oxide) composite nanofibrous membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015, 132(37): 4253237. 76. Lei Chen, Wenbing Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Epoxy shape-memory polymer reinforced by thermally reduced graphite oxide: Influence of processing techniques. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015, 132(38). 77. Xinli Xiao, Deyan Kong, Xueying Qiu, Wenbo Zhang, Yanju Liu, Shen Zhang, Fenghua Zhang, Yang Hu, Jinsong Leng. Shape memory polymers with high and low temperature resistant properties. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 14137. 78. Xiaogang Guo, Liwu Liu, Bo Zhou, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Influence of strain rates on the mechanical behaviors of shape memory polymer. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015, 24(9): 095009. 79. Wenbing Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Selectively actuated multi-shape memory effect of a polymer multicomposite. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(48): 24532-24539. 80. Ning Feng, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Characteristics of multi-functional composites using elastomer embedded with Shape Memory Alloy wires. Materials & Design. 2015, 88: 75-81. 81. Fenghua Zhang, Zhichun Zhang, J Luo, I-Ting Lin, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng and Stoyan K. Smoukov. Remote, fast actuation of programmable multiple shape memory composites by magnetic fields. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3(43): 11290-11293. 82. Wenxin Wang, Dongyan Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng, Debes Bhattacharyya. Electrical actuation properties of reduced graphene oxide paper/epoxy-based shape memory composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2015, 106: 20-24. 83. Fenghua Zhang, Tianyang Zhou, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Microwave synthesis and actuation of shape memory polycaprolactone foams with high speed. Scientific reports, 2015, 5: 11152. 84. Liwu Liu, Jinrong Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Electric field induced variation of temperature and entropy in dielectric elastomers. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2015, 29(1): 109-114. 85. Fenghua Zhang, Zhichun Zhang, Yanju Liu, Weilu Cheng, Yudong Huang, Jinsong Leng. Thermosetting epoxy reinforced shape memory composite microfiber membranes: fabrication, structure and properties. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2015, 76: 54-61. 86. Xinli Xiao, Deyan Kong, Xueying Qiu, Wenbo Zhang, Fenghua Zhang, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Shen Zhang, Yang Hu, and Jinsong Leng. Shape-Memory Polymers with Adjustable High Glass Transition Temperatures, Macromolecuels, 2015, 48(11), 3582-3589. 87. Liwu Liu, Zhen Zhang, Jinrong Li, Tiefeng Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Stability of dielectric elastomer/carbon nanotube composites coupling electrostriction and polarization. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015, 78: 35-41. 88. Xiaogang Guo, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Bo Zhou, Jinsong Leng. Constitutive model for a stress- and thermal-induced phase transition in a shape memory polymer. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014, 23:105019 89. Jianguo Chen, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Thermoviscoelastic shape memory behavior for epoxy-shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures. 2014, 23(5):055025. 90. Fang Xie, Longnan Huang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Synthesis and characterization of high temperature cyanate-based shape memory polymers with functional polybutadiene / acrylonitrile. Polymer. 2014, 55: 5873-5879. 91. Qiao Tan, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Thermal mechanical constitutive model of fiber reinforced shape memory polymer composite: Based on bridging model. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2014, 64:132-138 92. Fenghua Zhang, Zhichun Zhang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Electrospun nanofiber membranes for electrically activated shape memory nanocomposites. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014, 23(6): 065020 93. Wenxin Wang, Haibao Lu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/epoxy composite: water-induced shape memory effect and its mechanism. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2(15): 5441-5449. 94. Liwu Liu, Zhen Zhang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Failure modes of folded dielectric elastomer actuator. Science in China Series G: Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(2): 263-272. 95. Kai Yu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Shape memory polymer/CNT composites and their microwave induced shape memory behaviors. RSC Advances. 2014, 4(6): 2961-2968. 96. Yanju Liu, Haiyang Du, Liwu Liu, Jinsong Leng, Shape memory polymers and their composites in aerospace applications: a review, Smart Materials and Structures. 2014, 23(2): 023001 97. Wenbing Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Shape memory polymer nanocomposite with multi-stimuli response and two-way reversible shape memory behavior. RSC Advances. 2014, 4: 61847-61854 98. Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Kai Yu, Jinsong Leng. Thermoelectromechanical stability of dielectric elastomers undergoing temperature variation. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 72: 33-45. 99. Kai Yu, Yanju Liu, Yong Liu, Huaxin Peng, Jinsong Leng. Mechanical and shape recovery properties of shape memory polymer composite embedded with cup-stacked carbon nanotubes, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2014, 25(10): 1264-1275. 100. Xin Lan, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng, Shanyi Du. Post microbuckling mechanics of fibre-reinforced shape-memory polymers undergoing flexure deformation. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 72: 46-60. 101. Liwu Liu, Kai Yu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Polar elastic dielectric of large electrocaloric effect and deformation, Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 69(1):71-92. 102. Tan Qiao, Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Post buckling analysis of a shape memory polymer composite laminate with a built-in stiff film. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013, 53:218–225. 103. Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Xiaojian Luo, Bo Li, Jinsong Leng. Electromechanical instability and snap-through instability of dielectric elastomers undergoing polarization saturation. Mechanics of Materials, 2012, 55:60-72. 104. Fenghua Zhang, Zhichun Zhang, Yanju Liu, Haibao Lu, Jinsong Leng. The quintuple-shape memory effect in electro spun nanofiber membranes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22, 085020. 105. Haibao Lu, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Carbon Nanopaper enabled shape memory polymer composites for electrical actuation and multifunction alization. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2012, 297, 1138–1147. 106. Kai Yu, Zhichun Zhang, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Carbon nanotube chains in a shape memory polymer/carbon black composite: to significantly reduce the electrical resistivity. Applied physics Letter. 2011, 98, 074102. 107. Xuelian Wu, Hui Zheng, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Thermomechanical Property of Epoxy Shape-memory Polymers. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2010. 24, 2386-2391 108. Yanju Liu, X. Lan, Haibao Lv, Jinsong Leng. Recent Progress of Smart Materials. International Journal of Modern Physics: B, 2010. 24, 2351-2356 109. Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu, Zhen Zhang, Bo Li, Jinsong Leng. Electromechanical stability of electro-active silicone filled with high permittivity particles undergoing large deformation, Smart Materials and Structures, 2010, 19, 115025. 110. Haibao Lv, Yanju Liu, Jihua Gou, Jinsong Leng and Shanyi Du. Electrical properties and shape-memory behavior of self-assembled carbon nanofiber nanopaper incorporated with shape-memory polymer. Smart Materials and Structures. 2010. 19, 075021 111. Yanju Liu, Liwu Liu, Jinsong Leng. Electromechanical stability analysis of dielectric elastomer with linear permittivity, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2010, 31 (2), 181-192. 112. Haibao Lv, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng, Shanyi Du. Qualitative separation of the physical swelling effect on the recovery. European Polymer Journal. 2010, 46: 1908–1914. 113. Yanju Liu, Liwu Liu, Zhen Zhang, Yang Jiao, Shouhua Sun and Jinsong Leng. Analysis and Manufacture of An Energy Harvester Based on a Mooney-Rivlin–type Dielectric Elastomer. Europhysics Letters, 2010, 90, 36004. 114. Haibao Lv, Yanju Liu, Jihua Gou, Jinsong Leng, Shanyi Du. Synergistic Effect of Carbon Nanofiber and Carbon Nanopaper on Shape Memory Polymer Composite. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 084102. 115. Jinsong Leng, Dawei Zhang, Yanju Liu, Kai Yu, Xin Lan. Study on the activation of styrene-based shape memory polymer by medium-infrared laser light. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 111905. 116. Kai Yu, Haibao Lv, Yanju Liu and Jinsong Leng. Sensing and Actuating Capabilities of Shape Memory Polymer Composite Integrated with Hybrid Filler. Smart Materials and Structures. 2010, 19, 065014. 117. Yanju Liu, Liwu Liu, Jinsong Leng. Electromechanical stability of Mooney-Rivlin-Type Dielectric Elastomer with Nonlinear Variable Dielectric Constant. Polymer International. 2010, 59: 371–377. 118. Haibao Lv, Kai Yu, Shouhua Sun, Yanju Liu and Jinsong Leng. Mechanical and Shape-Memory Behavior of Shape-Memory Polymer Composites with Hybrid Fillers. Polymer International. 2010, 59(6): 766-771.
