

姓名 王晓冬 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 燕山大学 部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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教育经历 [1]. 哈尔滨工业大学  |   力学  |   大学本科毕业  |   学士 [2]. 哈尔滨工业大学  |   力学  |   硕士研究生  |   硕士学位 [3]. 哈尔滨工业大学  |   力学  |   博士研究生  |   博士学位 研究方向 [1].智能软物质力学 [2].面向4D打印的力学本构模型 [3].超分子聚合物结构设计与力学性能 个人简介 热烈欢迎对智能材料力学有兴趣的同学报考!王晓冬,哈尔滨工业大学力学系本硕博,研究集中在智能软物质形状记忆机理及其力学性能增强设计方向。近年来,已一作发表SCI论文15篇,主要发表在自然指数期刊Macromolecules(2篇)、复合材料力学领域著名期刊Composites Science and technology和Composites Part B: Enginnering,以及智能材料力学设计领域著名期刊Smart Materials and Structures(5篇)。主持项目4项:河北省青年自然基金、河北省教育厅自然基金、燕山大学优秀人才C类项目以及燕山大学校内培育项目。希望可以跟热爱智能材料力学的同学一起做研究。论文发表详情:[1]   Wang X; Lu H; Shi X; Yu K; Fu Y Q; A thermomechanical model of multi-shape memory effect for amorphous polymer with tunable segment compositions, Compos. Part B Eng., 2019, 160: 298–305.[2]   Wang X; Li Z; Role of heating rate on the triple-shape memory effect of amorphous polymers: a cooperative thermodynamic model, Polymer, 2023, 274: 125931.[3]   Wang X; Li Z; Zhang Y; Wang L M; Spatially heterogeneous dynamics in multi-shape memory polymers undergoing broad glass transitions, Macromolecules, 2023, 56(20): 8144–8156.[4]   Wang X; A coupling model for the cooperative actuation mechanism of thermochemically responsive shape memory polymers, Smart Mater. Struct., 2022, 31(12): 125001.[5]   Wang X; Jian W; Lu H; Lau D; Fu Y Q; Selective entanglement coupling of nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposite with high shape recovery stress, Compos. Sci. Technol., 2021, 207: 108728.[6]   Wang X; Lu H; Gorbacheva G; Hossain M; Fu Y Q; Multi-modal commutative dynamics in semi-crystalline polymers undergoing multiple shape memory behavior, Smart Mater. Struct., 2021, 30(4): 045003.[7]   Wang X; Lu H; Wu N; Hui D; Fu Y Q; Unraveling bio-inspired pre-swollen effects of tetra-polyethylene glycol double network hydrogels with ultra-stretchable yielding strain, Smart Mater. Struct., 2019, 28(3): 035005.[8]   Wang X; Modelling strategy for tailorable mechanics and thermochemically driven shape memory effect in amorphous polymers, Polym. Test., 2023, 120: 107952.[9]   Wang X; Jian W; Lu H; Lau D; Fu Y Q; Modeling strategy for enhanced recovery strength and a tailorable shape transition behavior in shape memory copolymers, Macromolecules, 2019, 52(16): 6045–6054.[10] Wang X; Lu H; Liu X; Hossain M; Fu Y Q; Xu B; Dynamic coordination of miscible polymer blends towards highly designable shape memory effect, Polymer, 2020, 208: 122946.[11]  Wang X; Liu Y; Lu H; Wu N; Hui D; Fu Y Q; A coupling model for cooperative dynamics in shape memory polymer undergoing multiple glass transitions and complex stress relaxations, Polymer, 2019, 181: 121785.[12] Wang X; Lu H; Fu Y Q; Leng J; Du S; Collective and cooperative dynamics in transition domains of amorphous polymers with multi-shape memory effect. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys., 2020, 53(9): 095301.[13] Wang X; Lu H; Wu N; Hui D; Chen M; Fu Y Q; Cooperative principle in multiple glass transitions and strain relaxations of thermochemically responsive shape memory polymer, Smart Mater. Struct., 2019, 28(8): 085011.  其他联系方式 通讯/办公地址 : 秦皇岛市海港区燕山大学建工馆115 移动电话 : 18845610620 邮箱 : wangxiaodong@ysu.edu.cn 扫一扫用手机查看 dedecms.com
