

姓名 孟浩然 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学 部门 地球与空间科学系
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 孟浩然 Google Scholar 副教授 地球与空间科学系 副教授(研究员),博士生导师,国家级海外高层次人才。2022年加入南方科技大学地球与空间科学系,长期从事地震的成核、破裂与触发过程,断层带精细结构,城市与环境地震学研究工作。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 震源物理 • 地震的成核过程 • 中小地震的破裂过程
 • 地震的相互作用  
 • 解析断层带速度和衰减结构
 • 利用人类活动和环境振动源解析地下结构 教学 2022秋,《地球物理实验》 2023春,《城市与环境地震学》 学术成果 查看更多 Meng, H., Shearer, P., and Fan, W., 2022. Investigating earthquake foreshock processes using a dense nodal array on San Jacinto fault zone. In preparation. Meng, H., Fan, W., McGuire, J., and Cochran, E., 2022. Resolving finite source attributes of moderate and small magnitude earthquakes of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. In revision. Zhang, X., Arrowsmith, S., Tsonpas, S., Hayward, C., Meng, H., and Ben-Zion, Y., 2022. A data-driven framework for automated detection of aircraft-generated signals in seismic array data using machine learning. Seismological Research Letters, 93(1), pp.226-240.  Meng, H., and Fan, W., 2021. Immediate foreshocks indicating cascading rupture developments for 527 M 0.9 to 5.4 Ridgecrest earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19), p.e2021GL095704. Meng, H., Ben-Zion, Y., and Johnson, C. W., 2021. Analysis of seismic signals generated by vehicle traffic with application to derivation of subsurface Q values. Seismological Research Letters, 92(4), pp.2354-2363.  Meng, H., Ben-Zion, Y., and McGuire, J., 2020. Semi-automated estimates of directivity and related source properties of small to moderate southern California earthquakes with second seismic moments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(4) , p.e2019JB018566.  Johnson, C.W., Ben-Zion, Y., Meng, H., and Vernon, F., 2020. Identifying different classes of seismic noise signals using unsupervised learning. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(15), p.e2020GL088353.  Meng, H., Ben-Zion, Y. and Johnson, C., 2019. Detection of random noise and anatomy of continuous seismic waveforms in dense array data near Anza California. Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), pp.1463-1473.   Johnson, C.W., Meng, H., Vernon, F. and Ben-Zion, Y., 2019. Characteristics of ground motion generated by wind interaction with trees, structures, and other surface obstacles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(8), pp.8519-8539.  Meng, H., and Ben-Zion, Y., 2018. Characteristics of airplanes and helicopters recorded by a dense seismic array near Anza California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(6), pp.4783-4797.  Meng, H., and Ben-Zion, Y., 2017. Detection of small earthquakes with dense array data: example from the San Jacinto fault zone, southern California. Geophysical Journal International, 212(1), pp.442-457.  Ben-Zion, Y., Vernon, F.L., Ozakin, Y., Zigone, D., Ross, Z.E., Meng, H., White, M., Reyes, J., Hollis, D. and Barklage, M., 2015. Basic data features and results from a spatially dense seismic array on the San Jacinto fault zone. Geophysical Journal International, 202(1), pp.370-380.  Meng, H., and Chen, Y.J., 2014. Synthetic sensitivity analysis of high frequency radiation of 2011 Tohoku-Oki (M W 9.0) earthquake. Earthquake Science, 27(4), pp.355-364.  加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 理学院楼 E4136 办公电话 电子邮箱 menghr@sustech.edu.cn




