

姓名 蒲江波 性别
学校 北京协和医院 部门 生物医学工程研究所(天津)
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生
职称 副研究员 硕士生导师 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 Personal Profile 蒲江波,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所副研究员,华中科技大学生物医学工程学士、博士。入选国际电工委员会理事局工作组(IEC Board / TF3)、国际电工委员会标准化管理局工作组(IEC SMB/ahG95),国际电工委员会年度青年专家及中国优秀青年专家代表、国家卫健委全球卫生后备人才、科技部驻外干部、2022年度标准化十大新闻人物、天津市科学进步二等奖第一完成人、天津市“131”第三层次创新型人才、天津科技专家库。主要研究方向为脑机接口、康复机器人、可穿戴生命体征监测关键技术及标准化。作为负责人承担国家科技创新2030脑科学与类脑研究重大项目子课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、京津冀基础研究专项,天津市自然科学基金项目、协和青年基金等项目并获得连续滚动支持。发表论文20余篇,授权发明专利8项。牵头制定脑机接口领域首个ISO/IEC国际标准(ISO/IEC AWI 8663),作为主要起草人参编制定国家标准13项,行业标准2项,团体标准8项。担任中国生物医学工程学会理事、中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专业委员会委员、脑机融合与生物机器智能专业委员会委员、中国毒理学会临床毒理专业委员会青年委员、ISO/IEC JTC1/AG16脑机接口咨询组、ISO/IEC JTC1/SC43脑机接口分技术委员会、IEC SEG12生物数字融合、IEC TC124可穿戴设备分技术委员会中国注册专家、IEEE智能终端标准化委员会顾问、一带一路标准化委员会委员、中电协电气场所用机器人安全与检测标准化专业委员会委员、中国电子质量管理协会专家、Animal Models and Experimental Medicine期刊编委、Journal of Imaging Systems andTechnology期刊编委。Jiangbo Pu, Ph.D., Associate Professor,Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences andPeking Union Medical College. Jiangbo Pu received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degreesfrom Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Biomedical Engineering. Heis a member of IEC Board / Task Force 3 on Sustainable Development Goals, IECSMB/ahG95 on All-electric and connected society, and elected as IEC YoungProfessional in 2021. The research interest focuses on brain-computerinterface, rehabilitation robotics, wearable devices, and standardizations inrelated fields. He is the principal investigator of over 8 national andregional funded projects. He has published over 20 research papers and beengranted 8 China patents for invention. He is the project leader of the firstISO/IEC international standard in brain-computer interface (ISO/IEC 8663), andparticipated in 13 national standards, 2 industrial standards, and 8 group standards.He is the committee member of Chinese Society of Toxicology, ChineseAssociation for Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Society of BiomedicalEngineering, IEEE Smart Device Standard Committee and One Belt and RoadStandardization Committee. He is the registered expert in ISO/IEC JTC1/AG16,ISO/IEC JTC1/SC43, IEC TC124, and IEC SEG12 in the field of Brain-computerInterface, Wearable Devices and Bio-digital Convergence. He works as theeditorial board member in the journal of Animal Models and ExperimentalMedicine and the Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology.
