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学校 | 北京科技大学 | 部门 | 机械工程学院 |
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Wu, E. Li, Z.C. He*, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, Robust concurrent topology optimization of structure and its composite material considering uncertainty with imprecise probability, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 364 (2020) 112927. [2] Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet*, P. Li, Z.-C. He, Topology optimization for enhanced dynamic fracture resistance of structures, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 394 (2022) 114846. [3] C. Wang, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu*, E. Li, Y.Y. Huang, Transient stress-constrained topology optimization of impacted structures, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 66 (2023). [4] Y. Wu, H. Hu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, E. Li, Z.C. He*, Robust topology optimization with interval field model: on the spatially varied non-probabilistic uncertainty of material property, loading and geometry, Eng. Comput. (2023) 1–17. [5] Y. Wu, P. Li, Q. Li, B. Liu*, Topology optimization for energy absorption of quasi-brittle structures undergoing dynamic fractures, Adv. Eng. Softw. 187 (2024) 103567. Publications: 2024 [25] Y. Wu, P. Li, Q. Li, B. Liu, Topology optimization for energy absorption of quasi-brittle structures undergoing dynamic fractures, Adv. Eng. Softw. 187 (2024) 103567. [24] P. Li, Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, S. Liu, S. Gu, Phase field modeling of dynamic fracture in elastoplastic composites with interfacial debonding, Eng. Fract. Mech. 295 (2024) 109792. 2023 [23] C. Wang, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, E. Li, Y.Y. Huang, Transient stress-constrained topology optimization of impacted structures, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 66 (2023) 94. [22] G.-B. Chang, C. Wang, Y. Wu, W.-K. Jiang, A topology optimization method based on the edge-based smoothed finite element method, Int. J. Comput. Methods. 20 (2023) 2250047. [21] Y. Wu, H. Hu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, E. Li, Z.C. He, Robust topology optimization with interval field model: on the spatially varied non-probabilistic uncertainty of material property, loading and geometry, Eng. Comput. (2023) 1–17. [20] H. Hu, Y. Wu, A. Batou, H. Ouyang, Uncertainty propagation with b-spline based interval field decomposition method in boundary value problems, Appl. Math. Model. 123 (2023) 159–177. [19] Q. Li, M. Xiao, D. Wang, Y. Wu, K. Liu, S. Wu, Energy absorption characteristics of starfruit-inspired biomimetic lattice structure under non-axial compression loading, Eng. Struct. 294 (2023) 116767. 2022 [18] P. Li, J. Yvonnet, Y. Wu, Improved fracture resistance of 3D-printed elastoplastic structures with respect to their topology and orientation of deposited layers, Int. J. Mech. Sci. (2022) 107147. [17] Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, P. Li, Z.-C. He, Topology optimization for enhanced dynamic fracture resistance of structures, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 394 (2022) 114846. [16] K.X. Wang, E.L. Zhou, B.L. Wei, Y. Wu, G. Wang, An efficient and accurate numerical method for the heat conduction problems of thermal metamaterials based on edge-based smoothed finite element method, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 134 (2022) 282–297. [15] H. Hu, Y. Wu, A. Batou, H. Ouyang, B-spline based interval field decomposition method, Comput. Struct. 272 (2022) 106874. [14] Y. Wu, Topology optimization in structural dynamics: vibrations, fracture resistance and uncertainties, Université Paris-Est; Université du Hunan (Changsha, Chine), 2022. [13] 何智成, 杨丁丁, 姜潮, 伍毅, 江和昕, 基于增材制造各向异性的强度约束拓扑优化, 中国机械工程. 33 (2022) 2372. 2021 [12] E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, X.Y. Lin, Q.Q. Li, Y. Xiang, A normalization strategy for BESO-based structural optimization and its application to frequency response suppression, Acta Mech. 232 (2021) 1307–1327. [11] H.X. Jiang, B.L. Wei, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, X.K. Li, Robust topology optimization for thermoelastic hierarchical structures with hybrid uncertainty, J. Therm. Stress. 44 (2021) 1458–1478. [10] P. Li, Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, A SIMP-Phase field topology optimization framework to maximize quasi-brittle fracture resistance of 2D and 3D composites, Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 114 (2021) 102919. [9] X.Y. Lin, E. Li, Z.C. He, Y. Wu, Q.Q. Li, Design of single-phase chiral metamaterials for broadband double negativity via shape optimization, Appl. Math. Model. 91 (2021) 335–357. [8] W. Zuo, L. Wei, Z. Du, P. Li, Y. Wu, W. She, Design of robust Self-Compacting concrete based on analysis of component properties, Constr. Build. Mater. 301 (2021) 124063. 2020 [7] Z.C. He, H.X. Jiang, Y. Wu, E. Li, B. Zhou, Q. Tang, Robust topological design of actuator-coupled structures with hybrid uncertainties, Acta Mech. 231 (2020) 1621–1638. [6] Y. Wu, E. Li, Z.C. He, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, Robust concurrent topology optimization of structure and its composite material considering uncertainty with imprecise probability, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 364 (2020) 112927. [5] Y. Wu, D. Mi, L.-Z. Zhang, A.-G. Cheng, Robust topological design of laminated composite plate under interval random hybrid uncertainties, Int. J. Mater. Prod. Technol. 61 (2020) 160–184. [4] Y. Wu, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, A.G. Cheng, Finite element analysis of the uncertainty of physical response of acoustic metamaterials with interval parameters, Int. J. Comput. Methods. 17 (2020) 1950052. [3] X.Y. Lin, E. Li, Z.C. He, Y. Wu, A novel method to study the phononic crystals with fluid–structure interaction and hybrid uncertainty, Acta Mech. 231 (2020) 321–352. [2] Q.Q. Li, Z.C. He, E. Li, P. Liu, X.Y. Lin, Y. Wu, Design of resonant structures in resin matrix to mitigate the blast wave with a very wide frequency range, Smart Mater. Struct. 29 (2020) 45042. 2018 [1] Z.C. He, Y. Wu, E. Li, Topology optimization of structure for dynamic properties considering hybrid uncertain parameters, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 57 (2018) 625–638. Served as a reviewer for: Materials & Design Thin-Walled Structures Ocean Engineering Engineering Optimization Journal of Thermal Stresses International Journal of Computational Methods 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 2019.9 2022.8 Université Paris-Est Mécanique Docteur 2015.9 2022.7 湖南大学 机械工程 工学博士学位 2011.9 2015.6 湖南大学 车辆工程 工学学士学位 2022.11 至今 北京科技大学 机械工程学院 讲师 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 受冲击结构的强韧化设计及拓扑优化方法 结构非概率不确定性分析及优化设计方法 考虑界面效应的多材料拓扑结构设计方法 暂无内容 版权所有©北京科技大学 京公网安备:110402430062 京ICP备:13030111号-1 手机版 总访问量:0000002567次 开通时间: 2023.3.29 最后更新时间: 2024.3.20 本文来自织梦