姓名 | 葛一瑶 | 性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 北京科技大学 | 部门 | 新金属材料国家重点实验室 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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Commun.、Chem 等国际主流学术刊物上发表SCI论文70余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表论文36篇; 共提交14项中国专利和4项美国专利申请,其中8项中国专利已获得授权(3项为第一发明人);针对部分“卡脖子”粉体材料的制备技术已完成科技成果转化,实现工业化宏量生产,形成全国领先、全球前列的产能,产品畅销国内外中高端市场; 从事科研工作以来,已主持和参与9项各国家或地方级别科研项目,经费总计1300余万元; 多次受邀在国内外学术会议做邀请报告及担任分会场主席; 担任Nano-Micro Letters (IF = 23.7)、Carbon Energy、Microstructures、Green Carbon、Progress in Natural Science: Materials International、Advanced Powder Materials、National Science Open等国际主流期刊的青年编委; 长期受邀担任Chemical Reviews、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、 ACS Nano、Acta Materialia等十余个国际主流期刊的独立审稿人; 担任中国体视学学会材料科学分会第八届委员会委员(2023-2027);中国材料研究学会、中国化学会、中国微米纳米技术学会、香港清洁能源研究院等多个学术机构的(高级)会员; 入选国家级海外青年人才计划、北京大学博雅青年学者、北京科技大学鼎新学者等人才项目。 部分代表性论文如下: 1. Ge, Y.; Wang, X.; Chen, B.; Huang, Z.; Shi, Z.; Huang, B.; Liu, J.; Wang, G.; Chen, Y.; Li, L.; Lu, S.; Luo, Q.; Yun, Q.; Zhang, H.*, Preparation of fcc-2H-fcc heterophase Pd@Ir nanostructures for high-performance electrochemical hydrogen evolution. Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2107399. 2. Ge, Y.; Wang, X.; Huang, B.; Huang, Z.; Chen, B.; Ling, C.; Liu, J.; Liu, G.; Zhang, J.; Wang, G.; Chen, Y.; Li, L.; Liao, L.; Wang, L.; Yun, Q.; Lai, Z.; Lu, S.; Luo, Q.; Wang, J.; Zheng, Z.; Zhang, H.*, Seeded synthesis of unconventional 2H-phase Pd alloy nanomaterials for highly efficient oxygen reduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143 (41), 17292-17299. 3. Ge, Y.; Huang, Z.; Ling, C.; Chen, B.; Liu, G.; Zhou, M.; Liu, J.; Zhang, X.; Cheng, H.; Liu, G.; Du, Y.; Sun, C.-J.; Tan, C.; Huang, J.; Yin, P.; Fan, Z.; Chen, Y.; Yang, N.; Zhang, H.*, Phase-selective epitaxial growth of heterophase nanostructures on unconventional 2H-Pd nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (44), 18971-18980. (高被引文章) 4. Ge, Y.; Shi, Z.; Tan, C.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; He, Q.; Zhang, H.*, Two-dimensional nanomaterials with unconventional phases. Chem 2020, 6, 1237-1253. 5. Ge, Y.; Huang, B.; Li, L.; Yun, Q.; Shi, Z.; Chen, B.; Zhang, H.*, Structural Transformation of Unconventional-Phase Materials. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 12935-12954. 6. Huang, B.; Ge, Y. #; Zhang, A.; Zhu, S.; Chen, B.; Li, G.; Yun, Q.; Huang, Z.; Shi, Z.; Zhou, X.; Li, L.; Wang, X.; Wang, G.; Guan, Z.; Zhai, L.; Luo, Q.; Li, Z.; Lu, S.; Chen, Y.; Lee, C.-S.; Han, Y.; Shao, M.; Zhang, H., Seeded Synthesis of Hollow PdSn Intermetallic Nanomaterials for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Glycerol Oxidation. Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 2302233. (共同第一作者) 7. Zhou, X.#; Ma, Y. #; Ge, Y.#; Zhu, S.; Cui, Y.; Chen, B.; Liao, L.; Yun, Q.; He, Z.; Long, H.; Li, L.; Huang, B.; Luo, Q.; Zhai, L.; Wang, X.; Bai, L.; Wang, G.; Guan, Z.; Chen, Y.; Lee, C.-S.; Wang, J.; Ling, C.*; Shao, M.*; Fan, Z.*; Zhang, H.*, Preparation of Au@Pd core–shell nanorods with fcc-2H-fcc heterophase for highly efficient electrocatalytic alcohol oxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 547-555. (共同第一作者) 8. Han, X.#; Wu, G.#; Ge, Y.#; Yang, S.; Rao, D.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yan, M.; Zhang, H.; Gu, L.; Wu, Y.; Lin, Y.*; Zhang, H.*; Hong, X.*, In situ Observation of Structural Evolution and Phase Engineering of Amorphous Materials during Crystal Nucleation. Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2206994. (共同第一作者) 9. Yun, Q.#; Ge, Y.#; Shi, Z.#, et al., Recent Progress on Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials. Chemical Reviews, 2023, 123, 13489-13692. (共同第一作者) 10. Ge, Y.; Sun, S.; Wang, Q.; Cui, W.; Zou, Y.; Xie, Z.; Chen, K.*, Effect of Fe-contained species on the preparation of α-Si3N4 fibers in combustion synthesis. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2016, 99 (4), 1464-1471. 11. Ge, Y.*; Wang, Q.; Cui, W.; Zou, Y.; Xie, Z.; Chen, K.*, Crystal growth in the combustion synthesis of α-Si3N4 using Si with different particle sizes. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2015, 98 (10), 3398-3403. 12. Ge, Y.; Cui, W.; Wang, Q.; Zou, Y.; Xie, Z.; Chen, K.*, Microstructure and thermo-kinetics analysis in combustion synthesis of Si3N4 with high α-phase content. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2015, 98 (1), 263-268. 13. Ge, Y.; Ge, J.; Huang, B.; Wang, X.; Liu, G.; Shan, X.-H.; Ma, L.; Chen, B.; Liu, G.; Du, S.; Zhang, A.; Cheng, H.; Wa, Q.; Lu, S.; Li, L.; Yun, Q.; Yuan, K.; Luo, Q.; Xu, Z. J.; Du, Y.; Zhang, H., Synthesis of amorphous Pd-based nanocatalysts for efficient alcoholysis of styrene oxide and electrochemical hydrogen evolution. Nano Research 2023, 16, 4650-4655. 14. Sun, S.-Y.; Ge, Y.*; Zhao, Y.-J.*; Xie, Z.-P., Synthesis of Er3+ doped KNbO3 nanocrystals and nanoceramics with outstanding up-conversion luminescence behaviors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 854, 156738. (通讯作者/共同第一作者) 15. Ge, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Yuan, X.; Sun, S.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, H., Er3+-doped (Li,K,Na)NbO3 nano-ceramics with excellent UC PL properties prepared by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 699, 892-897. 16. Ge, Y.; Gao, W.; Sun, S.; Tian, Z.; Zou, Y.; Xie, Z.; Agathopoulos, S.; Chen, K., Effect of impurities MgO, CaO, Al2O3, AlN and Al on α/β ratio in combustion synthesis of α-Si3N4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 688, 1002-1007. 17. Ge, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Q.; Cui, W.; Zou, Y.; Yuan, X.; Chen, K., Effect of NaCl on the properties of Eu-doped Ca-α-SiAlON phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis. Ceramics International 2016, 42 (3), 4556-4561. 18. Ge, Y.; Zhang, J.; Chen, Y.; Sun, S.; Tian, Z.; Xie, Z.; Wang, Q., Composition-dependent properties of Ca-α-SiAlON:Eu2+ phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis. Ceramics International 2017, 43, 2933-2937. 19. Ge, Y.; Sun, S.; Zhou, M.; Chen, Y.; Tian, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z., Impact of Si/Al ratio in comburents on the combustion synthesis of Eu2+-doped α-SiAlON yellow phosphors. Ceramics International 2016, 42, 19420-19424. 20. Ge, Y.; Chen, Y.; Sun, S.; Tian, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z., The Eu2+-concentration dependence of photoluminescence behaviors in β-SiAlON:Eu2+ green phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis. Ceramics International 2016, 42, 17901-17904. 21. Ge, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Yuan, X.; Sun, S.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, H., Synthesis of Er3+-doped perovskite nanorods with outstanding UC PL behavior. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 67353-67360. 22. Yun, Q.; Ge, Y.#; Huang, B.; Wa, Q.; Zhang, H., Ligand-Assisted Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials. Accounts of Chemical Research 2023, 56, 1780-1790. (共同第一作者) 23. Shi, Z.#; Ge, Y.#; Yun, Q.; Zhang, H.*, Two-dimensional nanomaterial-templated composites. Accounts of Chemical Research 2022, 55, 3581-3593. (共同第一作者) 24. Yun, Q.#; Ge, Y.#; Chen, B.; Li, L.; Wa, Q.; Long, H.; Zhang, H.*, Hybridization of 2D Nanomaterials with 3D Graphene Architectures for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2202319. (共同第一作者) 25. Zhang, J.#; Ge, Y.#; Tian, Z.; Sun, S.; Cui, W.; Liu, G.*; Chen, K.*, Combustion synthesis of α-Si3N4 with green additives. Ceramics International 2019, 45 (5), 6594-6596. (共同第一作者) 26. Wang, X.#; Ge, Y.#; Zhang, Q.; Lin, T.; Chen, B.; Li, L.; Huang, Z.; Yun, Q.; Zhou, X.; Shi, Z.; Liu, G.; Liu, J.; Wang, G.; Zheng, L.; Huang, B.; Liao, L.; Yao, Y.; Zhai, L.; Lu, S.; Luo, Q.; Chen, Y.; Gu, L.; Zhang, H., 2D/0D hierarchical heterostructures prepared via facet‐selective epitaxial growth of triangular Rh nanoplates on 2H‐Pd nanoparticles. Natural Sciences 2022, 2, e20220026. (共同第一作者) 27. Liang, J.#; Ge, Y.#; He, Z.; Yun, Q.; Liu, G.; Lu, S.; Zhai, L.; Huang, B.; Zhang, H., Wet-chemical synthesis and applications of amorphous metal-containing nanomaterials. Nano Research 2023, 16, 4289-4309. (共同第一作者) 28. Sun, S.#; Ge, Y.#; Zhao, Y.; Yuan, X.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, H., Up-conversion luminescence behaviors in Er3+ doped single crystal KNbO3 nanosheets. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 113038-113044. (共同第一作者) 29. Zhang, J.#; Liu, G.#; Cui, W.#; Ge, Y.; Du, S.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, F.; Chen, Z.; Du, S.; Chen, K.*, Plastic deformation in silicon nitride ceramics via bond switching at coherent interfaces. Science 2022, 378 (6618), 371-376. 30. Shi, Z.#; Zhang, X.#; Lin, X.#; Liu, G.#; Ling, C.#; Xi, S.#; Chen, B.; Ge, Y.; Tan, C.; Lai, Z.; et al. Phase-Dependent Growth of Pt on Mos2 for Highly Efficient H2 Evolution. Nature 2023, 621, 300-305. 部分代表性专利如下: 1. 葛一瑶;袁轩一;邹艺峰;陈克新;一种制备硅铝基氮化物或氮氧化物荧光粉体的方法,中国,CN105778903B,已授权。 2. 葛一瑶;邹艺峰;一种用于燃烧合成高α相氮化硅粉体的布料舟,中国,CN204643849U,已授权。 3. 葛一瑶;邹艺峰;一种用于燃烧合成氮化铝粉体的多孔石墨布料舟,中国,CN204643850U,已授权。 4. 陈克新;葛一瑶;邹艺峰;崔巍;刘光华;一种无添加剂燃烧合成制备亚微米级高α相氮化硅粉体的方法,中国,CN103771359B,已授权。 5. 陈克新;王琦;孙思源;葛一瑶;一种制备具有高温耐水性氮化铝粉体的方法,中国,CN107311124B,已授权。 6. 陈克新;孙思源;王琦;葛一瑶;采用高气压和添加剂直接制备高球形度氮化硅粉体的方法,中国,CN105776158B,已授权。 7. 谢志鹏; 孙思源; 葛一瑶; 田兆波; 张杰;一种通过表面结晶化处理改善二氧化硅膜层光学特性的方法,中国,CN107138372B,已授权。 8. 陈克新; 张杰; 邹艺峰; 葛一瑶;一种用于超细陶瓷粉体提纯及分散的多功能洗料槽,中国,CN207271703U,已授权。 9. 张华;葛一瑶;非晶钯基纳米粒子的合成方法及催化应用。申请号:2023104220211;申请日:2023.04.19. 10. Hua Zhang; Yiyao Ge; Amorphous Pd-based Nanoparticles and Method for Using the Same, 2022.04.25, US patent, 申请号:63/334655. 11. Yang Zhong; Lei Liu; Jing Jiang; Li Zhang; Kexin Chen; Zhaobo Tian; Yiyao Ge; Method for preparing expanded hexagonal boron nitride by templating, 2017.09.13, US patent, 申请号:16/330442. 12. Hua Zhang; Biao Huang; Yiyao Ge; Method for synthesizing intermetallic alloy nanoparticles, 2023.03.13, US patent, 申请号:18/182357. 13. Hua Zhang; Lujiang Li; Qinxin Luo; Yiyao Ge; Amorphous-crystalline palladium-based heterophase nanostructures for electrocatalytic applications, 2023.07.16, US patent, 申请号:63/513896. 非平衡态无机微纳米材料的合成与应用 Nano-Micro Letters、Carbon Energy、Microstructures、Green Carbon、Progress in Natural Science: Materials International、Advanced Powder Materials、National Science Open等国际主流期刊的青年编委; Chemical Reviews、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、 ACS Nano、Acta Materialia等十余个国际主流期刊的独立审稿人; 中国体视学学会材料科学分会第八届委员会委员; 中国材料研究学会、中国化学会、中国微米纳米技术学会、香港清洁能源研究院等多个学术机构的(高级)会员 2012.9-2017.6 清华大学 | 材料科学与工程 | 博士 | 博士研究生毕业 | 材料学院 2008.9-2012.6 北京科技大学 | 材料科学与工程 | 学士 | 本科(学士) | 材料科学与工程学院 2024.2-至今 新金属材料国家重点实验室 | 北京科技大学 特聘研究员/博士生导师 2022.11-2024.1 材料科学与工程学院 | 北京大学 特聘研究员/博士生导师 2020.6-2022.10 化学系 | 香港城市大学 博士后 2017.8-2020.6 材料科学与工程学院 | 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后 暂无内容 邮箱:yiyaoge@ustb.edu.cn 版权所有©北京科技大学 京公网安备:110402430062 京ICP备:13030111号-1 您是第0000001106位访客 手机版 登录后台 最后更新时间:2024-3-30 同专业博导 同专业硕导 var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1"); 本文来自织梦